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[Image: IMG_5961.png?width=1025&height=361]

by Larazzy

El capítulo comienza con Junwoo un poco nervioso porque tiene que pensar qué decir a su nona. Sin saber qué hacer, comienza a frotar su rodilla con la vagina de la nona. Ella reacciona inmediatamente, pero Junwoo le dice que hay un problema mayor. Comienza a ser más intenso con su tacto y procede a decirle que ella debe explicarse, no él, mientras ahora frota su dedo del pie con la vagina de la nona. Él le pregunta por qué estaba encima de él, ella se pone un poco nerviosa y dice que pensaba que a Junwoo le gustaría esto. Ahora él deja de frotar su dedo sobre sus bragas, y procede a introducirlo en su vagina (su dedo del pie). Ahora es él quien intenta darle la vuelta a la situación y se cuestiona si tiene sentido despertar a una persona y decir cosas tan descabelladas como la que ella dijo. El mc ahora piensa que si se pone más intenso, podría hacerla olvidar lo que dijo.

Refuta la excusa de Nona diciéndole que no puede creer que haya pensado eso de él (que le gustaría que lo despertara así). Se frota la nona más fuerte en el dedo del pie mientras le dice que le diga la verdadera razón por la que vino a su habitación.

Ella le dice que como no cumplió su promesa con ella, está allí. El idiota del MC no recuerda la promesa que le hizo, a lo que ella, un tanto triste, le dice "¿No te acuerdas?". Él sigue sin recordarlo, y siente que ha perdido la ventaja que obtuvo de ella al encenderla (literalmente cree que ha conseguido un contraataque). Junwoo empieza a pensar por primera vez y recuerda que Nona le dijo que lo haría todas las veces que él quisiera durante este viaje. Él finge recordarlo todo y le dice que ha estado esperando esto todo este tiempo. Ella, muy inocentemente, piensa que él ha fingido todo este tiempo no saber nada. Ella le dice que tendrá que compensar todo este tiempo que no ha hecho nada. Procede a agarrar el pene del MC y piensa que algo no va bien... el pene de Junwoo no es tan fuerte como suele ser. Piensa que es normal, dado todo lo que hizo ayer con Mikyang. Teme que ella sospeche más si su pene se queda flácido, mientras ella se lo chupa. Él le dice que es normal ya que acaba de despertarse. Procede a ponerse más intenso y hace que ella se la chupe bruscamente para que no sospeche de la estupidez que dijo al principio.

Ella ahora piensa que aunque Junwoo es más intenso que de costumbre, le está gustando mucho hacerlo de esa manera. Ahora está totalmente erecto porque nona está usando su lengua de forma más erótica mientras la chupa. Junwoo le pide que pare un momento, le quita las bragas y la tumba en la cama. Le dice/pregunta si quiere seguir lamiendo su pene. Ella muy excitada piensa que, aunque él le está dando muchas órdenes, al menos no está del todo mal hoy. Vuelve a chupársela con fuerza mientras él juega con su vagina.

Además le dice "Eres bonita porque eres obediente". Ella no para de gemir de placer, tanto que Junwoo le dice que su familia podría oírla. Ella dice que no hay problema, porque su madre y Minji llegarán tarde a casa, así que tiene todo el día para hacerlo con él.

Fin del capítulo.

by Larazzy

The chapter starts with Junwoo a bit nervous because he has to think about what to say to his nona. Not knowing what to do, he begins to rub his knee with the nona's vagina. She reacts immediately, but Junwoo tells her that there is a bigger problem. It begins to be more intense with her touch and he proceeds to tell her that she should explain herself, not him, while he now rubs her toe with nona's vagina. He asks her why she was on top of him, she gets a little flustered and says that she thought Junwoo would like this. Now he stops rubbing her finger over her panties, and proceeds to insert it into her vagina (her toe). Now he is the one who tries to turn the situation around and questions if he has any sense in waking up a person and saying things as far-fetched as the one she said. The mc now thinks that if he gets more intense, he might be able to make her forget what he said.

He refutes Nona's excuse by telling her that he can't believe she thought that of him (that he would like her to wake him up like that). He rubs his nona harder on his toe as he tells her to tell him the real reason he came to her room.

She tells him that since he didn't keep his promise to her, she is there. The idiot MC doesn't remember the promise he made to her, to which she somewhat sadly says "Don't you remember?". He still doesn't remember it, and feels like he lost the advantage he got from her by turning her on (he literally thinks he's gotten a counterattack). Junwoo begins to think for the first time and remembers that Nona told him that she would do it as many times as he wants during this trip. He pretends to remember everything and tells her that he's been waiting for this all this time. She very innocently thinks that he has pretended all this time not to know anything. She tells him that he will have to make up for all this time that he did nothing. He proceeds to grab the MC's penis and thinks something isn't quite right… Junwoo's penis isn't as strong as he usually is. He thinks it's normal, given everything he did yesterday with Mikyang. He's afraid she'll be more suspicious if his penis stays flaccid, all while she's sucking him off. He tells her it's normal since she just woke up. He proceeds to get more intense and makes her suck him roughly so he doesn't suspect the stupid thing he said at first.

She now thinks that even though Junwoo is more intense than usual, he is really liking doing it that way. He is now fully erect because nona is using her tongue more erotically while he is sucking her. Junwoo asks him to stop for a moment, takes off her panties and lays her down on the bed. He tells her/asks if he wants to continue licking her penis. She very excited thinks that, although he is giving her many orders, at least he is not all bad today. She blows him hard again while he plays with her vagina.

In addition to saying "You're pretty because you're obedient." She doesn't stop moaning with pleasure, so much so that Junwoo tells her that her family could hear her. She says that's no problem, because her mom and Minji will be home late, so she has all day to do it with him.
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