College Life Starts with Clubs Chapter 36 Summary (English/Spanish) - Printable Version

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College Life Starts with Clubs Chapter 36 Summary (English/Spanish) - Beatz - 08-21-2022

Outsider's way in chapter 36 sum by Ren
Not 100% accurate

Chapter starts at the same point as last chapter when yoona told xia that she likes mc , xia shocked face and she ask if she's serious, yoona says she's serious she says it's her first time having this kind of emotions and it's scary but everytime she thinks about mc her heart beat faster , she asks xia if this isn't enough to confirm her feelings, xia narrating that she never seen yoona face like that and wonder if she really likes him , yoona asks xia if she hate mc , xia denies it , then yoona tells her that she know it was too sudden and she saw them like that (naked in the same room ch34) and she tells xia it's her fault and not to blame mc , then yoona asked her if there's any other reasons that she's forbidden of liking mc , xia narrating that now she knows he's a good guy and have no evil intentions and she thought it's ok for him to around yoona since he's a kind person and she wasn't that shock when she them naked and she wasn't worried about yoona back then rather than that, the moment she saw mc with other woman her chest was filled of weird feelings she can't understand (jealousy) and she wanted to get out of yoona room asap and she wonder if she still annoyed, yoona get xia out of her mind war, xia saying that she was shocked and she must treated them badly yoona says its her fault for not telling her first and she'll explain it step by step , xia thinking that if yoona likes him then she should support her , yoona returns to the club room mc asks where's xia mc asked what they talked about yoona smuggling asks if he's that curious ,mc says he only care in case xia misunderstood yoona tell him that she only said the truth , mc asks if xia is mad , yoona tells him that she was confused and more shocked than upset and she explained it all, yoona asks why he care so much if xia is mad or not and if something happened between them , mc denied , yoona says its sus because xia is emotional about him and ask him if something happened between them again mc somehow managed to deceive her , timeskip few days later , mc narrating that he didn't contact xia after that and doesn't know if he can go to the club mc enter the club yoona is alone and greet him , yoona with a happy blushing face tells him they're alone today mc wondering why is she happy, yoona says shes bored and ask mc to play games with her mc says he's not in the mood , yoona asks him what to do then , then she suggests him to watch a movie again (probably seggs in 3 chapters)


El camino del forastero en el capítulo 36 suma
No es 100% exacto

||El capítulo comienza en el mismo punto que el capítulo anterior cuando Yoona le dice a Xia que le gusta MC, Xia se sorprende y pregunta si habla en serio, Yoona dice que habla en serio, dice que es la primera vez que tiene este tipo de emociones y da miedo, pero siempre  ella piensa en mc, su corazón late más rápido, le pregunta a xia si esto no es suficiente para confirmar sus sentimientos, xia narra que nunca ha visto la cara de yoona así y se pregunta si realmente le gusta, yoona le pregunta a xia si odia a mc, xia  lo niega, luego Yoona le dice que sabe que fue demasiado repentino y que los vio así (desnudos en la misma habitación ch34) y le dice a Xia que es su culpa y que no tiene la culpa de mc, luego Yoona le pregunta si hay otras razones.  que tiene prohibido que le guste mc, xia narra que ahora sabe que él es un buen chico y no tiene malas intenciones y pensó que está bien que él esté cerca de yoona ya que es una persona amable y ella no se sorprendió cuando los desnudó y ella  no estaba preocupado por Yoona en ese entonces en lugar de eso  t, en el momento en que me vio con otra mujer, su pecho se llenó de sentimientos extraños que no puede entender (celos) y quería salir de la habitación de yoona lo antes posible y se preguntó si todavía estaba molesta, yoona saca a xia de su mente  guerra, xia dice que estaba sorprendida y que debe haberlos tratado mal.  la sala del club mc pregunta dónde está xia mc pregunta de qué hablaron contrabando de yoona pregunta si es tan curioso, mc dice que solo le importa en caso de que xia haya entendido mal y yoona le dice que ella solo dijo la verdad, mc pregunta si xia está enojada, yoona le dice  que estaba confundida y más sorprendida que molesta y lo explicó todo, Yoona le pregunta por qué le importa tanto si Xia está enojada o no y si algo pasó entre ellos, MC niega, Yoona dice que es suspenso porque Xia está emocionada por él y pregunta  el si algo volvio a pasar entre ellos mc s  De alguna manera logró engañarla, saltó el tiempo unos días después, mc narró que no se puso en contacto con xia después de eso y no sabe si puede ir al club.  face le dice que están solos hoy mc se pregunta por qué está feliz, yoona dice que está aburrida y le pide a mc que juegue con ella mc dice que no está de humor, yoona le pregunta qué hacer entonces, luego le sugiere que vea un  película de nuevo (probablemente seggs en 3 capítulos)||