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Posted by UchihaKanon - 05-07-2022, 08:07 PM
by Flat

Continuando con el capítulo anterior, desde que los labios de Ajumma tocan la polla de Jeong-Hoo (a través de sus pantalones), Ajumma le pregunta a MC si tardará mucho en terminar de mover la caja, MC piensa para sí mismo que su cálido aliento en esa zona es demasiado, entonces responde a la pregunta de Ajumma con un "no, ya casi he terminado". MC piensa para sí mismo que cada vez que la silla en la que está parado se sacude, los labios de Ajumma rozan su área. Entonces piensa que no puede aguantar mucho más y que se está volviendo loco.
[Image: 1327076c4ff97cb5324c90b2a95324fd.png]
Cambiando a los pensamientos de Ajumma, ella piensa, "¿por qué Jeong-hoo es así? Se avergonzará si le hago saber que lo sé". Así que finge que no le importa la erección, entonces le pregunta si MC está bien ahí arriba, no quiere que se lastime ni nada por el estilo. Entonces MC responde "sí, Ajumma" pero Ajumma se da cuenta de que cada vez es más grande (su erección). MC dice que casi lo tiene (moviendo la caja) y empuja la caja a su sitio. Entonces le dice a Ajumma que ya ha terminado.
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Ajumma le dice entonces que ha hecho un buen trabajo y que ahora deberían empezar a limpiar, MC le dice entonces que su erección no baja. Ajumma piensa que, para empezar, fue culpa suya y MC le pregunta si, por casualidad, podrían volver a hacer lo que hicieron en la habitación aquel día (podría ser masturbarlo, no tener sexo, no lo especifica) para calmar su erección. Él dice que si ella hace eso, lo calmará.

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Ajumma se pregunta qué debe hacer en este caso. La escena cambia y Ajumma está cerrando la tienda, pone el cartel de cerrado y cierra la puerta. Ajumma se acerca a MC y le dice que realmente no hay otra forma de calmarlo... Piensa para sí misma que sabe que esto les pasa a los chicos y que MC no está equivocado en esto. MC entonces le dice "sí, no hay otra manera pero si te parece poco razonable, no tienes que hacerlo". Ella se pone de rodillas y le cuenta a MC la promesa que habían hecho ese día. Entonces MC le dice que se olvidó de mencionarle que había estado estudiando mucho desde ese día porque quiere cumplir su promesa con Ajumma.
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Ella le pregunta si es verdad y el MC le responde que sí. Ajumma empieza a bajarle la cremallera de los pantalones y piensa para sí misma "no es que esté rompiendo la promesa ni nada", entonces ve la polla de Jeong-Hoo y comenta que parece aún más grande que ese día. Ajumma empieza a inclinarse hacia su polla y empieza a lamerla.
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Ajumma sigue lamiendo alrededor de su polla y MC le pregunta si puede lamer la parte superior también, entonces ella pasa a la parte superior y comienza a lamer un poco más, se pregunta si su polla realmente se está haciendo más pequeña y no más grande (también estaba pensando en cómo su polla se siente caliente y tiembla cuando ella lame). MC le pregunta si puede ir más allá y metérsela en la boca, entonces ella piensa que lo hará porque Jeong-Hoo se lo pidió.


by Flat

Continuing last chapter, from Ajumma's lips touching Jeong-Hoo's dick (through his pants), Ajumma asks MC if it'll take long before he's done moving the box, MC thinks to himself that her warm breath on that area is too much, he then replies to Ajumma's question with, "no, I'm almost done". MC thinks to himself that every time the chair he is standing on shakes, Ajumma's lips rub against his area. He then thinks he can't hold it for much longer and that he's going crazy.
[Image: 1327076c4ff97cb5324c90b2a95324fd.png]
Switch to Ajumma's thoughts, she thinks, "why Is Jeong-hoo like this? He will get embarrassed if I let him know that I know." So she pretends not to care about the boner, she then asks if MC is doing good up there, she doesn't want him to get hurt or anything. Then MC replies with "yes, Ajumma" but Ajumma notices that it just keeps getting bigger and bigger (his boner). MC says he almost has it (moving the box) and pushes the box into place. He then tells Ajumma that he is done.
[Image: bed7f1ded6e4de156c735f14e66059f4.png]
Ajumma then tells him that he did a good job and now they should start cleaning up, MC then tells her that his boner won't go down. Ajumma thinks to herself that this was her fault to begin with and MC asks her if by any chance, they could do what they did in the room that day (might be jack him off, not sex, doesn't specify) again to calm down his boner. He says if she does that, it'll calm it down.
[Image: 4b021a5cc4b88d87497d5b846d5a081b.png]
Ajumma asks herself, what she should do in this case. Scene change and Ajumma is closing up the store, she puts up the closed sign and locks the door. Ajumma walks over to MC and says that there's really no other way to calm it down? She thinks to herself that she knows this happens to guys and MC isn't in the wrong here. MC then tells her "yeah, there's no other way but if you find it unreasonable, you don't have to do it". She gets down on her knees and tells MC about the promise they had made that day. Then MC tells her how he forgot to mention to her that he'd been studying hard since that day bc he wants to fulfill his promise to Ajumma.
[Image: 6c6466d7e103eb41a21b19be84920a3d.png]
She asks if it's true and MC replies with yes. Ajumma then starts unzipping his pants and thinks to herself "it's not like it's breaking the promise or anything", she then sees Jeong-Hoo's dick and comments that it looks even bigger than that day. Ajumma then starts leaning towards his dick and starts licking it. 
[Image: 58edc7f1e697e315b2018a38f4854384.png]
Ajumma keeps licking around his dick and MC asks if she can lick the top part as well, she then moves on to the top and starts licking some more, she asks herself if his dick really is getting smaller and not bigger (she was also thinking on how his dick feels hot and trembles when she licks). MC then asks her if she could go further and put it in her mouth, then she thinks to herself that she'll do it bc Jeong-Hoo asked.

Chapter Ends....