Staying With Ajumma 20 raw

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by Flat

El capítulo continúa desde el anterior, la enfermera está gritando "estudiante" para ver si Jeong-Hoo se despierta. Finalmente se levanta y lo primero que dice son sus exámenes. Ella le dice que no se preocupe y luego le toca el tobillo. Está magullado y ella dice que no es de extrañar que te hayas desmayado, está malherido. Entonces ella le pregunta cómo ha pasado esto ya que normalmente no se hace daño (le mandan a la enfermería). Jeong-Hoo explica que estaba subiendo las escaleras hasta que un tipo grande chocó con él haciéndole caer. Se disculpó y se fue, pero Jeong-Hoo fue a hacerse los exámenes a pesar de todo (estaba claramente dolorido).

La enfermera dice que si sus piernas estuvieran hinchadas como las de él, se tomaría un descanso, pero su mentalidad era terminar los exámenes sin importar lo que le pasara, así que le parece genial esa forma de pensar. La enfermera le rocía el tobillo con una pomada y le dice que estará bien si hace algo de fisioterapia. Ella le dice que no se esfuerce demasiado con el ejercicio, él le da las gracias y se va.

La escena cambia y el amigo de Jeong-Hoo le acompaña a casa con el brazo de Jeong-Hoo sobre él. Le pregunta cómo ha podido hacer esto en un día tan importante. Luego le pregunta si le duele mucho, entonces Jeong-Hoo se ríe y dice que se siente como si un trueno hubiera golpeado su pie. Jeong-Hoo le pide disculpas porque el amigo dijo que estaba ocupado, pero fue a ayudar a Jeong-Hoo en cuanto le llamó. El amigo le dice que por supuesto que vino a pesar de estar ocupado, a quién más tiene Jeong-Hoo además de a él y a Seon (rubia).

De la nada, Ajumma grita el nombre de Jeong-Hoo, parece que se precipitó hacia él y está cansada. Rápidamente le pregunta si le duele mucho (parece preocupada/empollona) y le pregunta cómo ha ocurrido. Entonces él le dice que simplemente se ha caído, Ajumma entonces mira hacia abajo y ve su pie cojeando y entonces empieza a llorar, dice, "tu pie..."

Jeong-Hoo entonces se enfada (al estilo chibi, no en serio) con su amigo y le dice que le dijo que no se lo dijera a Ajumma o se preocuparía como lo está haciendo ahora. El amigo se ríe nerviosamente y dice que se va a ir ahora que ella está aquí, le pide a Ajumma que cuide de Jeong-Hoo. Ajumma entonces agradece a amigo y luego mira a Jeong-Hoo y le pregunta si puede caminar. Jeong-Hoo dice que le cuesta un poco pero que está bien. Ajumma entonces dice que vayamos a casa con cuidado y le acompaña a su casa.

La escena cambia a la casa, hay mucha comida y la hija de Ajumma está allí, dice que Jeong-Hoo debe estar hambriento y cansado después de los exámenes. Luego mira a Ajumma y menciona algo sobre hacerle sentir mejor por su duro trabajo. La escena cambia a Jeong-Hoo en su habitación preocupado por haber estropeado los exámenes porque no podía pensar con claridad, entonces hace un problema de práctica de su examen para probarse a sí mismo pero lo hizo bien.

La escena cambia al día siguiente, Ajumma revisa su teléfono, quiere animar a Jeong-Hoo y busca en Google maneras de ayudarle ("cómo animar a un estudiante que ha suspendido sus exámenes"), entonces se da cuenta de que esto le pasa a mucha gente. No encontró nada durante un tiempo hasta que dio con uno que hablaba de que los hombres son criaturas simples, todo lo que necesitan es un poco de estimulación (sexual) para sentirse mejor. Luego una breve secuencia de sueño de Ajumma con un traje de animadora sexy diciendo "puedes hacerlo", luego se sonroja. Luego el mismo comentario diciendo que si pensabas en otra cosa que no fuera estimular a tu hombre entonces eres una mujer estúpida. La linda chibi Ajumma llora diciendo que no es estúpida. Entonces ve que el comentario habla de sexo y se escandaliza y dice que Jeong-Hoo querría esto? La escena cambia a Jeong-Hoo en su cama y hablando de sus exámenes, entonces llaman a la puerta, es Ajumma con una bolsa de hielo y.... una braga abierta (braga con la vagina expuesta). Dice que le ha traído una bolsa de hielo.

