Erotic Scheme 79 raw

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Erotic Scheme

Erotic Scheme 79 raw
[Image: IMG_6027.png?width=1025&height=369]

by Larazzy

El capítulo comienza con Kevin quitándole la ropa a Maddie mientras está atada, John (amigo de fmc) se queda atónito mirando como empieza a recordar su época en el colegio, como conoció a Maddie en el instituto, cuando iban juntos a la iglesia y luego la graduación que la volvió a encontrar en la universidad además de que por casualidad ella vivía cerca esto hizo que se hiciera muy amigo de ella.


Volvemos a la actualidad, Kevin tiene al fmc con las piernas en alto.

Kevin le dice a John si quiere empezar a hacerlo (refiriéndose a tocarla).

Kevin le dice que se quite las bragas, John se queda helado, sorprendido sin saber qué hacer.

Kevin sigue insistiendo, diciendo que use sus dedos en él. Él reacciona y comienza a acercarse a la fmc, centrando sus ojos en sus bragas. Cuando está frente a ellas, se queda quieto mientras empieza a llorar, entonces decide empujar a Kevin para que se aleje de Maddie, mira a Jhon con rabia mientras dice que eso no es lo que quería, que es un crimen.

Kevin en el suelo dice, que está bien, mientras se levanta y se da la vuelta.

Se dirige al fmc y le dice que la deje ir, sin embargo, Kevin lo golpea en la cabeza con una botella, Jhon cae desmayado en el suelo, Kevin sigue golpeándolo mientras le grita que debería haber mantenido la boca cerrada.

Al final Kevin se voltea a mirar el fmc con la mano diciendo que ahora tendrá que divertirse solo.

Kevin le arranca la camiseta al fmc y empieza a pensar que esto le gusta, ya no sabe lo que es bueno o malo.

Entonces jhon reacciona y en el suelo vuelve a pensar en su pasado con la fmc, entonces decide redimirse y empieza a arrastrarse hacia la puerta, por otro lado Kevin empieza a bajarse los pantalones para follarse a la fmc cuando está a punto de penetrarla. abre la puerta y aparece el MC junto a Joy. Jun se lanza rápidamente sobre Kevin y lo inmoviliza.
Al final aparece John tirado en el suelo sangrando pensando: "Estoy cansado del amor no correspondido.

by Larazzy

The chapter begins with Kevin taking off Maddie's clothes while she is tied up, John (fmc friend) is stunned watching as he begins to remember his time at school, how he met Maddie in high school, when they went to church together and then graduation he met her again at the university besides the fact that by chance she lived nearby this made him become very close to her.

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 Back to the present day, Kevin has the fmc with their legs up.
 Kevin tells John if he wants to start doing it (referring to touching her).
 Kevin tells him to take off her panties, John freezes, shocked not knowing what to do.
 Kevin keeps insisting, saying that he use his fingers on him. He reacts and starts to get closer to the fmc, focusing his eyes on her panties. When he is in front of them, he stays still while he starts to cry, then he decides to push Kevin away from Maddie, he looks at Jhon angrily as he says that this is not what he wanted, that it is a crime.
 Kevin on the ground says, he's fine, as he stands up and turns around.
 He turns to the fmc and tells him to let her go, however, Kevin hits him on the head with a bottle, Jhon falls knocked out on the ground, Kevin continues to hit him while he yells at him that he should have kept his mouth shut.

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At the end Kevin turns to look at the fmc with his hand saying that now he will have to have fun alone.
 Kevin rips off the fmc's shirt and begins to think that he likes this, he doesn't know what's good or bad anymore.
 Then jhon reacts and on the floor he thinks again about his past with the fmc, then he decides to redeem himself and starts to crawl towards the door, on the other hand Kevin starts to lower his pants to fuck the fmc when he is about to penetrate her. open the door and the MC appears next to Joy. Jun quickly throws himself at Kevin and pins him down.

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At the end John appears lying on the ground bleeding thinking: "I'm tired of unrequited love.

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