The owner of the building 47

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El capitulo empieza con el MC reprochándole a Nari, por su actitud en la mesa, ella se hace la desentendida, el le pregunta por que finje la que no sabe nada, y cual es su intención al contar eso, ella le dice “¿Qué crees?” (Con cara coquetona), el MC no entiende y ella dice “Dame la mano” ella apega sus tetas al cuerpo del MC y dice “Tus manos son muy grandes”

Nari se va, el MC se queda confundido y se le para su pen* diciendo, “no solo mis manos son grandes”

El MC vuelve a la mesa con los demás y empieza a comer muy rápido, mientras come el MC empieza a imaginar a Nari, el esta con los ojos cerrados hasta que Nari le da algo en la boca, el abre los ojos, caliente y rojo

Cambiamos de escena y esta la Rubia, dice “Minwoo, Nari, Hari, me ire ahora” el MC se acerca a ella y le dice que vayan en taxi, ella dice que no, que tomara un bus, “Nos vemos mañana”

Cambian de escena a Nari, ella esta con pijama echada en su cama, dice en su mente “Hoy también estarás con Hari” (refiriéndose si el MC tendría sexo de nuevo con Hari). Ella empieza a imaginar al MC con Hari teniendo sexo, diciendo “Ustedes dos lo harán otra vez” “Pero tu me sigues gustando, estoy muy celosa y deprimida”

Rápidamente llega el MC al cuarto de Nari, ella grita “Oh, dios mio” “Me asustaste” ella le pregunta cosas al MC pero el no responde, se queda callado pero lentamente el va subiendo a la cama de Nari, Nari: “¿Por qué estas subiendo? ¡En la cama de una mujer!” ellos siguen hablando, al parecer a Nari le dolia la cabeza y por eso el MC fue a su habitación.

El MC se echa encima de Nari

Se muestra un panel de Hari durmiendo, encima de un oso grande de peluche, ella dice en su mente “Hueles a alcohol, Minwoo ha engorado”
Volvemos con el MC y Nari, el dice “Sabes lo complicado que soy? Por que me sigues observando” (El mc esta borracho) Nari no entiende la situación y dice por que se inventa cosas.

Nari le dice que su primera ves con el, le dejo doliendo mucho su parte, “Pense que ibas a ser bueno conmigo” (Se muestran paneles de ella en un vestidor, donde se ve que le cuesta caminar)
El MC se quita la camiseta, Nari se pone roja y se asusta, “Oh dios mio” “Ponte la ropa”
MC: “Tu empezaste primero” El MC se desabrocha el pantalón y saca su pen* y lo pone en la cara de Nari
Fin del capitulo.

(Quiero disculparme por mi summ de la semana pasada, confundí a la rubia con un nuevo personaje, no me acordaba que ella ya había aparecido previamente. :b )

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[Image: unknown.png?width=253&height=609]

The chapter starts with the MC reproaching Nari for her attitude at the table, she pretends not to know, he asks her why she pretends not to know anything, and what is her intention to tell him that, she says "What do you think?" (with a flirtatious face), the MC doesn't understand and she says "Give me your hand", she holds her tits against his body and says "Your hands are very big".

Nari walks away, the MC is left confused and stops her pen* saying, "not only my hands are big".
The MC goes back to the table with the others and starts eating very fast, while eating the MC starts imagining Nari, he is with his eyes closed until Nari gives him something in his mouth, he opens his eyes, hot and red.

We change scene and there is the Blonde, she says "Minwoo, Nari, Hari, I'm leaving now" the MC goes to her and tells her to go by cab, she says no, she will take a bus, "See you tomorrow".

They change the scene to Nari, she is in pajamas lying on her bed, she says in her mind "Today you will also be with Hari" (referring if the MC would have sex again with Hari). She starts imagining the MC with Hari having sex, saying "You two will do it again" "But I still like you, I'm so jealous and depressed".
Quickly the MC comes to Nari's room, she screams "Oh my god" "You scared me" she asks things to the MC but he doesn't answer, he stays quiet but slowly he goes up to Nari's bed, Nari: "Why are you going up? In a woman's bed!" they keep talking, apparently Nari had a headache and that's why the MC went to her room.

The MC gets on top of Nari.

A panel is shown of Hari sleeping, on top of a big teddy bear, she says in her mind "You smell like alcohol, Minwoo has gotten fat."
We go back to the MC and Nari, he says "You know how complicated I am? Why do you keep watching me" (The mc is drunk) Nari doesn't understand the situation and says why is he making things up.

Nari tells him that her first time with him, she left him hurting on her part, "I thought you were going to be good to me" (They show panels of her in a dressing room, where she is having a hard time walking).

The MC takes off his shirt, Nari turns red and freaks out, "Oh my god" "Put your clothes on".
MC: "You started first" The MC unbuttons his pants and takes out his pen* and puts it on Nari's face.

End of chapter.

(I want to apologize for my summ last week, I mistook the blonde for a new character, I didn't remember she had previously appeared. :b )
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