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Posted by UchihaKanon - 03-19-2022, 08:58 PM
Understanding of flirting 15 raw
[Image: IMG_6378.png?width=1025&height=361]

by Larazzy

El capítulo comienza con fmc intentando decir algo al mc, entre palabras entrecortadas dice: -Mientras estabas en el ejército.... El mc inmediatamente piensa que ella está tratando de decirle que tiene novio, se pregunta cómo debe reaccionar.
Antes de que el fmc empiece a hablar el mc recibe una llamada, le pregunta al fmc si puede esperar un momento, él contesta que es su madre le dice al fmc que tiene que irse ya que su madre vendrá de visita.
El mc entre pensamientos dice que no está preparado para escuchar que el fmc tiene novio
Se despiden y mientras el mc se aleja el fmc le dice: -Mientras servías en el ejército, estaba esperando para decirte esto..

[Image: 81cdb6329b617cccaba3256229e1d439.jpg]
Cambio de escena estamos con la peliverde y un amigo en una habitación, la peliverde está triste porque se puso en contacto con el mc, sin embargo él no ha respondido. Tienen una pequeña discusión al respecto.
[Image: 151719431ca9ba73e29aa0a9a0e357a9.jpg]
Empieza a ponerse triste porque cree que es irrelevante para el mc, y también empieza a considerar que el mc tiene novia (pensando en la escena del mc con las tapas de noonca detrás). Su amiga intenta animarla diciéndole que es guapa.
[Image: e3b7b81099f06e38adad285a061fa868.jpg]
En ese momento recibe un mensaje del mc diciéndole que si pueden quedar esta noche, rápidamente empieza a prepararse y, siguiendo el consejo de su amiga, decide ponerse una ropa interior "mona" y dice: -Esta noche no voy a ir sólo a ver el partido (probablemente vayan a un sitio donde se practique deporte o algo parecido / o quizás sea un malentendido por mi parte, pido disculpas por ello).
[Image: 334829ba7e484f1e3c3c470ac1dd2d62.jpg]

by Larazzy

The chapter begins with fmc trying to say something to the mc, between broken words he says: -While you were in the army.... The mc immediately thinks that she is trying to tell him that she has a boyfriend, he wonders how he should react.
 Before the fmc starts talking the mc receives a call, he asks the fmc if he can wait a moment, he answers it's his mother tells the fmc that he needs to go since his mom will come from visit.
 The mc between thoughts says that he is not ready to hear that the fmc has a boyfriend
 They say goodbye and while the mc walks away the fmc he says: -While you served in the army, I was waiting to tell you this..
[Image: 81cdb6329b617cccaba3256229e1d439.jpg]
Change of scene we are with the green hair and a friend in a room, the green hair is sad because she contacted the mc, however he has not responded. They have a little discussion about it.
[Image: 151719431ca9ba73e29aa0a9a0e357a9.jpg]
She begins to get sad because she believes she is irrelevant to the mc, and she also begins to consider that the mc has a girlfriend (thinking about the scene of the mc with the noonca caps behind). Her friend tries to cheer her up by telling her that she is cute.
[Image: e3b7b81099f06e38adad285a061fa868.jpg]
At that moment she receives a message from the mc telling her if they can meet tonight, she quickly begins to get ready and, following her friend's advice, she decides to put on 'cute' underwear and says: -Tonight I won't go to just watch the game (they probably go to a place where sports or something similar is practiced / or maybe it's a misunderstanding on my part, I apologize for that).
[Image: 334829ba7e484f1e3c3c470ac1dd2d62.jpg]