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Posted by Beatz - 03-22-2022, 02:59 PM
Nogada Romance Chapter 39 Summary 

(Chapter translated with MTL)

Starts with the new character saying “Long time no see you, (FMC’s Name).”

Title drop.

FMC and the new character are talking, she didn’t recognize him but he knows for sure who she is. She tries to guess but no results. We discover he is her friend from university but he was fatty back then. And he came to her because the “promise” they made. The “promise” is her marrying him. After that, she says she can’t pay attention to him because she is working but that building is from him (he’s rich). MC with blonde saw them.

Switch scenes to FCM’s office and her friend starts to talk about the promise. Flashback. Basically FMC was drunk as fuck and the new character was there saying he is fatty and no one would like him but FMC said “Men need to be confident.” She says “In future, if you are a nice guy, ask me to marry you.” (This part is not 100% correct).

Back to present, FMC thought it wasn’t that she tried to say. 

FMC: “Sorry, but i can’t marry you, i already have someone…”

New character: “Of course i know it won’t be easy but i’m pretty sure i will win.”

FMC:” Sorry, you didn’t understand. I already love him, it is not a competition anymore. When i said about marry i didn’t mean that, sorry.”

New character completely broken buy then he starts to look who is the guy who stoles FMC’s heart. His assistant pointed to MC.

Tonight that day, someone is banging blonde (We don’t see the guy’s face). His assistant says “Yeah boss, he is here banging the nutritionist.”

New character: “Ok, i will reveal your true nature…”

Chapter End.

Notes: [This chapter is totally a comedy chapter, and the new character isn’t a completely douche more like a comedy element. Probably next chapter the assistant will find the blonde’s neighbor (that guy in chapter ~20. He is a gangster or something) banging someone. Or the person banging blonde is not MC.][This is just a theory, we don’t know who is the guy fucking blonde]