Her Taste 39 raw

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[Image: SPOILER_unknown-28.png]

by Break

Continuando el cap anterior, la rubia viene regresando y se encuentra con la fmc. 
La fmc al ver que venía de arriba le pregunta si fue a ver al mc, la rubia se molesta y le empieza a decir que no sabe lo que vio allá arriba, así que debería de mantenerse callada, la fmc le pregunta a qué se refiere, la rubia la ignora y le dice que no tiene nada que decirle y se mete a su departamento, la fmc se queda en el pasillo preguntándose que está sucediendo. 
Día después 
El mc va caminando con su amigo por la calle, están hablando de apuestas, cuando cruzan la calle un auto se detiene a un lado de ellos, la persona que conducía era la rubia, le dice al mc que lo llevará a casa, entonces el mc se despide el amigo y se sube al auto. 
En el auto, la rubia le dice al mc que siente fue algo imprudente la ultima vez así que quería disculparse el día de hoy y para ello preparo una sorpresa.
La rubia llevó al mc a la secundaría a la que iban, el mc le pregunta a la rubia que hacen ahí, ella solo le dice que la siga y se mete al edificio. Mientras suben unas escaleras el mc le pregunta a la rubia que tan lejos van mientras le esta viendo el culo, ella solo le dice que tiene algo que darle. 
El mc y la rubia llegan a un salón de clases, el mc pregunta que hacen ahí, la rubia le dice que se calle y comienza a buscar algo, el mc comienza a pensar que el ambiente se siente un poco raro, la rubia entonces saca unas llaves, el mc le pregunta que eso, ella le responde que esas llaves, se las dio la sensei, ya que ella da clases ahí. 

by Break

Continuing the previous chapter, the blonde comes back and meets the fmc.

The fmc seeing that she came from upstairs asks her if she went to see the mc, the blonde gets upset and starts telling her that she doesn't know what she saw up there, so she should keep quiet, the fmc asks her what she means, the blonde ignores her and tells her that she has nothing to tell her and goes into her apartment, the fmc stays in the hallway wondering what is going on.

Day later

The mc is walking with his friend down the street, they are talking about gambling, when they cross the street a car stops next to them, the person driving was the blonde, she tells the mc that she will take him home, then the mc says goodbye to his friend and gets in the car.

In the car, the blonde tells the mc that she feels she was a little reckless last time so she wanted to apologize today and for that she prepared a surprise.

The blonde took the mc to the high school they were going to, the mc asks the blonde what they are doing there, she just tells him to follow her and goes into the building. As they walk up some stairs the mc asks the blonde how far they are going while he is looking at her ass, she just tells him she has something to give him.

The mc and the blonde get to a classroom, the mc asks what they are doing there, the blonde tells him to shut up and starts looking for something, the mc starts thinking that the atmosphere feels a little weird, the blonde then takes out some keys, the mc asks her what that is, she replies that those keys, were given to her by sensei, since she teaches there.

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Could you kindly translate everything is agreed and summarise every chapter?
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