Sextudy Group Chapter 17 Summary (English)

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Sextudy Group Chapter 17 Summary

(Chapter Translated with MTL)

Title Drop.

Next Day. MC narrating what happened. He and teacher gave the report to Crush, for some reason she was happy reading the reports and MC thought “Why does (Crush’s Name) wants to know about our sex?”

Switch scenes to college. Levi grabs teacher ass and asks “Did you have sex with that guy?”, teacher confirms and Levi says:

“Well done, do you still have that vulgar clothes with you? After class, i’ll give you a reward.”

Teacher REJECTS him saying “I need to rest a bit today, let’s do it next time.” She leaves douche with a loser face. (Notes: Well Levi, now you found a titan that you can’t defeat and it’s not Isayama.) 
[Image: toptoon-20220425-081840-000.jpg]
Switch scenes again to MC and Childhood Friend together. Three random girls appear (They are Childhood Friend’s friends, 2 of them are randoms but the other one is a new character), they invite CF to eat together but she rejects cause she would eat with MC. But he got a call from teacher. MC leaves the class, CF with a “mad” face and the new girl smirking.

Switch scenes, now to Teacher’s OFFICE. 

MC: “Teacher, it’s me. You said you have an urgent business.”

Teacher grabs MC inside her office and starts to strip, she is wearing the same clothes she wear to Levi. MC asks why she is doing it.

Teacher: “Because of you, i can’t stop thinking about yesterday. I’m getting wetter every minute. I want to be crushed by yours… You need to take responsibility”

MC: “Ok but there are many people in the college at this time… And your voice is really loud.” 

She says it’s not a problem, she already thought about it. Then she uses a ball gag. She says “Hurry up and put it fast, i’m already wet.” He puts his dick inside and starts to fuck her.
[Image: toptoon-20220425-080811-000.jpg]
Teacher thoughts: “That’s it, i can’t… if it’s not with this guy, i cannot be satisfied by anyone.” Even with the ball gag, teacher still moans loud as fuck. 

Outside, the new girl is hearing them fuck and thinks:

“You’re using a lot of strength.”
[Image: toptoon-20220425-080814-001.jpg]
Chapter End.

(Notes: It’s it guys. We find the new Super Douche but this time is a good guy in a good toon.)
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