The owner of the building 45 raw - Printable Version

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The owner of the building 45 raw - UchihaKanon - 04-28-2022

by FatimaG

El capítulo empieza con imágenes de Nari, que sigue pasmada con lo que esta viendo (HarixMc) dice “No pude dormir ni una noche”

Nari tiene un resfriado, cambian de panel, con Nari echada, Mc y Hari obersandola, ella esta enferma, Nari dice “Ya está, no es gran cosa” el Mc la toca y dice que esta caliente como el Sol, Hari dice que ira a comprar algunos ingredientes para una receta, Mc le dice que la acompañara, pero Hari le dice que no, que se quede a cuidar a Nari. Mc se despide de Hari.

Nari dice por que hacen tanto alboroto si ella les dice que esta bien, Mc vuelve a tocar a Nari y le dice que tiene que dormir bien, ella suda mucho.

Nari le quita las manos de su cuerpo, ella dice en su mente “Lo que paso ayer, no lo paro de recordar” En eso el MC con un trapo empieza a secar el cuerpo de Nari, después de secarle la espalda le dice que se de la vuelta, el MC dice “déjame tocarte los pies” y empieza a presionarle, Nari le patea en la cara diciendole que no lo haga, Nari dice “Tu tocas a una mujer tan tranquilamente, es increíble” Mc dice “Que es esa forma de hablar?” Mc sigue tocando sus pies, ella se rie fuerte ¡Puahahaha! Me hace cosquillas.

Mc dice “Ahora otra vez, acuéstate” Nari dice “A donde vas?” Mc dice “Ire a recoger a Hari”
Se muestra un panel de Hari en el supermercado, el MC dice “La recogeré, obvio el carro estará muy pesado”
Nari pone cara de enojada, Mc dice que volverá rápido y que descanse.
El MC está a punto de salir de la casa y Nari grita de dolor (obviamente finjiendo) ¡Oh dios mio!
El mc vuelve y salta encima de Nari, diciendo te tengo, Nari dice “Hermano mayor, no te vayas” “No te vayaas!” ella salta encima del MC y lo abraza
Mc dice, “Ya veo, vale me quedare, no me ire” Nari dice “Traeme la medicina, dame la comida”
Ella se acuesta y el mc dice “Vale te lo prometi, no me ire”
Nari se queda dormida y dice “Tienes que quererme”

Se muestra un flashback del MC cuando estaba chiquito y enfermo, y se muestra a la Mama del mc cuidándolo (Los que aman a las milfs se van a volver locos jsajsaj)
Hari llega a casa y los ve a los dos abrazados en la cama, Hari dice “Que monos, recuerdo cuando eran niños”

Termina el cap

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by FatimaG

The chapter begins with images of Nari, who is still stunned with what she is seeing (HarixMc) says "I couldn't sleep a night".

Nari has a cold, they switch panels, with Nari lying down, Mc and Hari obersandola, she is sick, Nari says "There, no big deal" the Mc touches her and says she is hot as the Sun, Hari says he will go to buy some ingredients for a recipe, Mc says he will accompany her, but Hari says no, to stay and take care of Nari. Mc says goodbye to Hari.

Nari says why are they making such a fuss if she tells them she is fine, Mc touches Nari again and tells her that she has to sleep well, she sweats a lot.

Nari removes his hands from her body, she says in her mind "What happened yesterday, I keep remembering it" At that the MC with a cloth starts to dry Nari's body, after drying her back he tells her to turn around, the MC says "let me touch your feet" and starts to press him, Nari kicks him in the face telling him not to do it, Nari says "You touch a woman so calmly, it's unbelievable" Mc says "What's that way of talking?" Mc keeps touching her feet, she laughs loudly Puahahahaha! It tickles me.

Mc says "Now again, lie down" Nari says "Where are you going?" Mc says "I'm going to go pick up Hari."
A panel of Hari in the supermarket is shown, MC says "I'll pick her up, obviously the cart will be too heavy."
Nari makes an angry face, Mc says he'll be back quickly and rest.
The MC is about to leave the house and Nari screams in pain (obviously faking it) Oh my god!
The mc comes back and jumps on top of Nari, saying gotcha, Nari says "Big bro, don't go" "Don't go!" she jumps on top of the MC and hugs him.
Mc says, "I see, ok I'll stay, I won't leave" Nari says "Bring me the medicine, give me the food".
She lies down and mc says "Ok I promised you, I won't leave".
Nari falls asleep and says "You have to love me".

A flashback of the MC when he was little and sick is shown, and the mc's Mom is shown taking care of him (Those who love milfs are going to go crazy jsajsaj).
Hari comes home and sees the two of them cuddling in bed, Hari says "How cute, I remember when they were kids".

End of chapter