Step Mother Friends 117 raw - Printable Version

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Step Mother Friends 117 raw - UchihaKanon - 05-25-2022


Nayeon y Kyungeun
Le pregunté a Seok-woo si estaba preparado.
Se dice que no estoy preparado
Nayeon dijo que veamos.
Yumi debe estar bloqueando, así que le digo a Kyung-eun que ataque a Seok-woo jajaja
Nayeon y Yumi se están mordiendo y chupando.
Kyung-eun va a tener una pelea con Seok-woo.
Cuando iba a poner el sukwoo, dije: '¿Está bien si lo haces tú?
Y estoy pensando en cambiar un poco la postura.
Kyung-eun atacó el ano jajaja
¿No es Seok-woo insensible con Kyung-eun? Mientras hace esto
Parece que sientes demasiado", dijo Kyung-eun, que dijo que era una perra vulgar que sentía con el culo.
Y le pedí a Seok-woo que marcara el territorio rápidamente.
Y Nayeon y Yumi van a hacerlo con Seokwoo
El capitulo termina con Chaeun llorando, despidiendose de la casa y del mc.


Nayeon and Kyungeun
I asked Seok-woo if he was ready.
He said I'm not ready.
Nayeon said let's see.
Yumi must be blocking, so I tell Kyung-eun to attack Seok-woo hahaha.
Nayeon and Yumi are biting and sucking each other.
Kyung-eun is going to have a fight with Seok-woo.
When I was going to put the sukwoo, I said, 'Is it okay if you do it?
' And I'm thinking of changing the stance a little bit.
Kyung-eun attacked the anus hahaha.
Isn't Seok-woo insensitive to Kyung-eun? While doing this
It seems like you feel too much," said Kyung-eun, who said she was a vulgar bitch who felt with her ass.
And I asked Seok-woo to mark the territory quickly.
And Nayeon and Yumi are going to do it with Seokwoo.
Chaeun ends up crying and saying goodbye to the house and mc.