Everything is Agreed 128 raw - Printable Version

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Everything is Agreed 128 raw - UchihaKanon - 03-21-2022

Everything is Agreed 128 raw

[Image: IMG_6470.png?width=1025&height=361]

by EIAorBust

entonces bt douche empieza a meter los dedos en fmc1 y ella lo siente. Mc2 se pone a sentir a Cuck. Empieza a grabar. Pone el teléfono sobre la caseta pero douche agarra el teléfono para poder grabar aún más cerca. Cambia a fmc2 y mc1 caminando viendo el video de otra pareja haciendo el intercambio. Una de las chicas está llorando. Entonces cambian de video y se escandalizan porque es soeun recibiendo el finger blaster. Fmc1 ahora empieza a hacerle una mamada a douche. Douche ahora va a follar a fmc2 al estilo perrito. Mientras tanto mc2 está en la caseta de al lado sintiéndose ultra instintivo cuck y empieza a pajearse. Mientras tanto en el teatro todos aplauden a fmc1 que se lo follan. Creo que jihoo aparece al final. Douche sigue follando a fmc1. Fin del capítulo.

by EIAorBust

so bt douche starts fingering fmc1 and she's feeling it. Mc2 getting the Cuck feeling. He starts to record. He puts the phone over the stall but douche grabs the phone so he can record even closer. Switch to fmc2 and mc1 walking around watching video of another couple doing swap. One of the girls is crying. Then they switch video and get shocked because it's soeun getting finger blaster. Fmc1 now starts giving douche a blowjob. Douche now gonna fuck fmc2 doggy style. Meanwhile mc2 is in the next stall feeling ultra instinct cuck and starts jerking off. Meanwhile in the theatre everyone is cheering fmc1 getting fucked. I think jihoo appears at the end. Douche continues to fuck fmc1. End chapter.
feeling it. Mc2 getting the Cuck feeling
. He starts to record. He puts the phone over the stall but douche grabs the phone so he can record even closer. Switch to fmc2 and mc1 walking around watching video of another couple doing swap. One of the girls is crying. Then they switch video and get shocked because it's soeun getting finger blaster. Fmc1 now starts giving douche a blowjob. Douche now gonna fuck fmc2 doggy style. Meanwhile mc2 is in the next stall feeling ultra instinct cuck and starts jerking off. Meanwhile in the theatre everyone is cheering fmc1 getting fucked. I think jihoo appears at the end. Douche continues to fuck fmc1. End chapter.