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El capitulo comienza con el mc y la rubia en una barra (bebiendo, comiendo y hablando)
Rubia: "Dios mío, ¿es eso posible? ¿descargas electricas?" 
Al parecer el mc le conto de las cosas que la foxy a hecho, tambien la pone de acosadora.
Rubia: "debe ser duro para ti tambien... Yo no la vi así, es impactante... jajaja"

[Image: E5A5D48C-F336-4840-B2B1-D468A5CE9044.jpg]
Rubia abre una cerbeza y se la pasa al mc. El mc se pone a pensar.
Mc: "pero... ahora que lo pienso, acabo de hablar de mi mismo. Estás tratando de hacerme sentir cómodo... Gracias por eso... Si hari se siente así
La rubia lo mira y le dice."
Rubia: "Ummm... Minwoo, pero ¿no puedes contrabandear a la Yoohe Noona (foxy) con tu propia fuerza?"
El mc pone cara de no saber (mc: "?")
Rubia: "¿es por la descarga eléctrica? Entonces, porque no saliste corriendo de la casa... 
El mc se pone a pensar
MC: "El mar frente a mi era una buena chica... no queria hablar de cosas complicasa"
Tambien se imagia a la madre de Yoohe noona 
Mc: "La apariencia de yoohe noona se parece a la de su madre, que era algo fria." 
despues Flashback de la noona abrazando al mc
MC, pensando: "me costó mucho hacerle frente a la manera en que me expresaba su amor"
El mc le contasta a la rubia "que no lo habia pensado" (Huir de la casa)
La rubia lo mira fijamente.
Rubia: Minwoo... ¿puedo darte un consejo?"
[Image: D157405C-7B95-40A4-B230-4BE96E8A4F70.jpg]
Y se le hacerca al oido
Rubia: Porque... me volvi cercana a yoohe unnie y me fui a trabaja... 
Le cuenta que cuando estaban trabajando la foxy era asombrosamente descuidada y la rubia la regañaba mucho.
[Image: B412B6E5-9F99-4823-BA80-CEF481485B08.png]
La rubia le dice al mc.
Rubia: Esa unni es muy debil. (es el consejo, practicamente que la regañe)
Mc: Como sabes eso?
Pero ella evade el tema diciendo que la cena estaba buena en la pensión

Cambio de escena, la rubia se despide del mc y este le dice que "Gracias por hoy, ten cuidado". Luedo va Mc caminando y se pone a pensar
Mc: Dices que regañe a Yoohe noona... ¿es eso posible? 
[Image: 79D7CE94-336C-4191-8E46-0B4100C7118E.jpg]

En eso levanta su cabeza y ve a hari (ella tiene una paraguas)
Mc: "noona... ¿has venido a recogerme?... Tomé una copa con un amigo. Es muy tarde, ¿esperaste?
Y comienza a llover y ella le dice
Hari: Porque va a llover.
Hari: vine a recogerte
[Image: 44389DF0-AA3C-4CF5-B75C-F55663CDB802.png]
El mc la ve y piensa que es muy linda y le dice
mc: ¿Ah, de verdad? (sonrojado)
Mc: ¿porque no me llamaste?
La agarra por los hombros y le dice 
Mc: Noona, Te ves mas linda hoy
Flashblack del mc de niño y hari en el parque comiendo helado y ella diciendole lindo al mc
Hari: que dices jajaja
[Image: 785437F1-0F16-4FF8-A188-4A1F837CCDDF.jpg]
Luego... se besan

Hari, pensando: yo... ahora te veo como un hombre con un corazon palpitante.

cambio de escena y llegan a un motel buscando alojamiento. Hari esta muy nerviosa (que linda). Luego entran a la habitacion y hari se sorprende.
Hari: Guaaao
Mc: ¿Que pasa, noona?
Hari "Pense que seria un lugar travieso porque es un motel, pero es similar a un hotel.
Mc: !
Mc, pensando: Ah... bueno es mi primera vez en un motel con mi noona.
Hari: ¡necesito enviarle una selfie a nari!
Mc: Noona...
Mc, pensando: Eso es... una silla de amor
[Image: BC934622-9B8C-480C-BC1A-B57853579979.jpg]
El mc se le acerca a hari y empieza a tocarla
Mc: Noona
Hari: ?
Mc: ¿Quieres que nos bañemos y vallamos a la cama?
Hari: !!!