Fin del capítulo....

by Flat

Chapter continues off from the last, nurse is calling out "student" to see if Jeong-Hoo wakes up. He finally gets up and first thing he says are about his exams. She says do not worry and then touches his ankle. It's bruised and she says no wonder you fainted, it's badly injured. She then asks him how this happened since he usually doesn't get hurt (sent to nurse's office). Jeong-Hoo explains that he was walking up the stairs till a big guy clashed into him making him fall. He apologized then left but Jeong-Hoo went to take his exams regardless (he was clearly in pain).
The nurse says that if her legs were swollen like his, she'd be taking a rest but his mentality was to finish the exams no matter what happened to him so she finds that way of thinking cool. The nurse then sprays his ankle with some ointment and tells him that he will be fine if he does some physical therapy. She tells him not to over exert himself with exercise, he thanks her and then leaves.

Scene change to Jeong-Hoo's friend walking him home with Jeong-Hoo's arm over him. He asks, how could he do this on such an important day. He then asks if it hurts a lot then Jeong-Hoo laughs and says it feels like thunder struck his foot. Jeong-Hoo then apologizes to him because friend said he was busy but he went to help Jeong-Hoo as soon as he called anyways. Friend tells him that of course he came regardless of being busy, who else does Jeong-Hoo have besides him and Seon (blonde).

Out of nowhere, Ajumma screams out Jeong-Hoo's name, she looks as if she was rushing over to him and is tired. She quickly asks him if he's in a lot of pain (she looks worried/panicky) and asks him how did this happen. He then tells her he just fell, Ajumma then looks down and sees his foot limping and then starts tearing up, she says, "your foot..."

Jeong-Hoo then gets mad (chibi style, not serious) at his friend and says he told him not to tell Ajumma or she'd get worried like she is now. Friend nervously laughs and says he's gonna go now that she's here, he asks Ajumma to take care of Jeong-Hoo. Ajumma then thanks friend and then looks up to Jeong-Hoo and asks him if he can walk. Jeong-Hoo says it's a little hard to do but it's fine. Ajumma then says let's go home carefully and walks him home.

Scene change to the house, there's a lot of food and Ajumma's daughter is there, she says Jeong-Hoo must be hungry and tired after the exams. She then looks at Ajumma and mentions something about making him feel better for his hard work. Then scene change to Jeong-Hoo in his room worried he messed up the exams because he couldn't think straight, he then does a practice problem from his exam to test himself but he got it right.

Scene change to next day, Ajumma scrolling through her phone, she wants to cheer up Jeong-Hoo and is googling ways to help him ("how to cheer up a student who failed his exams"), she then notices that this happens to a lot of people. She didn't find anything for a while until she came across one that talked about men being simple creatures, all they need is some stimulation (sexual) to feel better. Then a short dream sequence of Ajumma in a sexy cheerleader outfit saying "you can do it", she then blushes. Then the same comment said if you thought anything other than stimulating your man then you are a stupid woman. Cute chibi Ajumma crying saying she's not stupid. Then she sees the comment talk about sex and gets shocked and says Jeong-Hoo would want this? Scene change to Jeong-Hoo on his bed and talking about his exams, then there's a knock on the door, it's Ajumma with an ice pack and.... an opened panty (panty with the vagina exposed). She says she brought him an ice pack.

Chapter ends....
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