Tutorias Privadas/ILJINNYEO TUTORING 66-69 raw (Español/Ingles)

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Las mamás de Kasha empiezan a lamer el cuerpo del prota hasta terminar en un RJ y BJ.
El MC se exita por ver a Yubin con una cara tan obcena.
Al eyacular ambas chicas se pelean por beber la leche del prota, lo cual lo exita bastante.
Ambas chicas entonces lo invitan a iniciar la acción.
El MC conciente que en su ultimo trio hizo que la rubia se enojora por elegir primero a Yubin, decide escogerla a ella...pero tarde se da cuenta del cambio de cuerpo, algo que Yejin/Yubin le reclama.

Sin otro medio que esperar, Yejin/Yubin se monta encima de la cara de Yubin/Yejin diciendo que la lama (ya que es su cuerpo se da ese permiso).
Menciona lo raro y pervertido que es empujar su cara y lengua hacia una vagina.
La accion sigue hasta que el MC termina por la emocion del escenario.
Yejin/Yubin entonces toma su turno rapidamente.
Al ser penetrada, menciona como el tener un cuerpo distinto logra ser tocada en puntos distintos a los acostumbrados.
En eso, Yubin/Yejin le mete dedos por el ano, diciendo que es una venganza por lo de antes ya que es su cuerpo igual.
Yejin/Yubin se enoja, pero al rato agarra el ritmo y menciona que el cuerpo de Yubin es muy sensible, pidiendo luego que meta mas adentro los dedos.
Al final el terminan los dos.
Sin perder el tiempo, las mamás de Kasha dice que deben continuar y se ponen en posicion una encima de la otra.
Siguen teniendo sexo...

Al final Yubin regresa a su cuerpo mientras que Yejin y el MC cambian de cuerpo xD



English  : 

Kasha's mommies start licking the prota's body until they end up in a RJ and BJ.
The MC gets aroused by seeing Yubin with such an obcene face.
Upon ejaculation both girls fight to drink the prota's cum, which makes him quite excited.
Both girls then invite him to initiate the action.
The MC aware that in his last threesome he made the blonde angry by choosing Yubin first, decides to choose her...but belatedly notices the body change, something Yejin/Yubin claims him for.

With no other means but to wait, Yejin/Yubin rides on top of Yubin/Yejin's face telling him to lick her (since it's her body he gives himself that permission).
He mentions how weird and kinky it is to push his face and tongue into a vagina.
The action continues until the MC ends because of the excitement of the scenario.
Yejin/Yubin then takes her turn quickly.
As she is penetrated, she mentions how having a different body gets her to be touched in different spots than usual.
At that, Yubin/Yejin sticks fingers up her anus, saying it's revenge for before since it's her body just the same.
Yejin/Yubin gets angry, but after a while he picks up the pace and mentions that Yubin's body is very sensitive, then asks him to put his fingers deeper inside.
In the end they both finish.
Without wasting any time, Kasha's moms say they must continue and get into position on top of each other.
They continue having sex...

At the end Yubin goes back to her body while Yejin and the MC switch bodies xD


esp :

Quote:El MC esta descansando, no esta cerca la rubia quien se fue a una cena familiar y Yubin quien esta con sus padres que fueron a visitarla.

Sin nada que hacer se quiere ir hasta que un amigo le interrumpe y le pide que vaya a una cita grupal en su lugar.
El MC se niega pensando que enojaria a la rubia pero accede al final.

En la cita, piensa largarse cuanto antes, pero acaba viendo una cara familiar pero no sabe quien es.

La chica al final se presenta, y él se asusta al recordarla como la Kohai fangirl de Yejin (la chica de lentes que se ve en el flashback).
Ella le recrimina por ir a esas citas si ya tiene a su unnie y él intenta justificarse explicando por que fue, aunque no le cree.
Pasa a decir que no la reconocio por que cambio mucho y se volvio mas linda, preguntandole el motivo del cambio.
Ella un tanto sonrojada, le explica que solo queria entender el sentimiento de la rubia cuando hicieron el trio (es decir, donde Yejin empezo a mostrar mas sentimientos posesivos y amorosos por el MC)
Por eso el cambio, ella quiere saber que es el amor (por eso acepto ir a la cita grupal) y le pide una cita a Hanjin para aprender.

