Sister Duty 109 raw

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Sister Duty 109 raw

[Image: IMG_8832.png?width=1025&height=364]

By Ragnar

El capítulo comienza con la FMC diciendo que el MC es su oppa… él lo hizo solo para protegerla, que es inocente. El MC la llama por su nombre y Yebin(sargento) se sorprende de todo eso, MC que está esposado está consolando a la FMC que está llorando.

Título del manhwa
El MC empieza a relatar que las declaraciones para explicar lo sucedido en el centro de visitas cambiaron gradualmente para hablar de "Yu Jin-ho" (douche), el principal culpable de todo. Sigue relatando que veía a los investigadores que no podían creer fácilmente lo que hizo Yoo Jin-ho, le preocupó por un momento que las cosas terminaran mal, pero... la rubia le dijo que no había nada de qué preocuparse. La manager comienza a hablar y le dice al MC que se fije que celebridades, soldados y visitantes como ella están declarando a favor de él, aunque ella no tenga nada que ver en ese problema le dice al MC que ya no tiene por qué preocuparse. Así que le dice que levante la mirada y el MC responde está bien. El MC vuelve a relatar diciendo: ahora espero "que todo vaya bien".

Cambio de escena, ya pasó un año del incidente. El MC está hablando con el comandante. El comandante le dice que la vida militar es difícil pero a pesar de ello pudo lidiar con el caso del douche. El MC le responde que siempre estará agradecido con el comandante que gracias a él pudo llegar lejos (se refiere al caso del douche). El sigue diciéndole que de hecho... había momentos en los que todavía dudaba si contar todo lo que sabía pero el comandante lo escucho y creyó en él. El comandante empieza a contarle que tenía un hijo(o sea está muerto) y que si estuviera vivo estaría terminando su servicio militar y convirtiéndose en jefe de pelotón. El comandante sigue contando que no pudo proteger a su hijo de una injusticia pero que ahora sí pudo ayudar a alguien o sea al MC, así que fue un alivio hacer eso. Le da la gracias al MC por eso, le pide que se levante y se vaya porque el tiempo de vacaciones es muy preciado. Le desea un buen viaje y que se mantenga firme. Le recuerda que el caso del douche continuará incluso cuando salga de su servicio militar, a lo que el MC responde que estará preparado, que su ayuda no será en vano y que no importa cuánto tiempo tome, definitivamente el MC lo terminará, el comandante sonríe y responde con un “de acuerdo”.
Cambio de escena el MC va al bar del douche para ver si estaba la rubia pero estaba cerrado, comienza a decir que sabía que esto pasaría así que no pudo contactarse con la rubia, se queda mirando y dice realmente no hay nadie. El MC empieza a recordar sobre esa noche en el juicio diciendo que hubiera pasado si Hanna no estaba para declarar. El MC dice que no sabe dónde está ella y que quería darle las gracias por ello.

Cambio de escena, el MC cuenta que desde el incidente no ha podido encontrarse con la FMC, relata que el rodaje de la visita a la unidad mostro una reacción positiva hacía el público. También cuenta que La popularidad de "Jeongyeon"(FMC) ha aumentado hasta el punto en que es difícil encontrarse con ella siendo aún su familia. Además me acordó lo que pasó con Jeongyeon en el la anteriores vacaciones que tuvo, así que empieza a reflexionar que estaba confundido en con cómo tratar a Jeongyeon debido a lo que paso en las anteriores vacaciones.

Cambio de escena, el MC llega a su casa diciendo que la FMC le dijo que la iba a recibir en casa y que no sabe cómo mirarla. Entonces la FMC lo recibe con un saludo militar diciendo ¡Bienvenido soldado Kim Dong Woo! ¡Bienvenido a sus vacaciones! Lo abraza y le dice que lo extrañaba, ella le dice a la producción que él es su oppa. El Mc está sorprendido, la entrevistadora dice que es conmovedor ver esto y que está encantada de conocerlo. La entrevistadora le pregunta así que este es el oppa de Jeongyeon (FMC). El MC le pregunta a la FMC ¿qué está pasando? La FMC responde ¿estás sorprendido? y le dice que hoy es el día para presentar a su oppa a la gente.

Cambio de escena, el MC y FMC están solos en la sala, el MC le dice que como ella planeó una  filmación a escondidas de él. Ella le responde que si le avisaba él no hubiera aceptado, ella le dice que se siente ahora al mostrar su rostro a todo el país. El responde que será un desastre en el cuartel. Ella responde que a quien le importa y que pronto saldrá a la TV. Ella sigue hablando sobre que todo el mundo debe saber que el oppa de Jeongyeon es un gran hombre. El responde felicidades por tu buen trabajo y en son de burla le dice que van a ver la película que tantas veces ha visto la FMC. El MC le dice que si no está cansada de ver esa película. Ella responde que no la ha visto aun desde que se fue del ejército, ella sigue diciendo que no la ha visto. Ella empieza a contar que recuerda los viejos tiempos cuando la familia estaba reunida, ahora dice que de nuevo se siente sola, así que sentía miedo de ello, no quería volver a estar así. Es por eso que le dice al Mc que es así de importante que se acercara a ella. Entonces le dice que por eso él es lo más preciado para ella y que tal vez eso no cambie en toda su vida, así que le dice gracias. El MC le dice ¿qué le pasa? a la FMC y ella le dice que él tiene que irse ahora mismo, que la confesión que recibió él de Yebin tiene que ser respondida, así que le dice que vaya directamente con Yebin, ella cuenta que la noche en la que estaban declarando ante las autoridades y sufría por el MC, Yebin la estaba consolando. La FMC le dice al MC: Yebin estaba a punto de llorar pero ella estaba más preocupada por mí y por ti, ¿cómo podría vencer a alguien así? Fui más débil que ella… Ahora oppa tienes que irte, no tienes mucho tiempo. El MC le dice: “Jeongyeon”. Ella le dice: “se acabó… adiós.” El capítulo termina con ambos llorando, él recibió de ella un boleto de bus para viajar a encontrarse con Yebin y ella frente al televisor viendo los créditos de su película.

