Madam chapter 50 Raw

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by EMT

Después de la recapitulación, el panel es sobre Dojin (bandido). Le preocupa que Yeoreum se resfríe, debido a lo corto que es su pelaje, así que consigue una capa/camisón extra, o lo que sea.
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De repente ella se da la vuelta, pero él piensa que ya ha estado con infinidad de mujeres, así que no se inmutará por la vista.[Image: fd34d229fe1e980f9be9156b6a0077e7.png]
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El General comienza a gruñir de repente, los lobos aparecen de la nada.
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Le preocupa no ser capaz de ahuyentar a 4 lobos a la vez, pero por suerte cuando empieza a agitar la antorcha delante de ellos, huyen... o eso creía.....
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Pero en realidad... Apareció un alfa más grande.
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El panel cambia a Dolsoe y Sohee, es demasiado tímido para tumbarse junto a Sohee..
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Ella básicamente le está suplicando.

Él se quita la camisa y se acuesta, pero todavía se sienten incómodos
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MC piensa que no puede creer que está bajo una manta con Sohee, Sohee entonces dice que MC debe darle una almohada brazo.
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Luego continúa diciendo que al estar bajo la misma manta con Dolsoe, se siente como si fueran una pareja casada.

MC dice que sí, que así es. Sohee se desnuda y le dice a MC que la abrace.
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Bueno, por supuesto todos sabemos a dónde va esto...
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Entre sus nalgas.

Ella describe como se siente cuando Dolsoe le frota la polla, Dolsoe empieza a meterle el dedo, ella se excita y piensa como Dolsoe conoce sus puntos débiles/sensibles. Mientras disfruta se pone super mojada, MC dice que "wow a lotta water came out", Sohee le dice a MC que deje de burlarse de ella, y ahora ella se burlará de MC también.
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MC tiene una idea mejor:
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Sohee se pone nerviosa, le dice a MC que no mire, MC por supuesto mira, pero entonces cierra los ojos y dice que no tiene que preocuparse, está demasiado oscuro para ver nada.
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Sohee piensa que es una posición erótica/obscena, está frotando la nariz de Dolsoe con su trasero básicamente, pero la excita/calienta porque es Dolsoe.... Siente que se está convirtiendo en una persona diferente...

Le dice a Dolsoe que se la meta ya, Dolsoe dice que no, que me monte como un caballo aka "do it yourself". Le dice a Sohee que debe fingir que está sentada en una silla de montar y montar a caballo.
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El capítulo termina aquí.

by EMT

After recap, panel is on Dojin (bandit). He is worried that Yeoreum will get a cold, because of how short is that fur, so he gets an extra cape/gown, whatever it is.
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Suddenly she turns over, but he thinks that he have already been with countless of women, so he won't be fazed by the view.[Image: fd34d229fe1e980f9be9156b6a0077e7.png]
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The General starts to growl suddenly, wolves appear out of nowhere.
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He is worried that he won't be able to chase away 4 wolves at once, but luckily when he starts waving the torch in front of them, they run away... or so he thought...
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But actually... A bigger alpha showed up.
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Panel switches to Dolsoe and Sohee, he is too shy to lay down next to Sohee.
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She's basically begging him lol
He takes off his shirt and lays down, but they still feel awkward.
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MC thinks he cannot believe he is under one blanket with Sohee, Sohee then says that MC should give her an arm pillow.
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Then she continues that being under the same blanket with Dolsoe, it feels as if they were a married couple.
MC says that yes, it does. Sohee undresses and tells MC to embrace her.
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Well, of course we all know where does this go...
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Between her butt cheeks.
She's describing how does it feel when Dolsoe rubs his dick on her, Dolsoe starts to finger her, she gets excited and thinks how Dolsoe knows her weak/sensitive spots. As she enjoys herself she gets super wet, MC says that "wow a lotta water came out", Sohee tells MC to stop teasing her, and now she will tease MC too.
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MC has a better idea:
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Sohee gets flustered, tells MC not to look, MC ofc looks, but then closes his eyes and says that she doesn't have to worry, it's either way too dark to see anything.
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Sohee thinks what an erotic/obscene position this is, she is rubbing Dolsoe's nose with her behind basically, but it makes her excited/horny because it's Dolsoe... She feels that she's becoming a different person...
She tells Dolsoe to put it in now, Dolsoe says no, ride me like a horse aka "do it yourself". He tells Sohee that she should pretend as if she was sitting in a saddle and ride a horse.
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Chapter ends here.
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