Flying High chapter 2 (Spanish/English)

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Flying High capitulo 2 resumen

El capitulo comienza con el mc en el motel y dice que la noona lo arrastro ahí. Luego muestran donde estaban antes, cuando la noona le dice si quiere salir con ella (el amigo atrás llorando xd). La noona agarra al mc y le dice que "no tenemos tiempo, así que apuremosnos" y se lleva al mc pero antes de irse le dice a la fmc "que lo siente, que estará de servicio mañana por la mañana, que se ira primero" y la fmc de dice que "ya veo".

 Ya en el motel el mc se pone a pensar que a pasado mucho tiempo desde que ha estado en uno con una chica" tiene una erección y dice "con una chica que nunca he visto antes y amiga de JIA (fmc)" sale la noona del baño, el mc se iba a ir del motel y ella lo detiene y le dice "no me digas que te vas, ¿no te gusto?el mc le dice que "ella es muy linda pero es la primera vez que nos vemos y que ha pasado tiempo desde que  hice esto"  la noona se ríe y le dice "no te preocupes, ven aquí" empuja al mc hacia la cama y le dice "quedate quieto, no te pongas nervioso porque tu noona se encargara de todo" se desnuda y empieza a lamber al mc, luego le saca el pene y piensa "es muy grande" y empieza a chupárselo y también se masturba. Después le dice "no puedo soportarlo mas, ponlo ahora", el mc la penetra, varios paneles de sexo y la noona le dice que puede venirse adentro y el mc se viene dentro. 

Cambio de escena y esta el mc caminando y piensa "que demonios significa eso?"  flashback cuando estaban en el hotel después del sexo, el mc le dice a la noona "noona ¿estamos saliendo ahora? la noona hace "ummmm" lo mira y dice "bueno... ni siquiera lo pensé allí" "lo pensare viendo como lo haces".


Vuelve al mc caminando por la calle dice que "tan pronto como me dieron de alta, me pregunto que diablos esta pasando, ahora no es el momento para mi de conocer a una chica, vivamos con calma". Cuando el mc iba a entrar a casa lo llama la fmc (esta de rodillas) y le dice "¿ya estás aquí?, MC "que estas haciendo aqui?" FMC "oh, eso es... tengo algo que decirte No importa el verano, hace frio por la noche." luego se levanta y le dice al mc "vine aquí porque quería preguntarte algo... ¿te acostate con Soo-jeong (noona)".

Fin del capitulo.

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Flying high chapter 2 summary

The chapter starts with the mc in the motel and he says that noona dragged him there. Then they show where they were before, when noona tells him if he wants to go out with her (the friend in the back crying xd). Noona grabs the mc and says "we don't have time so let's hurry" and takes the mc but before leaving she tells the fmc "sorry, he'll be on duty tomorrow morning, he'll leave first" and the fmc says "I see".

Once in the motel the mc starts thinking "it's been a long time since he's been in one with a girl" he has an erection and says "with a girl I've never seen before and a friend of JIA (fmc)" the noona comes out of the bathroom, the mc is about to leave the motel and she stops him and says "don't tell me you're leaving, don't you like me? " the mc tells him "she is very pretty but this is the first time we have seen each other and it has been a while since I did this" noona laughs and says "don't worry, come here" she pushes the mc towards the bed and says "stay still, don't get nervous because your noona will take care of everything" she gets naked and starts licking the mc, then she takes out his penis and thinks "it is so big" and starts sucking it and also masturbates. Then she says "I can't take it anymore, put it in now", the mc penetrates her, several panels of sex and noona tells him she can come inside and the mc comes inside.

Scene change and there is the mc walking around and he thinks "what the hell does that mean?" flashback when they were at the hotel after sex, the mc says to noona "noona are we dating now? noona goes "ummmm" looks at him and says "well...I didn't even think about it there" "I'll think about it seeing how you do it".

back to the mc walking down the street he says "as soon as I got discharged, I wonder what the hell is going on, now is not the time for me to meet a girl, let's live it down". When the mc was about to enter the house he is called by the fmc (he is on his knees) and says "are you here already, MC "what are you doing here?" FMC "oh, that's it... I have something to tell you "Never mind the summer, it's cold at night." then he gets up and says to the mc "I came here because I wanted to ask you something... did you sleep with Soo-jeong (noona)?"

End of chapter.

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