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Posted by UchihaKanon - 06-04-2022, 06:43 PM
[Image: unknown.png?width=286&height=473]

by Break

Empezamos dónde el mc con Mikyang, este le anda chupando el dedo. Ella dice que se siente extraño, no sabe que debería hacer, ella saca el dedo de su boca y le dice que esta bien, que debería detenerse. 
El mc se acerca y le pone la mano sobre su frente, Mikyang se pone roja a lo que el mc le pregunta si se encuentra enferma, el se acerca un poco más, para checar si tiene fiebre. El mc sigue cuestionándola sin embargo ella niega estar enferma.
Mikyang cae sobre la cama, el mc le pregunta si hay ago mal, el mc se pone encima de ella, ella se pregunta que esta mal consigo misma, pues esta tratando de empujar la mc, sin embargo no puede. El mc entonces comienza a besarla, ella le corresponde el beso. El mc comienza intenta meterle los dedos, sin embargo en ese momento ella se levanta y le dice que no puede hacerlo, dice que debe irse, el mc le pregunta por qué a lo que ella responde que dejo la estufa encendida, Mikyang entonces sale del cuarto y cierra la puerta. 
Afuera de la habitación ella se pregunta que debería hacer, pues cuando el mc se le acerca demasiado ella se pone nerviosa, 
Al día siguiente, está la rica maestra en clase, se encuentra pensando en el mc, ya que este no asistió a clase. 
Después de la clase ella se encuentra en su oficina, su asistente se esta yendo dejándola sola, el mc entonces entra a la oficina y cierra la puerta, ella se sorprende pues pensaba era su asistente, el mc le dice que necesita hablar con ella

by Break

We start where the mc with Mikyang, he is sucking her finger. She says it feels strange, she doesn't know what she should do, she takes her finger out of his mouth and tells him it's ok, he should stop.

The mc approaches and puts his hand on her forehead, Mikyang turns red and the mc asks her if she is sick, he comes a little closer, to check if she has a fever. The mc continues to question her but she denies that she is sick.

Mikyang falls on the bed, the mc asks her if there is anything wrong, the mc gets on top of her, she wonders what is wrong with herself, as she is trying to push the mc off, however she cannot. The mc then starts kissing her, she kisses him back. The mc starts trying to finger her, however at that point she gets up and tells him she can't do it, she says she has to leave, the mc asks her why to which she replies that she left the stove on, Mikyang then leaves the room and closes the door.

Outside the room she wonders what she should do, for when the mc gets too close to her she gets nervous,

The next day, there is the rich teacher in class, she finds herself thinking about the mc, as he did not attend class.

After class she is in her office, her assistant is leaving leaving leaving her alone, the mc then enters the office and closes the door, she is surprised as she thought he was her assistant, the mc tells her he needs to talk to her.