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by Larazy

El capítulo comienza con el mc pidiéndole a la noona que le hable del FMC y del FB

Noona está en la nevera cogiendo una cerveza, le pregunta al mc si quiere una, el mc la rechaza diciendo que aún no está sobrio, noona se interesa por su opinión y le lanza una cerveza.

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Se sienta en la cama, le dice al mc que no puede huir de la realidad (además no puede creer que sea un hombre así °referencia sexual° y no está segura de dejarle ir a casa después de hacerlo dos veces)
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Él le pregunta si le está tendiendo una trampa en caso de que les toque la realidad, a lo que ella le dice que no tiene nada de qué preocuparse.

Él destapa su cerveza y la noona comienza a contar la historia:

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(se nota la ansiedad del mc y en sí se esperaba cualquier cosa, sin embargo, para su sorpresa
lo único que nació después de su partida al ejército fue una rivalidad en la cocina (FB vs FMC) se sorprende un poco ya que siempre pensó que el fmc no le daba tanta
importancia a la cocina, su noona le corrige y le dice que ella es bastante competitiva, sin embargo el foco de atención siempre fueron ambos (MC vs FB).

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* Flashback de cuando el mc era gordo de cocina ganando el primer puesto junto al ducho; el fmc en su mente dice que realmente quiere ganarles a los dos y se pregunta si es capaz de hacerlo.
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De vuelta con el mc, él sigue sorprendido por lo que le acaban de contar, la noona vuelve a recalcar que el fmc se sentía inferior a ellos.
Continúa relatando los hechos cuando el mc se fue al ejército ambos bebieron mucho (FMC - NONA) en una de esas tantas noches el fmc le dijo lo que sentía por él y el FB, ella se sorprendió al escuchar eso porque para ella, el fmc, no tenía nada que envidiarle a ninguno de los dos, así que le pregunto por qué se sentía así, a lo que ella respondió que era porque quería ser la mejor, sin embargo, en algún momento le empezó a molestar la idea de seguir perdiendo con ellos.

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De vuelta con el mc y la noona, él dice que se siente bastante mal por la fmc, creía que lo sabía todo de ella pero, sin embargo, la realidad es otra.

La noona intenta animarlo diciéndole que no sea tan duro consigo mismo, también le dice que intentaba ser considerada con él y que por eso se lo ocultó.

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Comienza a bajar la mano y la pone sobre su pene antes de comenzar el MC. Le pregunta a su noona si la fmc tiene novio, a lo que ella responde que no, aunque ha recibido innumerables propuestas, todas ellas las ha rechazado por estar concentrada únicamente en la cocina ( PANEL DE ELLA PRACTICANDO EN LA COCINA )
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para terminar el diálogo sobre el fmc se pone a chuparle el pene mientras le dice que ahora, ya no le interesa nada más que cocinar y que ni siquiera él, su mejor amigo, le daría importancia a lo que dice que cuando la vio durante el día se veía bastante feliz, sin embargo, si decide actuar con indiferencia al estar centrada en la cocina no tendrá ningún problema y lo que sentirá es agradecimiento a que su amigo se convierta en su mayor rival.

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Al final el fmc aparece en la cocina algo pensativo diciendo:
No puedo concentrarme. ¿Por qué sigo pensando en ello?
Es molesto que me hayas ignorado durante más de un año y medio. ¿Por qué has cambiado así?
Shin Suho hijo de puta.

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By Larazy

The chapter starts with the mc asking the noona to tell him about the FMC and FB
 Noona is at the fridge picking up a beer, she asks the mc if she wants one, the mc turns her down saying he's not sober yet, noona is interested in her opinion and throws a beer at her.

She sits on the bed, tells the mc that she can't run away from reality (plus she can't believe he's a man like that °sexual reference° and she's not sure if she'll let him go home after doing it twice)

He asks her if she's setting him up in case they get a reality check to which she says she has nothing to worry about.
He uncaps her beer and the noona begins to tell the story:

(the mc's anxiety is noticeable and in itself anything was expected, however, to his surprise
the only thing that was born after his departure to the army was a rivalry in the kitchen (FB vs FMC) he is a little surprised since he always thought that the fmc did not give him that much
importance to the kitchen, his noona corrects him and tells him that she is quite competitive, however the focus of attention was always both (MC vs FB).

* Flashback of when the mc was fat kitchen winning the first place next to the douche; the fmc in her mind says that she really wants to beat them both and asks herself if she is capable of doing it.

Back with the mc, he is still surprised by what they just told him, the noona emphasizes again that the fmc felt inferior to them.
She continues recounting the events when the mc went to the army they both drank a lot (FMC - NONA) on one of those many nights the fmc told her how she felt about him and the FB, she was surprised to hear that because for she, the fmc, had nothing to envy either of them, so I asked her why she felt that way, to which she replied that it was because she wanted to be the best, however, at some point the idea began to bother her to keep losing to them.

Back with the mc and the noona, he says that he feels pretty bad for the fmc, he thought he knew everything about her but, however, the reality is different.
 The noona tries to cheer him up by telling him not to be so hard on himself, she also tells him that she was trying to be considerate of him and that's why she hid it from him.

She begins to lower her hand and put it on his penis before starting the MC. She asks her noona if the fmc has a boyfriend, to which she replies that she does not, although she has received countless proposals, all of them she has rejected because she is concentrating solely on cooking ( PANEL OF HER PRACTICING IN THE KITCHEN )

to end the dialogue about the fmc she starts to suck his penis while telling him that now, she is no longer interested in anything other than cooking and that even he, his best friend, would not give importance to what he says that when he saw her during the day she looked quite happy, however, if she decides to act indifferent to being focused on the kitchen she will have no problem and what will she feel grateful that her friend becomes her biggest rival.

At the end the fmc appears in the kitchen somewhat thoughtfully saying:
I can not concentrate. Why do I keep thinking about it?
It's annoying that you've been ignoring me for over a year and a half. Why did you change like that?
Shin Suho son of a bitch.

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