How about getting lost! 40 END Season 1

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[Image: Sin_titasdasdulo.png?width=437&height=473]


by Wolson

El capitulo comienza con MC hablando con su amigo, lo que su amigo vino a decirle era relacionado al bullyng que recibió, el le contó que todo fue orquestado por el novio de la rubia (MC no sabia de esto) entonces se encabrona y llama a la rubia, acuerdan encontrarse. Lo siguiente es MC reclamando a la Rubia si ella sabia de todo eso, aqui la rubia se disculpa e insiste que hara lo que sea para remediarlo, MC le pregunta, incluso si incluso le pide dinero, ella lo conseguirá? La rubia le dice que hará lo que sea, MC sonríe acá y le dice que si un nuevo comienzo quiere... entonces llame a su novio en este momento y lo haga venir. El novio aparece rápidamente, entonces encuentra a MC sosteniendo a la rubia con un collar al estilo Dia song. El novio de la rubia le grita que la suelte y MC le dice como ella es de su propiedad y que no la esta forzando, el novio de la rubia se pone violento e intenta agredir a MC, pero este lo detiene fácilmente, luego lo levanta en el aire y lo estrella contra un bote de basura, encima de eso, la rubia agarra café caliente y se lo hecha por encima de la cabeza al men. Lo siguiente es el men diciendo que va vengarse por todo esto, pero MC le menciona lo de que el bato es un hijo de un político y si la escuela se entera de que uso esta influencia y pagaba dinero para vaguear al MC entre otras cosas... sera malo para la reputación de el como presidente del consejo estudiantil y su familia..

Entonces MC se va con su mascota... ehem la rubia :v se van a un motel y se la folla rico pe :v luego MC esta en el gym nuevamente, su amigo le pregunta porque se ve tan feliz últimamente, MC le dice que porque sus parejas sexuales aumentaron a cuatro, paneles follándoselas, son su waifu, una random que salio en un bar, la novia de uno que le hizo bullyng y la rubia. El amigo pregunta si no sera agotador? y el MC le dice que incluso podria con una quinta.
Entonces luego muestran a MC encontrándose con su primer amor y amiga de la infancia, al parecer la chica retomo el examen o algo asi y pidio reunirse con MC para disculparse con el por lo que paso en el pasado, la season1 termina con MC poniendo cara de sádico y acariciando los labios de la chica, preguntándole de que forma vas a disculparte?

Este manhwa termino el 07/11/2021, y hasta la fecha no hay noticias de su segunda temporada, y lo más probable es que fue cancelado su temporada 2.

by Wolson

The episode begins with MC talking to his friend, what his friend came to tell him was related to the bullying he received, he told him that everything was orchestrated by the blonde's boyfriend (MC did not know about this) then he gets pissed off and calls the blonde, they agree to meet. The following is MC claiming the blonde if she knew about all that, here the blonde apologizes and insists that she will do whatever it takes to remedy it, MC asks her, even if she even asks for money, will she get it? The blonde tells her that she will do whatever it takes, MC smiles here and tells her that if she wants a new beginning ... then call her boyfriend right now and have him come. The groom quickly appears, then finds MC holding the blonde with a Dia song-style necklace. The blonde's boyfriend yells at her to let her go and MC tells him how she is his property and that he is not forcing her, the blonde's boyfriend gets violent and tries to attack MC, but he easily stops him, then picks him up in the air and crashes it into a trash can, on top of that, the blonde grabs hot coffee and splashes it over her head at the menu. The following is the menu saying that he is going to get revenge for all this, but MC mentions him that the bato is a son of a politician and if the school finds out that he used this influence and paid money to roam the MC among other things. .. it would be bad for his reputation as president of the student council and his family ..

Then MC goes with his pet ... ehem the blonde: v they go to a motel and he fucks her rich pe: v then MC is at the gym again, his friend asks him why he looks so happy lately, MC tells him That because their sexual partners increased to four, panels fucking them, they are their waifu, a random one who went out in a bar, the girlfriend of one who bully him and the blonde. The friend asks if it won't be tiring? and the MC tells him that he could even handle a fifth.

Then later they show MC meeting his first love and childhood friend, apparently the girl took the exam or something like that and asked to meet with MC to apologize to him for what happened in the past, season1 ends with MC putting on a face sadist and stroking the girl's lips, asking her in what way are you going to apologize?


This manhwa ended on 07/11/2021, and to date there is no news of its second season, and most likely its second season was cancelled.
(This post was last modified: 04-17-2022, 05:24 PM by UchihaKanon.)
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