El se niega pero acepta cuando le amenazan con decirle a la rubia que fue a una cita grupal (mas arriba el menciono que no deberia asustarse ya que el y Yejin no son novios oficialmente)

La cita da su paso todo el dia, al finalizar ella pregunta que mas hacen luego de eso, aparte de pedirle la cuenta para dividir gastos.

El MC dice que es todo, ya que luego van a ese lugar, señalando el motel donde ella igual estuvo (en el trio) asi que eso seria todo para ambos.
Pero cuando se quiere ir, la kohai lo detiene y le dice que quiere hacer TODO lo que hace con la rubia y que quiere ir..


ENG : 

Quote:The MC is resting, not around the blonde who went to a family dinner and Yubin who is with her parents who came to visit her.

With nothing to do he wants to leave until a friend interrupts him and asks him to go on a group date instead.
The MC refuses, thinking it would upset the blonde but agrees in the end.

On the date, he plans to leave as soon as possible, but ends up seeing a familiar face but doesn't know who it is.

The girl finally introduces herself, and he freaks out remembering her as Yejin's Kohai fangirl (the girl with glasses seen in the flashback).
She berates him for going on such dates if he already has his unnie and he tries to justify himself by explaining why he went, though she doesn't believe him.
He goes on to say that he didn't recognize her because she changed a lot and became prettier, asking her the reason for the change.
She blushes and explains that she just wanted to understand the blonde's feelings when they had a threesome (that is, when Yejin started to show more possessive and loving feelings for the MC).
Hence the change, she wants to know what love is (that's why she agreed to go on the group date) and asks Hanjin for a date to learn.

He refuses but accepts when he is threatened to tell the blonde that he went on a group date (above he mentioned that he shouldn't be scared since he and Yejin are not officially dating).

The date goes on all day, at the end she asks what else they do after that, besides asking him for the bill to split expenses.

The MC says that's it, since they then go to that place, pointing to the motel where she was in (in the threesome) so that would be it for both of them.
But when he wants to leave, the kohai stops him and tells him that she wants to do EVERYTHING he does with the blonde and that she wants to go.....

To be continued...



Quote:Como se quedo la semana pasada, ambos acaban yendo al hotel a pedido de la kohai.
Mientras se toman un baño, el MC piensa en la situación, pensando como de una reunión pasaron a un hotel... parece una situación muy loca.
Al salir la Kohai le pregunta si se lavo y avergonzandose como el "amigo"del prota se mueve de un lado a otro le pide que al menos se ponga algo.
El MC le responde que no es necesario ya que se la van a quitar dr todos modos.
El se pone en posición y le pregunta una vez mas si quiere hacer eso, ella reafirma su deseo y le pide que se sirva de ella como lo haria con su unnie.

El MC con luz verde continua comenzando con un beso que ella acepta bien (su primer beso) para luego pasar a besos en su cuello bajando hasta la parte inferior donde comienza a lamer su vagina.
La kohai lo intenta detener pero el placer del acto le gana mas.
Al rato, el MC para y dice que ya esta mojada y lo metera, pero la kohai lo detiene pidiendole que le permita chuparla (su pene) como en los videos porno que uso para estudiar.

