Today Dinner 25 raw

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by Break

byEl capítulo comienza con la noona haciéndole una mamada al mc ella se detiene y le pregunta al mc si le gustaría probarlo ahora, él se acerca preguntándose a qué sabe (probablemente se refiere a ella), su noona le dice que le enseñe cómo hacerlo.

El empieza con su trabajo a lo que la noona le dice que va bastante bien, el sigue lamiendo y empieza a tocarle los pechos, la noona va guiando al mc mientras gime, ella, a raíz de las caricias, empieza a gemir fuerte y a decir que le encanta, además añade diciendo que tiene un talento innato para el sexo (Grande Volcano)

Mientras sigue allí, muestra algunas imágenes del antiguo enamoramiento del mc; se dice a sí mismo que debe ser un excelente hombre en la cama, también cree que con la ayuda de su noona eso sería posible, ambos se detienen y esta vez ella le dice que le enseñará a tocar a una mujer, él comienza a poner en práctica lo aprendido mientras su noona comienza a gemir, le dice que está a punto de volverse loca por lo que quiere que deje de lamerla y se la meta, él muy obedientemente le hace caso, sin embargo ella lo detiene, él se queda con cara de confusión y le pregunta por qué hizo eso a lo que ella le dice que no debe ponérsela de inmediato porque si una chica se lo pide, es él quien debe poner a la chica ansiosa.

  Entonces él sigue jugando con la noona hasta que ella le dice que se lo ponga, el mc le dice que aún no es el momento, a lo que ella le responde que no debería haberle enseñado eso.

Siguió así durante varios minutos hasta que ella con los ojos llorosos empezó a rogarle que se la metiera, él se disculpa y empieza a follársela, ella le dice que debe hacer que la chica se antoje pero no por tanto tiempo.

El mc siguió follándose a su noona durante otras 5 rondas durante la noche, sin embargo eso no fue todo por la mañana lo hizo otras 2 veces más, después de esas dos rondas el mc por fin pudo irse a casa pero no pudo levantarse durante todo el fin de semana (básicamente dejaron al mc agotado).

El lunes por la mañana la antigua crush(rubia) del mc iba caminando por la calle hasta que se sorprendió al ver al mc, al principio no lo reconoció, pero cuando prestó atención se dio cuenta de que era él, el mc se giró y la saludó , ella se queda en shock mientras su corazón empieza a latir con fuerza.


by Break

The chapter begins with the noona giving the mc a blowjob she stops and asks the mc if he would like to try it now, he approaches wondering what it tastes like (he probably means her), his noona tells him to show him how do it.
 He begins with his work to which the noona tells him that it is going quite well, he continues licking and begins to touch her breasts, the noona is guiding the mc while moaning, she, as a result of the caresses, begins to moan loudly and say that she He loves it, he also adds saying that he has an innate talent for sex (Grande Volcano)
 While he is still there, he shows some images of the mc's former crush; he tells himself that he must be an excellent man in bed, he also believes that with the help of his noona that would be possible, they both stop and this time she tells him that she will teach him how to touch a woman, he begins to put it into practice what he learned while his noona begins to moan, he tells her that she is about to go crazy so she wants him to stop licking and stick it in her, he very obediently pays attention to her, however she stops him, he is left with a confused face and he asks her why she did that to which she tells him that he shouldn't put it on right away because if a girl asks him to, he's the one who should make the girl anxious.
  Then he continues playing with the noona until she tells him to put it in, the mc tells him that it's not time yet, to which she replies that she shouldn't have taught him that.
 He continued like this for several minutes until she with teary eyes began to beg him to put it in, he apologizes and begins to fuck her, she tells him that he should make the girl crave him but not for that long.
 The mc continued to fuck his noona for another 5 rounds during the night, however that was not all in the morning he did it another 2 more times, after those two rounds the mc was finally able to go home but he couldn't get up during all weekend (basically they left the mc worn out).
 On Monday morning the former crush of the mc was walking down the street until she was surprised to see the mc, she did not recognize him at first, but when she paid attention she realized that it was him, the mc turned and greeted her , she is left in shock as her heart begins to pound.
(This post was last modified: 05-01-2022, 02:22 PM by UchihaKanon.)
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