Beautiful New World 143 raw

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by rainblood

Ho Seung-eun esta con la jefe de equipo teniendo sexo y la jefa le dice Ho Seung porque me siento tan cachonda ahora que estamos haciendolo asi , que en otro momentos no me di cuenta que se sintiera asi el sexo .
y el tutor privado esta en la carceleta de una estacion de policia, por motivo de la hija de la jefa de equipo por que ella estuvo en ese lugar y no estar en su casa estudiando con el profesor en vez de estar aqui en la estacion de  policía.
Me culpan por no haber protegido a su hija.
¿pelo verde? ¿Salistes como la heroína y me distes la espalda para hacer esto con el director? y ella dice ahora te quedaras tranquilo aqui y no digas nada de nosotros. mas adelante nosotros te sacaremos de la carcel. y el profeso con la cara triste
¿Qué es y quién lo está viendo?
Un chico llamado Joo Hee oppa (villano) vio a Ho Seung y tocó a alguien que no debería haber tocado.
maldiciendo el bigoton (director)....
Joo-hee(VICE CEO) le dice a su hermano que no sabe qué clase de persona es Ho-seung Lee.
Dice que habría actuado igual el Mc si hubiera sido el presidente y no el director.
Cuando su  hermano le pregunta a Joo-hee si está interesado en Ho-seung-i, parece avergonzarse un poco  ella...
Por el momento, Joo-hee le dijo que no se metiera con Lee Ho-seung.
Mi padre estaba enfadado, así que elegí a un agente de seguridad y le dije que golpeara a Lee Ho-seung.
Y también está la historia de Sook-young( Fmc), que dijo al padre de Joo-hee (Presidente) hará todo lo posible para  dejarla entrar en el Gumi (seguro casa del presidente donde dibuja y hace sexo con todas sus perras) y pasárselo a el.
Y la del líder del equipo y Ho-seung siguen teniendo sexo.
la líder del equipo dijo que quería comprobar si el sexo con amor era bueno o si Ho Seung-yi era bueno, y terminó.

by Rainblood

Ho Seung-eun is with the team leader having sex and the team leader says Ho Seung because I feel so horny now that we are doing it like this, that I didn't realize that sex felt like this at other times.
And the private tutor is in the jail of a police station, because of the team leader's daughter because she was in that place and not at home studying with the teacher instead of being here in the police station.
They blame me for not protecting their daughter.
Green hair? you came out as the heroine and turned your back on me to do this with the director? and she says now you will stay here quietly and don't say anything about us. later we will get you out of jail. and the professor with a sad face.
What is it and who is watching it?
A boy named Joo Hee oppa (villain) saw Ho Seung and touched someone he shouldn't have touched.
cursing the mustachioed (director)....
Joo-hee(VICE CEO) tells his brother that he doesn't know what kind of person Ho-seung Lee is.
He says that he would have acted the same way the Mc if he had been the president and not the director.
When his brother asks Joo-hee if he is interested in Ho-seung-i, he seems to get a little embarrassed she?
For the time being, Joo-hee told him not to mess with Lee Ho-seung.
My father was angry, so I chose a security agent and told him to beat Lee Ho-seung.
And there's also the story of Sook-young( Fmc), who told Joo-hee's father (President) will do his best to let her into the Gumi (safe president's house where he draws and does sex with all his bitches) and pass it to him.
And the team leader's and Ho-seung's are still having sex.
the team leader said she wanted to check if sex with love was good or if Ho Seung-yi was good, and finished.
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