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Posted by UchihaKanon - 04-10-2022, 12:11 AM
by Larazzy

El capítulo comienza en el bar, con la rubia, está bebiendo con una chica.
La chica le dice que creía que se iba, ella suspira y dirige su mirada al asiento donde estaban el mc y el asistente. Se pregunta dónde han ido.

Cambio de escena

Volvemos al MC follando con la nona, entre gemidos el mc le dice que le gusta mucho, ella le dice que si quiere que lo haga mejor, empieza a moverse más agresivamente mientras le pregunta al mc si le gusta. El responde "Si, creo que me voy a volver loco" (que raro, casi siempre es al revés jaja)
Después de eso empieza a chuparle el pecho.

El mc comienza a narrar: Después de esa noche con Sieun (el amigo de la infancia) el trauma con su leche desapareció, ahora ya no se trata de la leche, sino de lo que tiene delante (refiriéndose a los pechos de las mujeres).

En sus pensamientos, Nona dice que le parece bonito verle chuparlos, pero que eso es todo lo que hace y que habrá mucho que enseñarle a partir de ahora.

Mientras siguen follando, el mc le dice a su nona que le gustaría ser bueno en el sexo y que esperaba que ella pudiera enseñarle mucho, porque tiene un motivo pero no quiere decirlo.
Ella acepta, diciéndole que si fuera bueno en el sexo además de guapo, le querría aún más.
El mc le da las gracias y le dice que hará todo lo posible.
Mientras pasa por su mente el momento en que su enamorado le dijo que le daba asco. (y él con una sonrisa)

El mc comienza a narrar de nuevo: Dejó el ejército después de remodelar su cuerpo y su mente, también dijo que había aprendido detalles sobre el sexo con su nona.
Cortamos la escena.
Ahora la asistente está en el 4, mientras gime el mc le dice que está apretando demasiado, ella responde diciendo que no es ni la mitad de lo que puede hacer, radiografía de sus apretones.
Ella le dice que tiene que pasar esta prueba, es todo un soldado, el mc con voz temblorosa le pregunta que por qué habla del ejército en un momento así.

Él se dice a sí mismo que ella tiene razón, pasó por todo ese duro entrenamiento, no puede perder.
El mc no pudo resistirse y dejó escapar un gemido mientras entraba en la nona.

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by Larazzy

The chapter begins in the bar, with the blonde, she is drinking with a girl.
The girl tells her that she thought she was leaving, she sighs and directs her gaze to the seat where the mc and the assistant were. He wonders where they have gone.

Change of scene
We return to the MC fucking the nona, between moans the mc tells her that he likes her a lot, she tells him that if she wants him to do better, she starts moving more aggressively while asking the mc if he likes her. He replies "Yes, I think I'll go crazy" (that's weird, it's almost always the other way around haha)
After that he starts sucking on her breast.

The mc begins to narrate: After that night with Sieun (the childhood friend) the trauma with his milk disappeared, now it is no longer about the milk, but about what is in front of him (referring to the breasts of women).
In her thoughts, Nona says that she thinks it's nice to see him suck them, but that's all she's doing and that there will be a lot to teach her from now on.

While they continue fucking, the mc tells his nona that he would like to be good at sex and he hoped she could teach him a lot, because he has a reason but he doesn't want to say it.
She accepts, telling him that if he were good at sex as well as handsome, she would love him even more.
The mc thanks him, saying that he will do his best.
While the moment in which his crush said that he was disgusted passes through his mind. (and he with a smile)

The mc begins to narrate again: He left the army after remodeling his body and mind, he also said that he had learned details about sex with his nona.
 We cut the scene.
Now the assistant is at 4, while she is moaning the mc tells her that she is squeezing too much, she responds by saying that it is not even half of what she can do, X-RAY of her squeezing.
She tells him that he must pass this test, he is quite a soldier, the mc with a trembling voice asks him why he talks about the army at a time like this.

He tells himself that she's right, he went through all that hard training, he can't lose.
The mc couldn't resist and let out a moan as he came inside the nona.