El MC acepta y pone el plato a servirse.
La kohai hace una descripcion del amigo del amigo del MC, grosor, olor y la sorpresa de que algo asi haya entrado en su interior.
Ella procede a chuparlo y aunque es torpe en el acto, el MC se siente bien.
La Kohai pone mas intensidad al pensar que ese pene esta impregnado de la esencia de su Unnie, el pene que todos los dias la rubia saborea.
El acto el demasiado y el MC eyacula en su boca.
Al verla que casi se atraganta, Hanjin le pregunta si esta bien, ella le responde que si y cuestiona que haria su Unnie despues

La escena cambia a ella montando al MC.
Una vez mas ella queda sorprendida del tamaño del pene de Hanjin y como del exterior llega hasta su ombligo.
Se pregunta si podra meterse eso, pero sin dudar toma las riendas y decide hacerlo.
La penetración es alcanzada, pero ella menciona que por el grosor del miembro siente que no puede respirar, como si apretara su diafragma al fondo.
Sin rendirse y usando lo que aprendio en el porno, ella quiere moverse lentamente, sacando y metiendo el pene una y otra vez.
Su deseo falla ya que el pene es demasiado largo y grueso para hacer tal maniobra.
Sus piernas empiezan a temblar cuando estan a medio camino del acto y acaban fallando y cediendo provocando una embestida sorpresa en su interior.
Ella siente que morira asfixiada... pero no la detiene y sigue a pesar de todo por el placer que va sintiendo...
El celular suena y se ve el nombre de Yejin como la persona que llama.



Quote:As he stayed last week, they both end up going to the hotel at the request of the kohai.
As they take a bath, the MC thinks about the situation, thinking how they went from a meeting to a hotel.... it seems like a very crazy situation.
On the way out, the Kohai asks him if he washed himself and, embarrassed as the "friend" of the protagonist moves from one side to the other, asks him to at least put something on.
The MC replies that it is not necessary as they are going to take it off anyway.
He gets into position and asks her once again if she wants to do that, she reaffirms her desire and asks him to serve her as he would his unnie.

The MC with green light continues starting with a kiss which she accepts well (her first kiss) then moves to kisses on her neck going down to the bottom where he starts licking her vagina.
The kohai tries to stop him but the pleasure of the act wins him over.
After a while, the MC stops and says that she is already wet and will put it in, but the kohai stops him asking him to let her suck it (his penis) like in the porn videos he used to study.

The MC accepts and puts the plate down to serve himself.
The kohai gives a description of the MC's friend's friend's friend, girth, smell and the surprise that something like this has gone inside him.
She proceeds to suck on it and although she is clumsy in the act, the MC feels good.
The Kohai gets more intense at the thought that this penis is impregnated with the essence of her Unnie, the penis that every day the blonde tastes.
The act is too much and the MC ejaculates in her mouth.
Seeing her almost gagging, Hanjin asks her if it's okay, she says yes and questions what her Unnie would do next.

The scene changes to her riding the MC.
Once again she is amazed at the size of Hanjin's penis and how from the outside it goes all the way to her belly button.
She wonders if she can get that in, but without hesitation she takes the reins and decides to do it.
Penetration is achieved, but she mentions that because of the thickness of the member she feels she can't breathe, as if she is squeezing her diaphragm to the bottom.
Without giving up and using what she learned in porn, she wants to move slowly, pulling the penis in and out over and over again.
Her desire fails as the penis is too long and thick to make such a maneuver.
Her legs start to tremble when they are halfway through the act and end up failing and giving way causing a surprise thrust inside her.
She feels that she will die suffocating... but it doesn't stop her and she continues in spite of everything because of the pleasure she is feeling...
The cell phone rings and Yejin's name is seen as the caller.

To be continued.



Quote:El celular del MC sigue sonando con insistencia.
Es Yejin y el chico sabe que si no contesta llevara a pensar a la rubia que esta con Yubin (y eso la enojara)

Decide contestar y pide a la kohai que no haga ruido.
Yejin le dice que se iba reunir con su mamá, pero ya termino y ahora que esta libre quiere verlo, por tanto esta yendo a su casa.
El MC asustado pregunta que cuanto tardara y le responde que 2 horas.
La kohai mientras tanto se da cuenta que habla con su Unnie y de pronto le da la idea de "atacar" al MC chupando sus pezones lo cual le agarra por sorpresa.
Yejin pregunta que pasa y el chico culpa a un gato que esta cerca, se despide y dice que vaya lento y con cuidado.

