Dorm Room Sisters 57 raw

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[Image: SPOILER_unknown-8-3.png?width=1025&height=271]

by Break

El cap comienza con imagenes de la pelirroja en diferentes edades, estás son de la pelonegro que anda suspirando, sorprendida por lo que anda viendo. 
La pelirroja le pregunta al mc qué es lo que esta haciendo, el mc dice que quiere tomárselo con calma ya que aún tienen 2 días y quiere asegurarse de que la pelonegro este bien, la pelinegro hace cara de sorprendida. 
Al día siguiente, el mc esta follando con la pelirroja en la mesa, la pelonegro está comiendo a un lado. esta les pregunta si de verdad tienen que hacerlo mientras ella está comiendo, el mc no responde nada y le hace un creampie a la pelirroja. El mc le pregunta si dijo algo a lo que la pelonegro le responde que estaba pensando en otras cosas, entonces el mc le dice que no debería importarle mucho ya que solo puede ver. 
Más tarde, la pelonegro sale a la piscina con una traje de baño, le pregunta al mc que le parece ya que quería mostrárselo, para su sorpresa el mc sigue follando con la pelirroja, la pelonegro les reclama ya que le habían dicho que pasaran tiempo los 3 en la piscina, le mc le dice que es lo que están haciendo, pero la pelonegro le dice el quiere pasar el tiempo de otra manera, así que mejor se irá adentro a descansar, el mc le dice que no puede irse ya que prometió que los vería hasta el final, la pelirroja le dice que no debería de huir.
Aún más tarde
Ahora están en la sala, el mc sigue follando con la pelirroja.
La pelonegro pregunta si les gustaría tomar un descanso, el mc le dice que no es necesario ya que tiene unas pastillas que tomo de su padre para que pueda tener energías. 
La pelonegro se pregunta cómo llegaron a está situación, el plan que tenía en mente no se compara en anda con lo que sucede ahora, ella pensaba que podrían ser felices los 3 sin necesidad de pelear.
De pronto le llega un flashback de cuando eran pequeñas, la pelirroja está llorando porque se rompio un peluche que tenía, su mamá le pregunta a la pelonegro porque le quito su muñeca a su hermana, ella le dice que no es de su hermana ya que originalmente era de ella, además se suponía que ambas jugarían juntas, pero la pelirroja quería el peluche para ella sola, a lo que su madre le pregunta si en realidad ella era la única que creía eso (refiriéndose a que jugarían juntas) 
Volviendo al presente, la pelonegro piensa en que no hay forma de que su hermana acepte que estén los 3 juntos, entonces sonríe y se le avienta a la pija del mc, su hermana la estaba chupando así que le dice que se quite del camino, le dice que ya no le importa lo que suceda entre ellas a partir de ahora, hará todo lo que quiera. 

by Break

The chapter begins with images of the redhead at different ages, these are of the black-haired girl who is sighing, surprised by what she is seeing.

The redhead asks the mc what he is doing, the mc says he wants to take it easy since they still have 2 days and he wants to make sure the redhead is ok, the redhead makes a surprised face.


The next day, the mc is fucking the redhead at the table, the blackhead is eating on the side. she asks them if they really have to do it while she is eating, the mc doesn't answer anything and creampie the redhead. The mc asks her if she said anything to which the redhead replies that she was thinking about other things, then the mc tells her that she shouldn't care much since she can only see.

Later, the pelonegro comes out to the pool with a swimsuit, she asks the mc what he thinks since she wanted to show it to him, to her surprise the mc is still fucking with the redhead, the pelonegro complains to them since they had told her that they would spend time the 3 of them in the pool, the mc tells him that's what they are doing, but the redhead tells him that he wants to spend the time in another way, so he'd better go inside to rest, the mc tells him that he can't leave since he promised that he would see them until the end, the redhead tells him that he shouldn't run away.

Still later

They are now in the living room, the mc is still fucking the redhead.

The redhead asks if they would like to take a break, the mc tells her that it is not necessary as he has some pills he took from his father so he can have energy.

The black-haired girl wonders how they got into this situation, the plan she had in mind does not compare in any way with what is happening now, she thought they could be happy the 3 of them without the need to fight.

Suddenly she gets a flashback of when they were little, the redhead is crying because she broke a stuffed animal she had, her mom asks the blackhead why she took her doll from her sister, she tells her that it is not her sister's since it was originally hers, besides they were supposed to play together, but the redhead wanted the stuffed animal for herself, to which her mother asks her if she was the only one who really believed that (referring to them playing together).

Back to the present, the redhead thinks about how there is no way her sister will accept the 3 of them being together, so she smiles and goes down on the mc's dick, her sister was sucking it so she tells her to get out of the way, she tells her that she doesn't care what happens between them from now on, she will do whatever she wants.

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Dorm Room Sisters 57 raw - by UchihaKanon - 06-29-2022, 11:36 PM

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