Today’s Dinner Chapter 19 Summary (English)

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Today’s Dinner Chapter 19 Summary

(Chapter translated with MTL)

Chapter starts with a time skip of 3 months, MC narrating he returned to the college in spring.

In class, teacher appears presenting herself to the students of the 1st year classroom. Some randoms praised her, asked for autographs, etc. Then teacher say would be a good thing if the students and introduce themselves.

The first student go there, is a short hair blonde (maybe a new character, she is ok/hot). Meanwhile, teacher thought Suho (MC) is there in the classroom too but she didn’t see him. Teacher looked to a hot student and got blushed (who could be?) “He looks like a real man. It looks like anti-aging just by looking at it. Finally a kid like this came to our classes. How long have been since Minjae? When i thought about someone good at cooking, i thought they look like Suho” (what a hot bitch huh). “Should i take him as my broadcast assistant?”

Time passes and teacher says “Next is Suho but he is absent so…” 

“I’m here teacher…”

Shocked face, she let the clipboard falls, she is even trembling in shock. Everyone is staring at him, the short hair blonde is with a curious face (Yeah 100% she is a new character). Teacher continue shocked and blushing to him.

Time passes and now is evening, some random girls are praising Minjae cause he reached 50.000 subscriptions on Youtube. He still saying “Oh this is nothing compared with my father’s channel” (Bro stop living under your father shadow mf). Then a gag about someone coming and blinding them with his light (Is Suho) 

Suho: “Long time no seeing you bro…”

Minjae completely shocked saying “Oooh, Suho you lost a lot of weight…”

Suho: “Yeah hahaha well, see ya later i have an appointment with SIEUN.” 

The random girls are completely shocked and blushing to him, even Minjae is shocked and trembling. 

Switch scenes to a restaurant:

Suho: “Hey Sieun, are you dating these days? Why you are so pretty..”

Sieun blushes…

“I think you have became prettier..”

MC narrating “So i met Sieun again after 1 year and 6 months.”

Chapter Ends.

Notes: For those who thought Sieun would have sex with Minjae just because she lost her virginity before and would be with lust, see ya next time, nothing happened in this chapter about this. Stop reading Viagra.
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