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[Image: Screenshot_2022-04-17-00-38-29.png?width=266&height=473]

by Ragnar

The chapter starts with FMC saying that MC is her oppa...he did it just to protect her, that she is innocent. MC calls her name and Yebin(sergeant) is shocked at all that, MC who is handcuffed is consoling FMC who is crying.
Title of the manhwa
MC starts to relate that the statements to explain what happened at the visitor center gradually changed to talk about "Yu Jin-ho"(douche), the main culprit of everything. He continues to relate that he saw the investigators who couldn't easily believe what Yoo Jin-ho did, he was worried for a moment that things would end badly, but... the blonde told him that there was nothing to worry about. The manager starts talking and tells the MC to notice that celebrities, soldiers and visitors like her are testifying on his behalf, even though she has nothing to do with that problem she tells the MC that he has nothing to worry about anymore. So she tells him to look up and the MC replies okay. The MC retells saying: now I hope "everything goes well".
Change of scene, a year has passed since the incident. The MC is talking to the commander. The commander tells him that military life is difficult but despite this he was able to deal with the douche case. The MC replies that he will always be grateful to the commander that thanks to him he was able to go far (he is referring to the douche case). He goes on to tell him that in fact... there were times when he was still hesitant to tell everything he knew but the commander listened to him and believed in him. The commander starts telling him that he had a son (i.e. he is dead) and that if he were alive he would be finishing his military service and becoming a platoon leader. The commander goes on to tell how he was not able to protect his son from an injustice but now he was able to help someone i.e. the MC, so it was a relief to do that. He thanks the MC for that, asks him to get up and go because vacation time is precious. Wishes him a safe trip and to stay strong. He reminds him that the douche case will continue even when he gets out of his military service, to which the MC replies that he will be prepared, that his help will not be in vain and that no matter how long it takes, the MC will definitely finish it, the commander smiles and replies with an "okay".
Change of scene the MC goes to the douche bar to see if the blonde was there but it was closed, he starts to say that he knew this would happen so he couldn't contact the blonde, he stares and says really no one is there. The MC starts reminiscing about that night at the trial saying what would have happened if Hanna wasn't there to testify. The MC says he doesn't know where she is and wanted to thank her for that.
Change of scene, the MC says that since the incident he has not been able to meet with the FMC, he says that the filming of the unit visit showed a positive reaction to the public. He also said that the popularity of "Jeongyeon" (FMC) has increased to the point that it is difficult to meet her even though she is still his family. He also reminded me of what happened with Jeongyeon in the previous vacation he had, so he started to reflect that he was confused on how to deal with Jeongyeon because of what happened in the previous vacation.

Scene change, the MC arrives home saying that FMC told him that he was going to welcome her home and he doesn't know how to look at her. Then FMC greets him with a military salute saying Welcome Private Kim Dong Woo, welcome to your vacation! She hugs him and tells him that she missed him, she tells the production that he is her oppa. The Mc is surprised, the interviewer says it's touching to see this and she's glad to meet him. The interviewer asks her so this is Jeongyeon's (FMC) oppa. The MC asks FMC what is going on? FMC replies are you surprised and tells him that today is the day to introduce his oppa to the people.

Change of scene, the MC and FMC are alone in the room, the MC tells her how she planned a filming behind his back. She replies that if she warned him he wouldn't have accepted, she tells him how it feels now to show his face to the whole country. He replies that it will be a disaster in the barracks. She replies that who cares and that it will be on TV soon. She keeps talking about how everyone should know that Jeongyeon's oppa is a great man. He replies congratulations for your good job and teasingly tells her that they are going to watch the movie that FMC has seen so many times. The MC asks her if she is not tired of watching that movie. She replies that she hasn't seen it yet since she left the army, she goes on to say that she hasn't seen it. She starts to tell that she remembers the old times when the family was together, now she says that again she feels lonely, so she felt afraid of it, she didn't want to be like that again. That's why she tells the mc that it's that important that he came to her. Then she tells him that's why he is the most precious thing to her and maybe that won't change in her whole life, so she says thank you. The MC says what's wrong? to FMC and she tells him that he has to leave right now, that the confession he received from Yebin has to be answered, so she tells him to go straight to Yebin, she tells that the night they were testifying before the authorities and she was suffering because of the MC, Yebin was comforting her. FMC tells the MC: Yebin was about to cry but she was more worried about me and you, how could I beat someone like that? I was weaker than her... Now oppa you have to go, you don't have much time. The MC says, "Jeongyeon". She tells him, "It's over...goodbye." The chapter ends with both of them crying, he received a bus ticket from her to travel to meet Yebin and she in front of the TV watching the credits of her movie.
(This post was last modified: 04-17-2022, 05:34 AM by UchihaKanon.)
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