All About Bestfriends 50 raw

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All About Bestfriends
All About Bestfriends 50 raw

[Image: IMG_8209.png?width=1025&height=361]

by FatimaG

El cap empieza con Roy y Mina descansando después de tener sexo, Mina se muestra cariñosa echándose en el pecho de Roy abrazándolo por el hombro. Mina le pregunta a que se refería con Roy le dijera que quería tener sexo por primera vez con ella.
Roy evade la pregunta y Mina se enoja, procede a irse del hotel, Roy no entiende la situación, Mina le dice que es demasiado tarde para que responda.

Termina el día

La mañana siguiente la tía le dice a Roy diciéndole que ya esta su desayuno, Roy le deja un mensaje a Mina diciéndole para verse de nuevo en el hotel (eso creo la traducción no me ayuda mucho)
Roy va al restaurante y sigue revisando su celular esperando la respuesta de Mina, en eso aparece Sae y espia el celular de Roy, el se da cuenta y le dice que no haga eso, Sae le dice que no le interesa y se voltea. Sae se da la vuelta y Roy le mira el trasero y cambian de escena de Roy teniendo sexo con Sae. Roy le dice que hace tiempo que no hacían eso.
Mientras Roy lo hace con Sae se le vienen flashback de la noche anterior con Mina, Mina se metió en su cabeza y diría que se enamoro de ella, cambian de escena y están afuera del restaurante, Sae le pregunta en que piensa cuando tiene sexo con ella, no se que le responde el traductor no ayuda;(
El cap termina con Mina respondiendo a Roy y aceptando ir al Hotel de nuevo. Continuará...

by FatimaG

The cap starts with Roy and Mina resting after having sex, Mina is affectionate lying on Roy's chest hugging him by the shoulder. Mina asks him what he meant by Roy telling her he wanted to have sex for the first time with her.
Roy evades the question and Mina gets angry, she proceeds to leave the hotel, Roy doesn't understand the situation, Mina tells him it's too late for him to answer.

The day ends

The next morning the aunt tells Roy that his breakfast is ready, Roy leaves a message for Mina telling her to meet him again at the hotel (I think the translation doesn't help me much).
Roy goes to the restaurant and keeps checking his cell phone waiting for Mina's answer, Sae appears and spies on Roy's cell phone, he notices and tells her not to do that, Sae tells him that she is not interested and turns away. Sae turns around and Roy looks at her butt* and they change the scene to Roy having sex with Sae. Roy tells her that they haven't done that in a while.
While Roy is doing it with Sae he gets flashbacks of the night before with Mina, Mina got into his head and he would say he fell in love with her, they switch scenes and they are outside the restaurant, Sae asks him what he thinks about when he has sex* with her, I don't know what he answers the translator doesn't help ;(
The chapter ends with Mina answering Roy and agreeing to go to the Hotel again. TBC...
(This post was last modified: 04-08-2022, 04:04 PM by UchihaKanon.)
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