New Town 39 raw - Printable Version

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New Town 39 raw - UchihaKanon - 05-16-2022

by Han sunwoo

MC dice "Jumi Noona ?"

MC dice "Noona ... cómo sucedió esto .... Lo explicaré..."
Mihee dice "No hay necesidad de explicar. Siento haberme colado en la cola. Simplemente no pude soportarlo".

Jumi dice "Esto... ¡qué es esto! No sabía que Himchan ... !"
Mihee dice "¿Qué pasa con Himchan?"

"Eso... eso"

Mihee pregunta "¿Has venido aquí porque tenías algo que ver con Himchan?"

Jumi dice "¡No es así ...!"
Ella continúa "Estoy aquí porque tengo algo que contar ..."

Mihee dice "Se mire como se mire, no parece que estés aquí sólo para entregar cosas..."

"También mira la coloración de los labios"

Jumi dice "Yo sólo" Mihee dice "¿Por qué? ¿Vas a decir que no otra vez?"

Mihee dice "Si no hubiera venido hoy, creo que también habría perdido"

Jumi se queda callada "..." Mihee dice "Ya que ha pasado así... ¿hacemos el día D hoy?" (Todavía queda algo de tiempo)

Mihee pregunta "¿Cómo estás Himchan? Dime Himchan".

MC dice "¿M.. yo?"

Mihee dice "Sí, Himchan decide. Como un hombre".

MC dice "Um.. entonces" MC se tumba en la cama con la polla erecta y dice
"Ven a chuparme la polla primero, Jumi noona"

Jumi "¿Eh..?"

Mihee dice "Entonces, está decidido" y empieza a lamer la polla de MC. "¿Qué estás haciendo? Si no te vienes, entonces me la comeré toda yo".

Jumi dice "Wh .. espera un minuto".

"Sólo dos personas .... que era una falta .."

Jumi se quita la ropa.

Mihee piensa "Sí, entonces ... "Ahora eres un poco más honesta".

Jumi empieza a lamer también. MC dice "HA ... jumi noona".

Ambas se lamen y Jumi dice "Va a subir de todos modos, así que para qué molestarse. Vamos a chuparla juntas".

Mc piensa "Dos chicas con los dos culos levantados". "y chupándome la polla una al lado de la otra..." "Nunca pensé que vería algo así"

"Dos bellezas con las que era difícil hablar hasta hace poco" "se aferran a mi polla y la chupan deliciosamente ...!"

"Ah ... No puedo soportarlo."

Jumi empieza a chuparla.

Mihee dice "Es delicioso, Himchan".

MC piensa "Se superponen como un sándwich y estimulan la punta de mi polla".

MC piensa "Ah ... labios superpuestos" "La estimulación es demasiado fuerte".

¡"el deslizamiento y el calor en ambos lados de la polla ...! Es la primera vez que siento"

MC dice "Noonas, me voy a correr ahora ...!"

Jumi dice "Bien Himchan".

Mihee dice "Cumple en dos de nosotros al mismo tiempo"

MC se corre en sus caras.

Mihee dice "La corrida de Himchan ... está caliente".

MC dice "Ha ... ha .. eso fue genial .. los dos".

Jumi piensa "Ha ... El olor a semen pegajoso de Himchan". "Solo el olor y me hizo sentir la cabeza adormecida".

MC se acuesta en la cama y dice "¿descansamos un poco ahora?"
Jumi dice "No puedo".
Jumi se sienta encima de MC y le introduce su d en el coño. "Puedes continuar ahora mismo ¿verdad?"

MC dice "Ju .. Jumi noona?"

Jumi dice "Tu ... aun estas dura".

MC dice "Si ... pero ..."

Mihee se sienta en la cara de MC y dice "Yea ... el tiempo que nos metes en la boca no cuenta".

Ella dice "Sírvenos a partir de ahora ... Baby <3"

MC comienza a lamer su coño y dice "Ha ... Realmente no puedo parar a los dos".

Jumi también monta la polla de MC. MC piensa "En la parte inferior, Jumi noona sacude su cintura".

"En la parte superior, Mihee noona me está dando su coño".

"¿Es esto el cielo ..."

Mihee dice "Ha ... Me gusta Himchan .. es realmente genial .."

Jumi dice "Yo también ... Me gusta también, Himchan"

MC piensa "Ha ... como Mihee noona". "Jumi noona también es pegajosa y húmeda ..."

