Her Taste 33 raw

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by Break

Comenzamos justo dónde el anterior cap, el mc comienza a cogerse a la rubia.
El mc le comienza a preguntar a la rubia si esto es lo que quería, además de decirle que todo esto esta sucediendo porque ella lo estuvo provocando. Ella le responde diciéndole que deje de actuar así. 
Se quedan quietos mientras ambos están pensando en al situación, la rubia dice que la pija del mc está llegando muy profundo, mientras que el mc dice que su vagina se siente bastante bien.
Después de esos curiosos pensamientos el mc dice que comenzará a moverse, la rubia le pregunta si de verdad quiere hacerlo, el mc responde que si, que ha pasado bastante tiempo desde que se vieron.
Ella molesta le pregunta si solo estaba buscando una excusa para follarla, el mc responde con que ella no era la única que quería hacer esto.
La rubia entonces comienza a burlarse del mc, le pregunta si eso es todo, además le dice que le sorprende que haya conquistado a la profesora cuando no ha hecho absolutamente nada. 
El mc molesto comienza a follarla, la rubia suelta un gemido fuerte, a lo que el mc le pregunta si sigue pareciendo un perdedor, a ella le cuesta responder; Por su mente dice que solo quería jugarle una pequeña broma, nunca pensó que llegaría a esto. 
La rubia continua burlándose del mc, está vez le dice que no es la gran cosa e incluso que es aburrido, sin embargo en sus pensamientos dice lo contrario. 
Entonces, el mc molesto comienza a nalguearla, ella le reprocha, diciéndole que le duele. El mc lo continua haciendo varias veces hasta que la suelta y la rubia cae sobre la cama, entonces ella molesta voltea a ver al mc y le pregunta si es alguna clase de pervertido, el mc se quita la camisa y le dice que creía le gustaban esas cosas. 
El mc procede a sujetar la pierna de la rubia y le dice que le enseñará algo, algo que la hará sentir muy bien. 
El cap cierra con el mc diciéndole que esto es solo el inicio.

by Break

We start right where the previous chapter started, the mc starts fucking the blonde.

The mc starts asking the blonde if this is what she wanted, besides telling her that all this is happening because she was provoking him. She responds by telling him to stop acting like this.

They stand still while they are both thinking about the situation, the blonde says that the mc's cock is going very deep, while the mc says that her vagina feels pretty good.

After those curious thoughts the mc says he will start moving, the blonde asks him if he really wants to, the mc says yes, it's been a while since they saw each other.

She annoyed asks him if he was just looking for an excuse to fuck her, the mc responds with that she wasn't the only one who wanted to do this.

The blonde then starts to tease the mc, she asks him if that's all, she also tells him that she is surprised that he has conquered the teacher when he has done absolutely nothing.

The annoyed mc starts to fuck her, the blonde lets out a loud moan, to which the mc asks her if he still looks like a loser, she has a hard time answering; Out of her mind she says she just wanted to play a little joke on him, she never thought it would come to this.

The blonde continues to tease the mc, this time she tells him that he is no big deal and even that he is boring, however in her thoughts she says the opposite.

Then, the annoyed mc starts spanking her, she reproaches him, telling him that it hurts. The mc continues to do it several times until he releases her and the blonde falls on the bed, then she annoyed turns to look at the mc and asks him if he is some kind of pervert, the mc takes off his shirt and tells her that he thought she liked that sort of thing.

The mc proceeds to grab the blonde's leg and tells her that he will show her something, something that will make her feel really good.

The cap closes with the mc telling her that this is just the beginning.
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