A Twisted Day 48 sum by E.M.T

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Chapter continues where it left off. We see FMC blushing after MC asking her out

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but she quickly gets herself together and tells MC that no, she doesn't want to go out with him this way, because he doesn't like her. MC then says that if she thinks this way, why did she bother to confess? FMC says that its because he was doubting her words (looking for a reason to validate her actions aka letting him fuck her). Then she continues talking about how both of them are idiots and that he didn't even confess, and she tries to get away from MC

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but he holds her back saying that she is right, he never liked her, but if they start dating maybe he will start doing so, she would just have to work harder...

Then FMC reaches back to her bully reflexes and gives an elbow punch to MC saying that he shouldn't get ahead of himself this much and that the way he proposed its not the right way.

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MC falls back on his ass, reaching to his previously injured ankle, FMC gets scared seeing he is injured and in pain. She is surprised that MC got a bruise like that from a little push and she hopes it didn't get broken, while MC has a blushed faced looking at her.

They go into MC's room and on his bed, he still refuses to go to the hospital. MC asks FMC to make a ramen for him, FMC gets angry that why would she do that? He says because he is injured because of her (lol) and that he cannot cook for himself in this state.

She gets all mad but agrees, and also starts cleaning around a little. As she collects the bottles she mentions its no wonder he got injured so fast, when all he does is drink so much. MC then says to her that she doesn't resemble her old self at all, and that if she is sure she doesn't want to go out with him...

She says again that she didn't confess to go out with him, because she knows he hates her. FMC is leaving slowly but sees the box and mentions the gift box, MC says its from the next door neighbor, she says for now he should stay at home and stop drinking and walks out.

MC still doesn't believe her being serious about liking him, but switches his focus on the gift.

Panel goes back to FMC she is in the elevator going down to throw out the bottles, she is complaining about how can he drink so much and so expensive drinks etc. When she gets to the ground floor she passes the new tenant and she calls her by her name, Yoon Nari. She is surprised she doesn't recognize her, but she tells her she is Su-Hyun (Min-eun in Chinese raws). They have a stare down.

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FMC is standing now at the bins, recalling their small talk. Suhyun says its been a while since they last met, FMC says yes, and she changed a lot, she didn't even recognize her without the glasses. Suhyun says she lived abroad for a while and it changed her, but she can see that FMC haven't changed a bit (FMC here stats to feel awkward and hides the trashbags)

Suhyun asks her if she also lives here, because she just moved in to 501. FMC is surprised, and she gets an invitation from Suhyun for later tonight, to come over for a drink and to talk.

Panel switches back to FMC at the bins, and she recalls MC talking about the new tenant, but he said a different name (she gave a fake name to him). She then starts running back to the apartments saying, she cannot allow this to happen again, she cannot lose MC.

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A Twisted Day 48 sum by E.M.T - by Zahard - 04-08-2022, 09:54 PM

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