Sister Duty 110 END

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by Ragnar

El cap comienza con el MC yendo donde está Yebín (la sargento) y le declara su amor con un “me gustas” ella se sorprende y le dice que por qué hace eso, a lo que él responde con un abrazo. Al final ambos aceptan sus sentimientos y van a una habitación creo que es el hotel y comienzan a follar.
Cambio de escena pasan unos y se ve al MC con Yebin juntos en el aeropuerto buscando a la FMC, ella los sorprende por detrás y les dicen que sí están buscando a una modelo que pronto actuara en el extranjero, ellos responden diciendo el nombre de ella. Yebin comienza hablar sobre lo sorprendida de la noticia de que la FMC se va al extranjero a trabajar. La FMC cuenta sobre que tuvo que dejar la anterior agencia y que no fue fácil dejarla que hubo todo un gran problema pero que ahora trabajara solo con su manager (rubia follada por el douche) y hará todo lo que siempre ha querido. En ese instante aparece una escena corta de la manager hablando con su chofer/asistente y este le dice que recibe una llamada de la FMC que no vayan donde ella. La manager le dice que tal vez está con el MC y sus amigos. Termina diciendo que no sabe cómo les irá en ese viaje.
De nuevo en el aeropuerto, el MC le dice a la FMC que ahora piense en ella misma. En ese momento la FMC comienza a bromearle al MC que él ahora estará más relajado, que ya cumplió con su deseo (tener una mujer que lo cuide) le dice que lo ha estado cuidando hasta el día que pasó el examen para ser policía, el MC responde que también se ha esforzado. La FMC le dice que ha estado recibiendo mucha ayuda de los demás y que ha tenido mucha suerte por eso. Le dice que tal como él dijo que ahora ella pensará en sí misma. El MC le dice que está seguro que le irá bien.
En ese instante llega la rubia muy molesta diciendo que apenas se distrajo un segundo y por eso tuvo que buscarla. La FMC le dice que justo la iba a llamar. El MC la reconoce asombrado diciendo su nombre “Hanna”, ella responde diciendo quien es este ya que el MC tiene el cabello crecido. Hanna va y lo abraza haciendo que la FMC se incomode y Yebin se ponga furiosa. Hanna solo llega a decir que era solo un tipo de saludo extranjero y que era un lindo reencuentro pero que realmente no tienen tiempo y que solo tomará unas fotos y se despedirán del MC. La FMC responde que ella tomará las fotos ya que la rubia no sabe cómo tomarlas. La rubia molesta no quiere que le tomen fotos pero aun así es incluida en la foto grupal.
La FMC se despide de Yebin agradeciéndole y a la vez diciendo que cuide de su oppa ya que Yebin pronto será parte de la familia, Yebin responde que lo intentará. FMC y MC se despiden, ella empieza a decir en sus pensamientos que es su única familia, que siempre ha estado cerca de ella, que siempre se mantuvo preocupado por ella y que fue a quien amo primero, pero ahora quiere mostrarle al MC que puede valerse por sí misma. Se despide con un “¡me voy, oppa!”  La FMC caminado comienza a decir en pensamientos que “volveré, oppa.”
La rubia empieza a decir que no pensó que iba a conseguir un trabajo y que ahora encima va ir de viaje al extranjero pero que tendrán un largo camino por recorrer. La FMC viendo la foto que se tomaron los 4 responde que así será y en pensamientos dice que lo hará bien. La rubia dice que no sabe qué tan lejos llegarán. La FMC responde que por qué dice esas cosas delante de la persona que la ayudó cuando se encontraba mal.  La rubia le dice que ahora se siente triste, así que le pregunta a la FMC que si desea ir con ella a salir con extranjeros. La FMC responde con un “no, gracias”.
Palabras del autor agradeciendo su preferencia y a la vez avisando con un “nos vemos la próxima semana” ¿será un epilogo?  La fe.


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by Ragnar

The chapter begins with the MC going to Yebin (the sergeant) and declares his love with a "I like you" she is surprised and tells him why he does that, to which he responds with a hug. In the end they both accept their feelings and go to a room I think it's the hotel and start fucking.
Scene change a few pass by and the MC is seen with Yebin together at the airport looking for FMC, she surprises them from behind and they tell them yes they are looking for a model who will soon be performing overseas, they respond by saying her name. Yebin starts talking about how surprised she was by the news that FMC is going abroad to work. FMC tells about how she had to leave the previous agency and that it was not easy to leave that there was all a big problem but now she will work alone with her manager (blonde fucked by the douche) and will do everything she has always wanted. At that moment a short scene appears of the manager talking to her driver/assistant and he tells her that he got a call from the FMC not to go to her. The manager tells him that maybe she is with the MC and his friends. She ends up saying that she doesn't know how they will do on that trip.
Back at the airport, the MC tells FMC to think about herself now. At that moment the FMC starts joking to the MC that he will be more relaxed now, that he already fulfilled his wish (to have a woman to take care of him) she tells him that she has been taking care of him until the day he passed the exam to become a policeman, the MC replies that he has also made an effort. The FMC tells him that he has been getting a lot of help from others and that he has been very lucky because of that. She tells him that just as he said that now she will think of herself. The MC tells her that he is sure she will do well.
At that instant the blonde arrives very upset saying that she was barely distracted for a second and that's why he had to look for her. The FMC tells her that she was just going to call her. The MC recognizes her in astonishment saying her name "Hanna", she responds saying who is this since the MC has grown hair. Hanna goes and hugs him making FMC uncomfortable and Yebin furious. Hanna only goes as far as to say that it was just some kind of foreign greeting and that it was a nice reunion but they really don't have time and will just take some pictures and say goodbye to the MC. FMC replies that she will take the pictures as the blonde doesn't know how to take them. The annoyed blonde doesn't want her picture taken but is still included in the group photo.
FMC says goodbye to Yebin thanking her and at the same time telling her to take care of her oppa as Yebin will soon be part of the family, Yebin replies that she will try. FMC and MC say goodbye, she starts to say in her thoughts that she is his only family, that he has always been close to her, that he always kept worrying about her and that he was the one she loved first, but now she wants to show MC that she can stand on her own. She says goodbye with a "I'm leaving, oppa!"  The walking FMC starts to say in thoughts that "I'll be back, oppa."
The blonde starts to say that she didn't think she was going to get a job and now on top of that she is going on a trip abroad but they will have a long way to go. FMC seeing the picture the 4 of them took replies that they will and in thoughts says she will do well. Blondie says she doesn't know how far they will go. FMC replies why is she saying those things in front of the person who helped her when she was bad.  Blondie tells her that she feels sad now, so she asks FMC if she wants to go with her to go out with foreigners. FMC responds with "no, thank you".
Words from the author thanking her for her preference and at the same time warning with a "see you next week" will it be an epilogue?  Faith.
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