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Posted by UchihaKanon - 06-14-2022, 04:34 PM
by Break

[Image: unknown.png?width=219&height=473]

El cap comienza junto a la guardia que lo acompañaba, Ella está mostrándole su oficina al mc, después de que le dan unas indicaciones el mc pregunta al guardia si han tenido algunos problemas últimamente, la guardia le comenta al mc que en los últimos meses han aparecido bastante gente de "La voluntad de los 10". (El mc comenta que es un grupo de gente que se dedica a robarle a los nobles) 
El mc pide un mapa para tratar de ayudar con la situación, sin embargo ella se lo niega y le dice que debería pausar sus actividades por hoy, además le comenta que por la tarde habrá una fiesta y cómo dato le dice que Ashley asistirá a la misma. 
El mc decidió asistir a la fiesta, esta acompañado de la elfa, conforme avanza Ashley se le acerca y le pregunta que diablos hace ahí (ella esta agresiva debido a la elfa) el mc trata de responder pero ella le interrumpe y le dice que vayan a sentarse.
Ya con ambos en la mesa y la elfa al fondo, Ashley le pregunta si sabe la clase de terrible hombre que es, el mc en sus pensamientos dice que se siente mal, aunque sepa que todo es actuación. De pronto Ashley saca un papel que tenía escondido y se lo muestra al mc, el papel dice que tiene que contarle algo sobre la elfa, el mc se pregunta como es que podrían hablar alejándose de la vista de la elfa.
Ashley entonces comienza a dar unos golpes a la mesa, son indicaciones para que el tipo que esta en el piano comience a tocar. 
El presentador comienza a llamar a todos a la pista para el balls, el mc agarra a Ashley y comienzan a alejarse de la elfa, cuando se alejan demasiado el mc pregunta que deben hacer ahora, Ashley dice que deben bailar, el mc piensa que es para no levantar sospechas, sin embargo Ashley le dice que no es por eso, ella solamente quiere bailar con el mc y disfrutar del momento 

by Break

[Image: unknown.png?width=219&height=473]

The chapter begins with the guard that accompanied him, she is showing her office to the mc, after they give him some indications the mc asks the guard if they have had some problems lately, the guard tells the mc that in the last months there have appeared many people from "The Will of the 10" (The mc comments that it is a group of people that is dedicated to steal from the nobles).

The mc asks for a map to try to help with the situation, however she denies him and tells him that he should pause his activities for today, she also comments that in the afternoon there will be a party and as a tip she tells him that Ashley will be attending the party.


The mc decides to attend the party, he is accompanied by the elf, as he advances Ashley approaches him and asks him what the hell he is doing there (she is aggressive because of the elf) the mc tries to answer but she interrupts him and tells him to go sit down.

With them both at the table and the elf in the background, Ashley asks him if he knows what kind of terrible man he is, the mc in his thoughts says he feels bad, even though he knows it's all acting. Suddenly Ashley pulls out a piece of paper he had hidden and shows it to the mc, the paper says he has to tell him something about the elf, the mc wonders how they could possibly talk getting out of sight of the elf.

Ashley then starts tapping on the table, these are cues for the guy at the piano to start playing.

The emcee starts to call everyone to the dance floor for the balls, the mc grabs Ashley and they start to walk away from the elf, when they get too far away the mc asks what they should do now, Ashley says they should dance, the mc thinks it is to not raise suspicion, however Ashley tells him that is not why, she just wants to dance with the mc and enjoy the moment.