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Posted by UchihaKanon - 06-17-2022, 03:06 AM
[Image: IMG_4615.png?width=1025&height=360]

by Break

El cap comienza con dónde el anterior, el gordo se esta saboreando a la hermana. 
La mamá escondida dice que no puede permitir que el gordo haga eso frente a ella, duda un poco ya que su hija le preguntaría que anda haciendo ahí, la mamá agarra coraje del aire y sale, le cuesta un poco hablar e intenta decirle al gordo que no debería hacerlo pero le cuesta mucho hablar.
El gordo le pregunta que esta haciendo y entonces le ofrece a la mamá hacer un trio, ella se niega y busca un celular, le manda un mensaje al mc diciéndole que su hermana está en problemas, luego el novio de la hermana le habla a la mamá diciéndole que su hija no contestaba, la mamá le dice que ella dijo temprano que iba a casa del gordo, así que debía darse prisa.
Cortamos y nos vamos con el mc, este esta en una cita con Lina, ella dice que esta tan feliz de que nuevamente se estén viendo, de pronto el teléfono del mc suena y ve los mensajes de su mamá.
De pronto le llega un flashback, esta hablando con el ex novio de la pelirroja, este le esta advirtiendo del gordo, le dice que está más loco de lo que piensa, e incluso podría tomar algo que el ni siquiera imagina, además le dice que eso que no esperaría ya podría haber sido tomado (refiriéndose a que ya se cogieron a la mamá del mc) 
El mc molesto le dice que le explique a que se refiere, el ex no le responde y solo le dice que es alguien con mucho dinero que tendrá lo que quiera sin importar que. Luego menciona lo de la cámara, le dice que todo lo que sucede es grabado 24/7 y tal vez, algo que no quiera comprobar, haya sido grabado con ella, además, como consejo le dice que no importa todo lo que suceda, debe deshacerse de la cámara.
Acaba el flashback, el mc se levanta de la mesa, Lina le pregunta que sucede, el mc solo le dice que lo siente, pero debe ir a un lugar rápido.
Camino a casa el mc escucha un grito, es el novio de su hermana, el mc le pregunta que hace ahí, este le responde que su mamá le dijo que vendría a la casa del gordo, pero que no ha podido contactarse con ella.
El capitulo acaba con el mc diciendo que deberían darse prisa y entrar...

by Break

The chapter starts where the previous one did, the fat man is tasting the sister.

The hidden mom says that she can't let the fat man do that in front of her, she hesitates a little bit because her daughter would ask her what he is doing there, the mom takes courage out of the air and comes out, she has a hard time talking and tries to tell the fat man that he shouldn't do it but she has a hard time talking.

The fat guy asks her what she is doing and then offers the mom to have a threesome, she refuses and looks for a cell phone, she sends a message to the mc telling him that her sister is in trouble, then the sister's boyfriend talks to the mom telling her that her daughter was not answering, the mom tells him that she said earlier that she was going to the fat guy's house, so she had to hurry.

We cut out and go to the mc, he is on a date with Lina, she says she is so happy that they are seeing each other again, suddenly the mc's phone rings and he sees messages from his mom.

Suddenly he gets a flashback, he is talking to the redhead's ex boyfriend, he is warning him about the fat guy, he tells him that he is crazier than he thinks, and could even take something that he doesn't even imagine, he also tells him that what he wouldn't expect could have already been taken (referring to the fact that they already fucked the mc's mom).

The annoyed mc tells him to explain what he is referring to, the ex doesn't answer him and just tells him that he is someone with a lot of money who will have whatever he wants no matter what. Then he mentions about the camera, he tells him that everything that happens is recorded 24/7 and maybe, something he doesn't want to check, was recorded with it, also, as advice he tells him that no matter everything that happens, he should get rid of the camera.

The flashback ends, the mc gets up from the table, Lina asks him what's going on, the mc just tells her he's sorry, but he needs to go somewhere quick.

On the way home the mc hears a scream, it is his sister's boyfriend, the mc asks him what he is doing there, he answers that his mom told him she was coming to the fat man's house, but he hasn't been able to contact her.

The chapter ends with the mc saying that they should hurry up and go inside.....