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Posted by UchihaKanon - 04-02-2022, 10:03 PM
by Larazzy

Después de esconderse de Minji y Mikyang, Junwoo y su noona salieron al balcón, y él le dijo que aún no se había corrido. Ella le pide que pare porque su madre y su hermana están dentro de la casa y pueden oírles. Él le dice que no se preocupe, ya que desde dentro no se oye nada desde fuera de la habitación. Ella intenta detenerlo diciéndole que su corazón está latiendo muy rápido y que hay mucha gente afuera que podría verlos y que probablemente esperaría a que su madre y su hermana se fueran ~simplemente se da vuelta, muestra su trasero y mira a la gente mientras dice esto~. Junwoo al ver el culo de su noona, no puede soportarlo y procede a metérselo.

[Image: e0f687542ad5a0da3b2b0efee692c445.png]
Ella sorprendida, trata de detenerlo llamándolo idiota y tratando de ejercer algo de fuerza lo deja continuar ~ahora ella en sus pensamientos dice que al principio se dejó llevar por el ambiente, y que, aunque antes tenía la intención de hacerlo sentir bien, <<por eso practicó y estudió sobre el sexo>>, no esperaba que hacerlo así, con gente que podía mirarla, la hiciera sentir bien~. Antes de poder seguir disfrutando, Minji va al siguiente tejado (separado por el tendedero) y busca a Junwoo, pero se esconde. Ella cree que se está escondiendo/jugando. Minji se frustra un poco porque no puede ver a Junwoo. Él procede a seguir penetrando a la noona en estilo perrito mientras están de rodillas y a escondidas de ella.

[Image: 089dcc87c60c0a9bdabf331b3cc7d01b.png]
Minji y Mikyang siguen buscándolos en la habitación de al lado, el sexo se vuelve más intenso, Minji se va y cierra la puerta, mientras Junwoo y la noona están teniendo sexo en silencio. La noona se corre de nuevo, y con los ojos llorosos le dice que todo está bien y que puede continuar. Junwoo sigue penetrándola mientras le toca el clítoris y le aprieta el pecho. El sexo llega a su punto álgido, Junwoo se corre dentro de la noona mientras se besan apasionadamente.

[Image: 35bb4c11c9c3a8237c9c8cb02039fff7.png]
El capítulo termina con Mikyang mirando el teléfono de su hija ((o de Junwoo, no estoy segura)), con un fondo de pantalla de una foto de ella y Junwoo. Mikyang parece triste y preocupada.

[Image: ff3003c5a2016462215da0f702eb2e44.png]

by Larazzy

After hiding from Minji and Mikyang, Junwoo and his noona went to the balcony, with him telling her that he hasn't cum yet. She asks him to stop bc her mother and sister are inside the house and they can hear them. He tells her not to worry, since from inside you can't hear anything from outside the room. She tries to stop him by telling him that his heart is beating really fast and that there are a lot of people outside who could see them and that he would probably wait for her mom and sister to leave ~she just happens to turn around, shows her ass and looks at the people while saying this~. Junwoo seeing his noona's ass, can't stand it and proceeds to stick it in.
[Image: e0f687542ad5a0da3b2b0efee692c445.png]
She surprised, tries to stop him by calling him an idiot and trying to exert some force she lets him continue ~now she in her thoughts says that at first she got carried away by the environment, and that, although before she had intended to make him feel good, <<that's why she practiced and studied about sex>>, she didn't expect that doing it like this, with people who could look at her, would make her feel good~. Before she can continue enjoying herself, Minji goes to the next roof (separated by the clothesline) and looks for Junwoo, but they hide. She thinks he is hiding/playing. Minji gets a bit frustrated because she can't see Junwoo. He proceeds to continue penetrating the noona in doggy style while they are on their knees and hidden from her.
[Image: 089dcc87c60c0a9bdabf331b3cc7d01b.png]
Minji and Mikyang keep looking for them in the next room, the sex becomes more intense, Minji leaves and closes the door, while Junwoo and the noona are having sex in silence. The noona cums again, and with teary eyes tells him that everything is fine and that he can continue. Junwoo continues to penetrate her while touching her clit and squeezing her breast. The sex reaches its peak, Junwoo cums inside the noona as they kiss passionately.
[Image: 35bb4c11c9c3a8237c9c8cb02039fff7.png]
The chapter ends with Mikyang looking at her daughter's phone ((or Junwoo's, I'm not sure)), with a wallpaper of a picture of her and Junwoo. Mikyang looks sad and concerned.
[Image: ff3003c5a2016462215da0f702eb2e44.png]
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