"Ellos no dijeron nada ... pero ambos se mantuvieron firmes hasta hoy"

MC dice "Ya veo ... A partir de ahora, les pegaré a las dos hasta que terminen".

Mihee dice "Ha ... Jumi .."

Ella agarra la cabeza de Jumi y "Su boca ... de Himchan"

La besa. Jumi "!!!"

Jumi piensa "Ha ... besarse con Mihee"

"esto es raro"

"Hoy no puedo resistirlo"

Ambas se besan mientras jumi está montando a mc d y mihee sentada en la cara de mc.

Fin del capítulo.

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by han sun woo

MC says "Jumi Noona ?" 
MC says "Noona ... how this happend .... I will explain...!"
Mihee says "There's no need to explain. I'm sorry I cut in line. I just couldn't stand it."
Jumi says "This ... what is this !! I didn't know that Himchan ... !"
Mihee says "What about Himchan ??"
"That ... that "
Mihee asks "Did you come here because you had something to do with Himchan?"
Jumi says "It's not like that ...!"
She continues "I am here because I have something to tell ..."
Mihee says "No matter how you look at it, it doesn't look like you are here to just deliver things?"
"Also look at lips coloring"
Jumi says "I just" Mihee says "Why? Are you going to say no again?"
Mihee says "If I hadn't come today, I think I would've lost too."
Jumi is quiet "..." Mihee says "Since it happened like that ... shall we do D-day today?" (There's still some times left)
Mihee asks "How are you Himchan? Tell me Himchan."
MC says "M .. me?"
Mihee says "Yes, Himchan decides. Like a man."
MC says "Um.. then" MC lies down on the bed with erected dick and says 
"Come and suck my dick first, Jumi noona."
Jumi "Huh ..?"
Mihee says "Then, it's decided" and starts licking MC's dick. "What are you doing? If you are not coming, then I will eat it all to myself?"
Jumi says "Wh .. wait a minute."
"Only two people .... that was a foul .."
Jumi removes her clothes. 
Mihee thinks "Yes then ... " "You are a little more honest now."
Jumi starts licking as well. MC says "HA ... jumi noona." 
Both licking and Jumi says "It's gonna go up anyway. so why bother. Let's suck it together."
Mc thinks "Two girls with both their asses up." "and sucking my dick side by side ..." "I never thought I'd actually see something like this."
"Two beauties who were difficult to talk to until recently" "are clinging to my dick and sucking it deliciously ...!"
"Ah ... I can't stand it."
Jumi starts sucking it. 
Mihee says "It's delicious, Himchan."
MC thinks "They overlap like a sandwich and stimulate the tip of my dick."
MC thinks "Ah ... lips overlapping" "The stimulation is too strong." 
"the slippery and hot on both sides of dick ...! It's the first time I'm feeling"
MC says "Noonas, I'm going to cum now ...!"
Jumi says "Okay Himchan."
Mihee says "Cum on two of us at the same time"
MC cums on their faces. 
Mihee says "Himchan's cum ... it's hot."
MC says "Ha ... ha .. that was great.. both of you."
Jumi thinks "Ha ... Himchan's sticky semen smell." "Just the smell and it made my head feel drowsy." 
MC lies down on bed and says "Shall we take a little rest now?"
Jumi says "I can't."
Jumi sits down on top of MC and inserts his d in her pussy. "You can continue right away right?" 
MC says "Ju .. Jumi noona?"
Jumi says "You ... you are still hard."
MC says "Yea ... but ..."
Mihee sits down on MC's face and says "Yea ... the time you put in our mouths doesn't count."
She says "Serve us from now on ... Baby <3"
MC starts licking her pussy and says "Ha ... I really can't stop both of you."
Jumi also riding MC's dick. MC thinks "At the bottom, Jumi noona shakes her waist."
"At the top, Mihee noona is giving me her pussy."
"Is this heaven ..."
Mihee say "Ha ... I like it Himchan .. it's really great .."
Jumi says "Me too ... I like it too, Himchan"
MC thinks "Ha ... like Mihee noona." "Jumi noona is also sticky and wet ..." 
"They didn't say anything ... but they both held it tight till today."
MC says "I see ... From now on, I will hit you two both until you finish."
Mihee says "Ha ... Jumi .." 
She grabs jumi's head and "Your mouth ... Himchan's"
She kissed her. Jumi "!!!"
Jumi thinks "Ha ... kissing with Mihee."
"this is weird"
"I can't resist it today."
Both kissing while jumi is riding mc d and mihee sitting on mc face.
End chap.