Sister’s Friends Chapter 12 Summary

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Chapter starts with Florist Noona thinking she really said it, but she needed to do because she can’t forget something that happened in that time (MC slapping her)

Title drops 

10 minutes ago. 

They start talking. Noona says her name and MC says his name too. Awkward situation. Then MC asks “Were you kidding about that before?”

“No, i’m serious. Who could do a joke about such a thing?” “Domin (MC’s name) don’t ask why… Just one more time…”

Scene switches to Noona in front of MC showing her body. She says “Then… i beg you..”
MC thinks “WTF is this situation, do i really have to?”. He slaps her kindly.

She says “… Harder” 


“You didn’t hit me like this back then”

He slaps her ass again and she again says “Harder”

MC thoughts “Then i don’t give a fuck” and hits her hard. She moans.

MC: “Are you okay?”

Noona: “It hurts”

MC: “I’m sorry! I’m sorry!”

She says: “It hurts” and starts rise her dress “one more time” (She starts getting wet)

He slaps her again and both get horny, MC starts touching her. They are about to kiss but a motherfucker knocks the door asking if someone is there.

MC get worried about it but Noona says: “No worries… i locked the door”

“Therefore… Please don’t stop…”

Chapter ends. Probably sex next chapter. 
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Sister’s Friends Chapter 12 Summary - by Beatz - 03-13-2022, 03:07 PM
RE: Sister’s Friends Chapter 12 Summary - by UchihaKanon - 03-13-2022, 03:12 PM

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