Understanding of Flirting Chapter 14 Summary

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(Chapter translated with MTL)
Chapter starts with FMC seeing MC, she says: “Are you really (MC’s name)?”
MC surprised thinks she stills pretty, FMC asks “is really good to see you but why are you here? This is the female dormitory”
MC thinks: “Oh that’s right, Noona! What do I say? I slept in the women’s dormitory last night…”
FMC says: “Did you come to see me?”. MC says: “Yes of course” and thinks “My conscience hurts… but can’t help it now.”
Still MC’s thoughts: “First of all, I need to get out of here before noona comes out!” And asks to FMC: “I haven’t seen you in a while… Shall we talk while drinking something at the cafe?”
All this conversation while MC avoiding eye contact and FMC happy. Noona appears looking for MC but they already out. 

Switch scenes to the cafe, FMC says she needs to go to the bathroom and MC got a message from Noona, he made an excuse to her saying he got an urgent matter, then he would call her later. Meanwhile in bathroom, FMC was there touching up her makeup and thinking: 
“I spent all night in the library and my face is a mess now! I was so happy earlier, I didn’t have time to think about that. Does that means (MC’s name) also wanted to see me?”
They talk a little but MC was worried about everything (the situation, thoughts about her “boyfriend”, why they didn’t contact each other).  MC thinks that situation was awkward and he drinks his coffee but the drink burned him a little (he forgot he ordered a hot coffee lol). FMC getting up to help him and asking if he is okay. When she was cleaning him, he starts to think she was too beautiful and says “Funny..”
“Whenever you mess around, I always took care of you but now you grew a lot” 
Cute scene with FMC punching him (Chibi) then she punches him in the face. 

And MC thinks “Yeah that’s it. It’s okay to just stay by your side as a friend like this… Nothing has changed…”
Scene scenes, they are walking back to the dormitory. FMC asks if he remember when they were in school and MC cried saying he was completely ruined. 
Little flashback with MC crying and saying: “I want to go to the same school as you”
Back to present, FMC says: “ I also wanted to go to school with you. (MC’s name)..”

“Yes?” (MC)
“I actually…” (FMC)

Chapter ends.
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Understanding of Flirting Chapter 14 Summary - by Beatz - 03-13-2022, 02:21 AM
RE: Understanding of Flirting Chapter 14 Summary - by UchihaKanon - 03-13-2022, 03:20 AM

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