The owner of the building 61

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By: FátimaG


El capítulo empieza un poco antes donde termino el anterior, si no recuerdan, después de despedirse, cada uno entra a su habitación, pero luego de un rato, Nari sale de la suya para entrar a la del MC.

MC: “¡Adiós!”
Nari: “Nos vemos mañana”

MC entra a su habitación.

MC en su mente: “¡Dios… estaba temblando en toda la cita!”

MC empieza a imaginar a Nari.

MC: “¿Por qué se ve tan bonita?”

MC empieza a recordar momento de Nari chiquita <3 y también cuando era colegiala.
[Image: unknown.png]

MC: “Yo creo… que es una lástima que nos hayamos separado” (Se refiere al pasado.)

(Como ya vimos en el último cap, Nari llega a la habitación del MC).
[Image: unknown.png?width=209&height=604]

Nari: “¿Señor?”

MC la mira sorprendido y ella se pone nerviosa.

Nari: “Eso eso… Al parecer no me olvide nada ^^. Bueno me voy. ¡Buenas noches!”
[Image: unknown.png]

Ella se va poco a poco pero el MC la detiene agarrándole el brazo, la puerta se cierra y ellos están muy cerca. Nari tiene una mirada de ‘lo conseguí’. Ella se hace la que no entiende.
[Image: unknown.png]

Nari: “Por qué, por qué espera ¿Tienes algo que decir?”
MC: “¿No? Creo que tú tienes algo que decir”
Nari: “¿No, no? Es decir…”

MC le levanta la mano a Nari apretándola más.

Nari: “¿Qué tienes que decir?”

Ambos están muy avergonzados y nerviosos.

MC agarra el cuello de Nari delicadamente y empieza a besarla. Ella esta tan sorprendida que tiene los ojos abiertos.
[Image: unknown.png]

Nari: “Vaya…”

Acto seguido el MC sostiene mas a Nari y la lleva de la mano a su habitación, lanza a Nari encima de la cama y el se coloca encima de ella.
[Image: unknown.png]

Nari: “¡Hermano! Un momento.”

MC empieza a bajarle la ropa interior a Nari, ella no lo detiene, rápidamente el MC levanta las piernas de Nari y ella ya no tiene nada abajo.
[Image: unknown.png]

El MC empieza a poner su cara en los pechos de Nari, le quita el brasier y empieza a chuparle las tetas. Nari gime mucho.
[Image: unknown.png]

Ambos empiezan a besarse, luego, el MC empieza a masturbar a Nari, ella no aguanta y gime mucho y le sacan corazones en los ojos.

MC: “¿No te gusta?”

Nari pone los dedos en la boca del MC.

Nari: “Estoy impaciente. Hagámoslo despacio.”

MC no hace caso y se la mete rápidamente a Nari.
[Image: unknown.png]
Nari: “De repente…”
MC: “Saca la lengua”

Nari se lo piensa, pero termina haciéndolo.
[Image: unknown.png]
Nari en su mente: “En serio… herí mi orgullo… ¿Por qué me gusta tanto este tipo?”

MC aprovechando que Nari tiene la lengua afuera, la besa.

Fin del capítulo.



The chapter starts a little earlier where the previous one ended, if you don't remember, after saying goodbye, they each go into their rooms, but after a while, Nari leaves hers to enter the MC's.

MC: "Bye!"
Nari: "See you tomorrow!"

MC goes into his room.

MC in her mind: "God... I was shaking all over the date!"

MC starts to picture Nari.

MC: "Why does she look so pretty?"

MC starts to remember moment of Nari chiquita <3 and also when she was a schoolgirl.

MC: "I think... it's a pity that we separated" (She refers to the past.).

(As we already saw in the last chap, Nari arrives at the MC's room).

Nari: "Sir?"

MC looks at her in surprise and she gets nervous.

Nari: "That's it... Apparently I didn't forget anything ^^. Well I'm off. good night!"

She slowly leaves but MC stops her by grabbing her arm, the door closes and they are very close. Nari has a 'got it' look on her face. She pretends not to understand.

Nari: "Why, why wait do you have something to say?"
MC: "No? I think you have something to say."
Nari: "No, no? I mean..."

MC lifts Nari's hand by squeezing it tighter.

Nari: "What do you have to say?"

Both of them are very embarrassed and nervous.

MC grabs Nari's neck delicately and starts kissing her. She is so surprised that her eyes are wide open.

Nari: "Wow..."

Then MC holds Nari more and takes her by the hand to his room, throws Nari on top of the bed and he stands on top of her.

Nari: "Brother! Wait a minute."

MC starts to pull Nari's underwear down, she doesn't stop him, quickly the MC lifts Nari's legs and she has nothing down anymore.
MC starts to put his face on Nari's breasts, pulls off her bra and starts sucking on her tits. Nari moans a lot.
They both start kissing, then, the MC starts to masturbate Nari, she can't hold on and moans a lot and gets hearts in her eyes.

MC: "Don't you like it?"

Nari puts her fingers in the MC's mouth.

Nari: "I'm impatient. Let's do it slowly."

MC ignores and quickly puts it in Nari's mouth.

Nari: "All of a sudden..."
MC: "Stick out your tongue."

Nari thinks about it, but ends up doing it.

Nari in his mind: "Seriously... I hurt my pride... Why do I like this guy so much?"

MC taking advantage of Nari's tongue out, kisses her.

End of chapter.
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