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Posted by UchihaKanon - 03-11-2022, 03:48 PM
Brothers Wife Dignity
Brothers Wife Dignity raw

[Image: IMG_5841.png?width=1025&height=357]

by Larazzy

El capítulo inicia con la fmc besando al MC. FMC : No es un sueño, tú realmente me gustas.
FMC : Todo lo que hicimos ayer... No fue un sueño.

Escena cambia en la cocina; el mc está atrás de la fmc mientras se la está follando, ella se queja pues se suponía estaba preparando la mesa para comer, al mc no le importa y continúa después de unos paneles más ella empieza a exigirle al mc que le agarre sus senos, el mc se burla preguntándole si estaba triste porque no lo había hecho.
Ambos siguen dando rienda suelta a su amor y continúan teniendo sexo de manera intensa.
Entonces, en un momento de sorpresa, el mc le hace la 'Tim Classic' (la carga por la espalda para seguírsela follando) continúan con lo suyo hasta que el mc se viene dentro de ella.
Cambiamos de escena:
El mc sigue follando a la fmc otra mientras empieza a narrar:
" Después de eso continuamos haciéndolo, era como si estuviéramos en llamas, cómo si tratáramos de borrar los rastros de Changwon ( hermano mc ) que había en esta casa"
Ella me atrapo y no quería dejarme Tal vez yo no la dejé ir.
Sentía alegría al verla tan llena de mi.
Se veía feliz... Más que nunca después de todo
Changwon no volvió a casa.

[Image: IMG_20220310_171632.jpg?width=184&height=473]

by Larazzy

The chapter starts with the fmc kissing the MC. FMC : It's not a dream, I really like you.
FMC : Everything we did yesterday.... Wasn't a dream.

Scene changes in the kitchen; the mc is behind the fmc as he is fucking her, she moans as she was supposed to be preparing the table to eat, the mc doesn't mind and continues after a few more panels she starts demanding the mc to grab her breasts, the mc teases her asking if she was sad that he hadn't.
They both continue to indulge their love and continue to have intense sex.
Then, in a moment of surprise, the mc gives her the 'Tim Classic' (he loads her on her back to continue fucking her) they continue with their thing until the mc comes inside her.
We change scene:
The mc keeps fucking the fmc another one while he starts narrating:
" After that we continued to do it, it was like we were on fire, like we were trying to erase the traces of Changwon ( brother mc ) that were in this house".
She caught me and didn't want to let me Maybe I didn't let her go.
I felt joy to see her so full of me.
She looked happy... More than ever after all
Changwon didn't come home.