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Posted by UchihaKanon - 04-24-2022, 03:40 PM
by Float

Rubia sigue arreglando su ordenador
Mc erecto pica el culo de la rubia
''pervertido min-woo''


Mc no puede concentrarse en el estudio y pensar que por qué rubia tan diferente cuando ella fuera
No es como ella cuando ella en la casa mc
Tattoo douche caminar y chocar con mc silla
Ducha decir lo siento a mc y decir que él no sabe que está aquí
Mc sigue mirando a douche con cara de susto y recuerda que fue él quien se ligó a la rubia antes (capítulo anterior)
Douche se burla de mc y le dice que lo siente, que por qué me fastidia
Ducha y sus 2 amigos burlándose de mc dicen ¿quién coño estudia en el internet-café eres un nerd? bla bla

Mc dark-mode a punto de lanzar un puñetazo pero recuerda algo

"¿Domin-woo tuvo una pelea otra vez?
Flashback a Mc en la escuela secundaria
La hermana de Mc (pelirroja) regaña a mc por pelearse de nuevo con un chico
SIs : Escucha min-woo, no empieces una pelea a menos que el oponente te golpee primero.
      No importa lo que pase, el puño tiene que ser lo último.
MC : Pero tú también solías lanzar un puñetazo primero
Sis se enfada con mc y dice que no quiere que mc salga herido y recuerda que ella siempre está de su lado

Volvemos al presente
La rubia pregunta que pasa y el mc dice que no es nada
Alguien pedir rubia una bebida
Mientras que el amigo de la ducha saca un pie y hace que la rubia se caiga y la bebida salpique la camisa de la ducha
Ducha finge enfadarse
Mc entra y le dice a la rubia que no ha hecho nada malo y que no le pida perdón
Ducha le dice a Mc que hable con él fuera de la cafetería

Fuera de la cafetería, el idiota se queja de que la rubia es su novia y que hacer algo así le enfada, bla, bla.
La rubia se acerca y le dice a la ducha que no intimide al mc y le pega a la ducha en la espalda
Ducha bofetada rubia caer en el suelo

Mc se enoja
"Pero hermana
Hay un momento en el que tienes que luchar
Es cuando alguien toca al que es precioso para ti"

Mc punch douche stomach one shot
Mc : Levántate bastardo te voy a matar hoy
Fin de la vida.

by Float Float

Blonde continue fixing his computer
Mc erect poke blonde ass
''you perverted min-woo''


Mc cant focus on study and think that why blonde so different when she outside
Its not like her when she in mc house
Tattoo douche walk and bump into mc chair
Douche say sorry to mc and say he dont know he's here
Mc keep looking at douche with scary face and remember he's the one who hit on blonde b4 (prev.chap)
Douche taunting mc say im say sorry why u nagging on me
Douche and his 2 friends mocking mc say who the fck study in internet-cafe are u a nerd? bla bla

Mc dark-mode about to thrown a punch but he remember something

''Domin-woo did u have a fight again??''
Flashback to mc in highschool
Mc sis (Red hair) scold mc for fighting with some kid again
SIs : Listen min-woo dont start a fight unless opponent hit u first
      What ever happens The fist has to be the last thing
MC : But u also used to thrown a punch first too
Sis angry at mc and say she dont want mc to get hurt and remember that she always on his side

Back to present
Blonde ask what happens and mc say its nothing
Someone order blonde a drink
While waling douche friend take a foot out and make blonde fall and the drink splash to douche shirt
Douche pretend to get angry
Mc come in and say to blonde she do nothing wrong and not to say sorry to him
Douche say to mc to talk to him outside cafe

Outside douche complain that blonde's his gf and doing thing like this make him angry bla bla
Blonde come and say to douche not to bully mc and hitting douche on his back
Douche slap blonde fall on the ground

Mc snap
"But sister
There're time when you have to fight
Its when someone touch the one precious to you"

Mc punch douche stomach one shot
Mc : Stand up u bastard I'll kill u today
End chap

SummaryBlonde continue fixing his computer Mc erect poke blonde ass ''you perverted min-woo'' Title Mc cant focus on study and think that why blonde so different when she outside Its not like her when she in mc house Tattoo douche walk and bump into mc chair Douche say sorry to mc and say he dont know he's here Mc keep looking at douche with scary face and remember he's the one who hit on blonde b4 (prev.chap) Douche taunting mc say im say sorry why u nagging on me Douche and his 2 friends mocking mc say who the fck study in internet-cafe are u a nerd? bla bla Mc dark-mode about to thrown a punch but he remember something ''Domin-woo did u have a fight again??'' Flashback to mc in highschool Mc sis (Red hair) scold mc for fighting with some kid again SIs : Listen min-woo dont start a fight unless opponent hit u first What ever happens The fist has to be the last thing MC : But u also used to thrown a punch first too Sis angry at mc and say she dont want mc to get hurt and remember that she always on his side Back to present Blonde ask what happens and mc say its nothing Someone order blonde a drink While waling douche friend take a foot out and make blonde fall and the drink splash to douche shirt Douche pretend to get angry Mc come in and say to blonde she do nothing wrong and not to say sorry to him Douche say to mc to talk to him outside cafe Outside douche complain that blonde's his gf and doing thing like this make him angry bla bla Blonde come and say to douche not to bully mc and hitting douche on his back Douche slap blonde fall on the ground Mc snap "But sister There're time when you have to fight Its when soasdmeone touch the one precious to you" Mc punch douche stomach one shot Mc : Stand up u bastard I'll kill u today End chap