Her Taste 35 raw

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[Image: IMG_3384.png?width=1025&height=364]
by Break

Retomando el cap anterior, el mc dandole duro a la rubia.

El mc le pregunta si está llorando, ella se sigue haciendo la dura y le dice que no es así, que esto no es nada, el mc le dice que su cuerpo dice algo completamente diferente a sus palabras, así que procede a darle duro, después de unos cuantos gemidos y movimientos, el mc saca la pija y se viene encima de la rubia.

Cortamos para irnos con la fmc, se encuentra en casa, cuando de pronto la rubia abre la puerta, la fmc le pregunta si vio a la profesora, además le pregunta si sucedió algo ya que se le ve un poco mal, la rubia le responde que solo esta un poco cansada.

Al día siguiente el mc va caminando por la calle, cuando pasa frente al restaurante de la fmc, ella le saluda y le dice que ha pasado tiempo desde que se vieron, además le reclama por no haber ido a comer ahí en estos días, el mc le dice que no ha podido debido a que tiene muchas cosas que hacer, ella le dice que quiere ver que se encuentra bien, el mc que vendrá en cuanto tenga algún momento libre, ella se molesta y le dice que siempre camina frente al restaurante, así que debe ir esa misma noche, el mc acepta y se despide.

Por la noche, el mc va regresando del trabajo, se pregunta que debería hacer, pues si va con la fmc es seguro que se encontraría con la rubia, mientras el mc meditaba al respecto, alguien grita su nombre a lo lejos, es la profesora, la profesora va corriendo y le dice que vayan juntos, pues necesitan hacer el "3er periodo"


by Break

Picking up from the previous chapter, the mc giving the blonde a hard time.
The mc asks her if she is crying, she keeps playing hard and tells him that she is not, that this is nothing, the mc tells her that her body says something completely different from his words, so he proceeds to give her hard, after a few moans and movements, the mc pulls out his dick and comes on top of the blonde.

We cut to go with the fmc, she is at home, when suddenly the blonde opens the door, the fmc asks her if she saw the teacher, she also asks her if something happened since she looks a little bad, the blonde replies that she is just a little tired.

The next day the mc goes walking down the street, when he passes in front of the fmc's restaurant, she greets him and tells him that it has been a while since they saw each other, she also complains to him for not having gone to eat there these days, the mc tells her that he has not been able to because he has many things to do, she tells him that she wants to see that he is well, the mc that he will come as soon as he has some free time, she gets upset and tells him that he always walks in front of the restaurant, so he must go that same night, the mc accepts and says goodbye.

In the evening, the mc is coming back from work, he wonders what he should do, because if he goes with the fmc it is sure that he would meet the blonde, while the mc was thinking about it, someone shouts his name in the distance, it is the teacher, the teacher runs and tells him to go together, because they need to do the "3rd period".

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