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Posted by UchihaKanon - 03-12-2022, 06:32 PM
(03-12-2022, 01:30 PM)Zahard Wrote:
Tonight is You Chapter 18 Summary


El capítulo comienza en la universidad con el profesor insultando a los estudiantes. Pregunta por Suho (MC) y alguien dice que no está. Douche sonríe. Entonces el profesor pregunta por Sieun (FMC) y alguien dice que ella tampoco está.

El profesor dice: "HAHHAA Estos chicos, siempre juntos. Son amigos y lo hacen todo en pareja".

Ducha enfadada como una mierda pensando "Es imposible que los dos estén juntos ahora, ¿no?".

Cambia de escena a MC y FMC. FMC se despierta y está avergonzado, MC estaba cocinando y no puede mirarla porque también está avergonzado. Piensa qué va a hacer ahora. Si se quedan como amigos, si esta relación se convertirá en novio-novia.


"Me iré pero no te olvides de la promesa que hiciste ayer".

Mas tarde ese dia, por la noche, MC estaba mirando lo que tiene que hacer para perder peso. La mejor opción es el ejército, así podría salir un tiempo y tampoco tendría que enfrentarse a FMC. No dejó de pensar en esa noche con ella y pensó que quiere volver a hacer (sexo).

Un pequeño lapso de días, MC volvió a la universidad pero no habla con FMC (básicamente ambos no son cercanos como antes, todo esto son pensamientos de MC ). Douche al ver esto sonríe.

Un día antes del alistamiento de MC en el ejército. MC y FMC hablan entre ellos.

FMC dice: "Adios, no te hagas daño. Sé que lo harás bien"

MC dice: "Sieun, dejé la leche en polvo"

FMC: "Hiciste algo muy bueno en mucho tiempo"

1 año y 6 meses después...

Los periodistas están frente al ejército esperando a una celebridad. Vieron a alguien guapo con un cuerpo perfecto y empezaron a tomar fotos.

Esa persona dice: "NO SOY LA CELEBRIDAD que ustedes piensan. Sólo soy una persona normal"

Los periodistas dicen: "Oh lo siento hombre, tus proporciones son tan buenas que pensamos que eres otra persona"

Es Suho (MC).

Notas: La relación entre MC y FMC ahora mismo parece incómoda, ambos están avergonzados por lo que pasó esa noche. No es la misma relación que tenían antes. Por cierto, tenía razón, Volcano no lo ha ordeñado y AHORA ES EL MOMENTO. (Ahora va a ordeñar con escenas de sexo de MC lmao)


Chapter starts in university with teacher calling student names. He asks for Suho (MC) and someone said he is away. Douche smirks. Then teacher asks for Sieun (FMC) and someone says she is not there either.

Teacher says: “HAHHAA These guys, always together. They are friends and do all in pairs.”

Douche mad as fuck thinking “Is impossible the two of them are together now, aren’t?”

Switch scenes to MC and FMC. FMC wakes up and is embarrassed, MC was cooking and can’t look to her because he is ashamed too. He thinks what he gonna do now. If they stay like friends, if this relationship will grow to Boyfriend-Girlfriend.


“I will go but don’t forget about the promise you made yesterday.”

Later on that day, at night, MC was looking to what he needs to do to lose weight. The best option is army, then he could go out for some time and wouldn’t need to confront FMC either. He didn’t stop thinking about that night with her and thought he wants to do again (sex).

A little timeskip of days, MC went back to college but he doesn’t talk with FMC (basically both aren’t close like they were before, all of this are MC’s thoughts ). Douche seeing this smirks.

A day before MC’s enlistment in military. MC and FMC talk with each other.

FMC says: “Bye, don’t get hurt. I know you gonna do well”

MC says: “Sieun, i stopped with milk powder”

FMC: “You did a pretty good thing in a long time”

1 year and 6 months later…

Journalists are in front of the army waiting for a celebrity. They saw someone handsome with a perfect body and started taking pictures.

That person says: “IM NOT THE CELEBRITY YOU GUYS THINK. I’m just a normal person”

Journalists say: “Oh sorry man, your proportions are so good we thought you are other person”

Is Suho (MC).

Notes: Relationship between MC and FMC right now looks awkward, both are ashamed because what happened that night. Is not the same relationship they had before. BTW, i was right, Volcano didn’t milk it and NOW ITS TIME. (He will milk now with MC sex scenes lmao)
Posted by Zahard - 03-12-2022, 01:30 PM
Tonight is You Chapter 18 Summary

(Chapter translated using MTL)

Chapter starts in university with teacher calling student names. He asks for Suho (MC) and someone said he is away. Douche smirks. Then teacher asks for Sieun (FMC) and someone says she is not there either.

Teacher says: “HAHHAA These guys, always together. They are friends and do all in pairs.”

Douche mad as fuck thinking “Is impossible the two of them are together now, aren’t?”

Switch scenes to MC and FMC. FMC wakes up and is embarrassed, MC was cooking and can’t look to her because he is ashamed too. He thinks what he gonna do now. If they stay like friends, if this relationship will grow to Boyfriend-Girlfriend.


“I will go but don’t forget about the promise you made yesterday.”

Later on that day, at night, MC was looking to what he needs to do to lose weight. The best option is army, then he could go out for some time and wouldn’t need to confront FMC either. He didn’t stop thinking about that night with her and thought he wants to do again (sex).

A little timeskip of days, MC went back to college but he doesn’t talk with FMC (basically both aren’t close like they were before, all of this are MC’s thoughts ). Douche seeing this smirks.

A day before MC’s enlistment in military. MC and FMC talk with each other.

FMC says: “Bye, don’t get hurt. I know you gonna do well”

MC says: “Sieun, i stopped with milk powder”

FMC: “You did a pretty good thing in a long time”

1 year and 6 months later…

Journalists are in front of the army waiting for a celebrity. They saw someone handsome with a perfect body and started taking pictures.

That person says: “IM NOT THE CELEBRITY YOU GUYS THINK. I’m just a normal person”

Journalists say: “Oh sorry man, your proportions are so good we thought you are other person”

Is Suho (MC).

Notes: Relationship between MC and FMC right now looks awkward, both are ashamed because what happened that night. Is not the same relationship they had before. BTW, i was right, Volcano didn’t milk it and NOW ITS TIME. (He will milk now with MC sex scenes lmao)