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Posted by UchihaKanon - 07-29-2022, 02:50 PM
[Image: IMG_9005.png?width=1025&height=362]

by Break

Continuando con el cap anterior, dónde Chloe recibe al mc en un traje de baño y el mc se queda en shock. 
Flashback de la ultima noche del viaje.
En la habitación de las chicas, cuando la mayoría ya estaban noqueadas por el alcohol algunas estaban hablando sobre sus novios hasta que llegaron al punto de hablar sobre el usar cosplay y cosas así. La profesora de repente se le acerca a Chloe y le dice que parece muy interesada en la conversación, ella se pone nerviosa y dice que solo es porque lo vio en internet.
Una de las chicas le pregunta  a la sensei si ha intentado algo así, a lo que ella responde que no, pero que le encantaría hacerlo, después de eso la profesora se le acerca a Chloe y le pregunta si cree que algún hombre no le gustaría eso, además le dijo que si ella lo hiciera, sería imposible que a alguien no le guste.
Fin del flashback. 
Antes de que el mc llegará a la casa de Chloe, ella estaba pensando en recibir al mc con el traje de baño, dudaba porque pensaba que el mc podría rechazarla o algo así, entonces llamo a la profesora la cual le dijo que lo usará. 
Regresamos a cuando Chloe abre la puerta, se quedan un segundo en silencio y el mc le comienza a decir que se ve realmente bien con el traje de baño. Ella se mete corriendo y cierra la puerta, piensa en la locura que acaba de hacer, entonces el mc toca la puerta y le dice que quiere ver más, ella le dice que se calle y decide que lo mejor será pretender que nada paso, así que se pone un vestido encima y vuelve a abrir la puerta, el mc entra y se sienta en el sofa, Chloe le pregunta que le gustaría comer, el mc le dice que lo pensará un momento. El mc piensa que Chloe estaba tan avergonzada que decidió mejor fingir que no paso nada, así que le dice a Chloe que el traje de baño que traía era bastante lindo. 
Chloe se tapa la cara avergonzada, el mc comienza a decirle que reviso que nadie más la haya visto y le recalca que se veía bastante linda, además, le pregunta porqué un traje de baño, Chloe le responde que lo compro hace poco, el mc entonces le dice que lo siente ya que parece que llegó justo cuando se lo probaba. Chloe voltea a ver al mc y le dice que en realidad, ella se lo había puesto para enseñárselo a el 

by Break

Continuing with the previous chapter, where Chloe receives the mc in a bathing suit and the mc is shocked.


Flashback to the last night of the trip.

In the girls' room, when most of them were already knocked out by the alcohol some were talking about their boyfriends until they got to the point of talking about wearing cosplay and stuff like that. The teacher suddenly approaches Chloe and tells her that she seems very interested in the conversation, she gets nervous and says it's only because she saw it on the internet.

One of the girls asks sensei if she has tried something like that, to which she says no, but she would love to do it, after that the teacher approaches Chloe and asks her if she thinks any man wouldn't like that, she also told her that if she did it, it would be impossible for someone not to like it.

End of flashback.

Before the mc arrives at Chloe's house, she was thinking about greeting the mc with the swimsuit, she was hesitating because she thought the mc might reject her or something, so she called the teacher who told her to wear it.

We go back to when Chloe opens the door, they are silent for a second and the mc starts telling her that she looks really good in the swimsuit. She rushes in and closes the door, she thinks about the crazy thing she just did, then the mc knocks on the door and tells her he wants to see more, she tells him to shut up and decides it would be best to pretend nothing happened, so she puts a dress over it and reopens the door, the mc comes in and sits on the couch, Chloe asks him what he would like to eat, the mc tells her he will think about it for a moment. The mc thinks Chloe was so embarrassed that she decided better to pretend nothing happened, so she tells Chloe that the bathing suit she was wearing was pretty cute.

Chloe covers her face in embarrassment, the mc starts to tell her that he checked that no one else had seen her and emphasizes that she looked pretty cute, furthermore, he asks her why a swimsuit, Chloe replies that she bought it recently, the mc then tells her that he is sorry since it looks like it arrived just as she was trying it on. Chloe turns to look at the mc and tells him that actually, she had put it on to show it to him.