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Posted by UchihaKanon - 04-03-2022, 02:43 AM
by larazy

El capítulo comienza con la hermana de la FMC comprando unas cervezas en una tienda (quiere ir a beber con el profesor)

Cambio de escena:
El MC está jugando con los pezones de la profesora y le dice que son muy deliciosos, ella avergonzada le dice que no debería decir ese tipo de cosas; él empieza a chupar con fuerza sus pechos y ella empieza a gemir diciendo que cuando los tira con fuerza la hace sentir rara.

Aparece la hermana de la FMC subiendo las escaleras hacia el departamento de la maestra al subir comenta que hace mucho tiempo que no viene a visitarla, abre la puerta de la casa y pregunta por ella.
Dentro de la casa, la profesora se sorprende del placer que está sintiendo mientras el mc comenta que dejó de pensar que la estaba lastimando (por la intensidad con la que la estaba cogiendo) a lo que ella dice que no y que todo está bien (dice en su mente que se siente extremadamente bien).
El MC comenta que tiene un cuerpo increíble a lo que ella se sonroja y le dice que deje de hacer bromas de ese tipo, él la mira y comenta que ese tipo de expresión la hace ver aún más bonita luego comienza a penetrarla con fuerza.

Mientras tanto, la hermana de la FMC comienza a entrar en la casa hasta llegar a la cocina donde se encuentra el mc junto a la profesora; se sorprende al verlos teniendo sexo (piensa que la profesora está con su marido) comenta que pensaba que eran personas más tranquilas, pero que apenas regresaron de su viaje comenzaron a tener sexo en la cocina y decide irse comentando que trate de hablar con ella la próxima vez.

Mientras la profesora, que en ese momento seguía gimiendo fuerte, se aleja, grita el nombre del MC, la hermana se detiene, se da la vuelta (porque pensaba que la profesora se estaba follando a su marido) al acercarse, recuerda que el nombre del chico que le gustaba en el colegio era Minsu (nombre del mc), cuando se asoma, se sorprende al ver la cara del mc y piensa: Realmente es Minsu.

El mc sigue follando con el profesor mientras la hermana del FMC los mira sorprendida, cerca del final el mc dice que está a punto de correrse, el profesor le dice: No pasa nada, puedes hacerlo dentro.


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by Larazzy

The chapter begins with the sister of the FMC buying some beers in a store (she wants to go drink with the teacher)

Change of scene:
The MC is playing with the teacher's nipples and tells her that they are very delicious, she embarrassed tells him that she shouldn't say that kind of thing; he starts sucking hard on her breasts and she starts moaning saying that when he pulls them hard it makes her feel weird.

The FMC's sister appears going up the stairs towards the teacher's apartment as she goes up she comments that it has been a long time since she came to visit, she opens the door of the house and asks for her.
Inside the house, the teacher is surprised by the pleasure she is feeling while the mc comments that he stopped thinking that he was hurting her (because of the intensity with which he was fucking her) to which she says no and what all it's fine (she says in her mind that she feels extremely good).
MC comments that she has an amazing body to which she blushes and tells him to stop making jokes like that, he looks at her and comments that that kind of expression makes her look even prettier then he begins to penetrate her hard.

Meanwhile, the sister of the FMC begins to enter the house until she reaches the kitchen where the mc is next to the teacher; she is surprised to see them having sex (she thinks the teacher is with her husband) she comments that she thought they were calmer people, but as soon as they got back from their trip they started having sex in the kitchen and decides to leave commenting that she should try to talk with her next time.

While the teacher, who at that time was still moaning loudly, is walking away, she shouts the name of the MC, the sister stops, turns around (because she thought the teacher was fucking her husband) as she approaches, she remembers that the name of the boy he liked in school was Minsu (name of the mc), when he looks out, he is surprised to see the mc's face and thinks: It really is Minsu.

The mc continues to fuck the teacher while the FMC's sister watches them surprised, near the end the mc says that he is about to cum, the teacher tells him: It's ok, you can do it inside.