Al colgar, le reclama ese actuar a la kohai, (que provocaria que la rubia los mate a ambos) quien se excusa diciendo que penso que haria su Unnie en esa situacion y la imito.
Le dice al MC que al inicio le dolia meterse su enorme pene, pero ahora solo siente un gran placer tenerlo dentro y procede a moverse mas agresivamente hasta llegar al orgasmo.

Al terminar el MC piensa que acabo, pero la kohai le dice que con Yejin lo hizo hasta 5 veces... por tanto quiere hacer lo mismo

Ambos continuan teniendo sexo.

En la ultima ronda le pregunta al MC por que le mete su pulgar en el culo y que se siente raro, él responde que es algo que Yejin le gusta mucho.
La kohai entonces le deja.
El MC le advierte que esta a punto de eyacular y dice que lo sacara, pero la kohai le pide que lo haga adentro (mientras pensanba en lo peligroso de la situación y poder quedar embaraza), simplemente quiere imitar en todo a la rubia.

El MC eyacula dentro y acaban.

El chico cuestiona que deberia hacer y la kohai le dice que debe arreglarse para recibir bien a su unnie.
Ambos salen del hotel y van de camino a que la chica tome el autobus.
El chico pregunta si deben mantener eso en secreto y ella dice obviamente que si.
Sorpresivamente le da un beso al MC y menciona que siempre soño con darle uno a su amante luego de que la acompañe a tomar el bus.
Y le advierte que si lo ve en otra cita grupal lo agarrara para ella otra vez.

En su cuarto el MC escucha a la rubia llegar a la puerta mientras se anuncia a si misma como su querida novia y pregunta si esta tan excitado por su llegada que ya la tiene dura.
El MC cansado dice que se va a morir con otra ronda...

Quote:The MC's cell phone keeps ringing insistently.
It's Yejin and the boy knows that if he doesn't answer it will make the blonde think that he is with Yubin (and that will make her angry).

He decides to answer and asks the kohai to be quiet.
Yejin tells him that he was going to meet his mother, but he is done and now that he is free he wants to see him, so he is going to her house.
The scared MC asks how long it will take and Yejin says 2 hours.
The kohai meanwhile realizes that he is talking to his Unnie and suddenly gets the idea to "attack" the MC by sucking his nipples which catches him by surprise.
Yejin asks what's wrong and the guy blames a cat nearby, says goodbye and tells him to go slow and careful.

When he hangs up, he complains to the kohai, (which would cause the blonde to kill them both) who excuses herself by saying that she thought she would do her Unnie in that situation and imitated her.
She tells the MC that at first it hurt to put his huge penis inside her, but now she just feels a great pleasure to have it inside her and proceeds to move more aggressively until she reaches orgasm.

When he finishes the MC thinks he is done, but the kohai tells him that with Yejin he did it up to 5 times... so he wants to do the same.

The two continue to have sex.

In the last round she asks the MC why he sticks his thumb in her ass and that it feels weird, he replies that it's something Yejin really likes.
The kohai then leaves him.
The MC warns him that he is about to ejaculate and says he will pull out, but the kohai asks him to do it inside (while thinking about how dangerous the situation is and how she could get pregnant), she just wants to imitate the blonde in everything.

The MC ejaculates inside and they finish.

The boy questions what he should do and the kohai tells him that he should get ready to welcome his unnie.
They both leave the hotel and are on their way for the girl to catch the bus.
The boy asks if they should keep that a secret and she obviously says yes.
Surprisingly she gives the MC a kiss and mentions that she always dreamed of giving one to her lover after he escorts her to the bus.
And she warns him that if she sees him on another group date she will grab him for her again.

In his room the MC hears the blonde come to the door as she announces herself as his beloved girlfriend and asks if he is so turned on by her arrival that he already has a hard-on.
The tired MC says he's going to die with another round....
To be continued...

Thanks to IamACmPunkGuy

[Image: 4v1QxZ.png]
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