Sister’s Friends Chapter 13 Summary (English)

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Sister’s Friends Chapter 13 Summary

(Chapter translated with MTL)

The same motherfucker from last chapter still knocking up the door calling for someone. Florist girl appears with a dark face saying “Hello, i’m here….” The delivery guy freeze with fear but then she makes a cute face and says “Oh… is the flower i requested…”

Switch scenes to night at MC’s house. Blonde is playing with MC but he wins. She got angry and asked why he did that but MC is in another world thinking about what happened early. 

A short flashback of MC x Florist Girl. She gives her number to him and says tomorrow is a day off so they can go to a date.

Chaerin (Purple Noona) arrives with her baggage and MC goes there to help her.

She thinks he missed her already and he is cute because he is happy she is there. They go to talk and MC says about his date with florist girl next day. She gets angry and jealous thinking “After all you did to me last time, you now thinking about that girl…” She says she will help him with the date. (She trolls him of course) 

Next day in the morning, Yoga Noona was there with some vegetables for the breakfast (She is with a cute hairstyle). When MC opens the door he is with a hiking outfit saying this is what people use for a date. Yoga noona helps him

Later, MC is there waiting for florist noona and he is handsome. He thinks why she didn’t answer but then she appears behind him.

Chapter ends with both looking to each other.

(Sex probably in chapter 15)
(This post was last modified: 03-20-2022, 01:48 PM by Beatz.)
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