Cambio de escena, varios paneles del mc sobando, pellizcando y chupando los pechos de Hari

[Image: 3E9A8AAC-CB0D-4202-B824-753C693C2926.jpg]

Mc: No son demasiados sensibles los pezones de mi noona?
Mc: noona...
MC: sabes, ¿puedo preguntarte por qué estabas enojada esta mañana...?
Hari: ........
[Image: 1173B36B-969D-4B44-964B-923F5D4860CD.jpg]



The chapter starts with the mc and the blonde at a bar (drinking, eating and talking).
Blonde: "Oh my god, is that possible? electric discharges?"

Apparently the mc told her about the things the foxy has done, he also calls her a stalker.
Blonde: "it must be hard for you too.... I didn't see her like that, it's shocking... hahaha."
Blondie opens a teal and passes it to the mc. The mc starts to think.
Mc: "but... now that I think about it, I just talked about myself. You're trying to make me feel comfortable.... Thank you for that... If hari feels that way.
Blonde looks at him and says."
Blonde: "Ummm.... Minwoo, but can't you smuggle the Yoohe Noona (foxy) with your own strength?"
The mc makes a face like he doesn't know (mc: "?").
Blonde: "is it because of the electric shock? Then why didn't you run out of the house....".
The mc starts to think
MC: "The sea in front of me was a good girl... I didn't want to talk about complicated things".
He also imagines Yoohe noona's mother.
Mc: "Yoohe noona's appearance resembles her mother's, who was kind of cold."
then Flashback of noona hugging mc.
MC, thinking: "I had a hard time coping with the way she expressed her love to me."
The mc tells the blonde "I hadn't thought about it" (Running away from home).
The blonde stares at him.
Blonde: Minwoo... can I give you some advice?"
And she gets close to his ear
Blonde: Because... I got close to yoohe unnie and I went to work....
She tells him that when they were working the foxy was amazingly careless and the blonde scolded her a lot.
The blonde tells the mc.
Blonde: That unni is very weak (it's the advice, practically that she scolded her).
Mc: How do you know that?
But she evades the subject by saying that the dinner was good at the boarding house.

Change of scene, the blonde says goodbye to mc and he tells her that "Thanks for today, be careful". Luedo goes mc walking and he starts thinking
Mc: You say to scold Yoohe noona.... Is that possible?

At that he raises his head and sees hari (she has an umbrella).
Mc: "noona... have you come to pick me up?.... I had a drink with a friend. It's very late, did you wait?
And it starts to rain and she tells him-

Hari: Because it's going to rain.
Hari: I came to pick you up

The mc sees her and thinks she is very pretty and says to her
mc: Oh, really? (blushing)
Mc: why didn't you call me?
He grabs her by the shoulders and says
Mc: Noona, you look prettier today.
Flashblack of mc as a boy and hari in the park eating ice cream and her saying cute to mc.
Hari: what are you saying hahaha

Hari, thinking: I... now I see you as a man with a beating heart.

scene change and they arrive at a motel looking for lodging. Hari is very nervous (how cute). Then they enter the room and hari is surprised.
Hari: Wow
Mc: What's wrong, noona?
Hari "I thought it would be a naughty place because it's a motel, but it's similar to a hotel.
Mc: !
Mc, thinking: Ah... well it's my first time in a motel with my noona.
Hari: I need to send a selfie to nari!
Mc: Noona...
Mc, thinking: That's it... a love seat.

mc approaches hari and starts touching her
Mc: Noona
Hari: ?
Mc: Do you want to take a bath and go to bed?
Hari: !!!

Change of scene, several panels of the mc rubbing, pinching and sucking Hari's breasts.
Mc: Aren't my noona's nipples too sensitive?
Mc: noona...
MC: you know, can I ask you why you were angry this morning...?
Hari: ........

(This post was last modified: 07-07-2022, 08:48 PM by Felix538.)
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