Beautiful New Worl 142 raw

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El capítulo comienza al final del último capítulo. TL y MC se duermen juntos, la hija de TL se despierta viendo a su madre y a MC juntos con las manos cruzadas. Los paneles cambian al día siguiente, TL está viendo a MC hablando con unas gafas y un personaje al azar. Ella sonríe al ver que se lleva bien con ellos pero justo después se pone celosa. Cambio de escena a VP, Somi y el primo. No se sabe de que están hablando, el primo agarró el trasero de Somi, ella se avergonzó y salió de la habitación. VP y el primo hablan durante algunos paneles más. En el pasillo, Somi se encuentra con Seo Rin, ella le dice algo.
El día se convierte en noche, MC sale del trabajo, ella mira los mensajes de los vecinos en el teléfono, no le contesta. De repente TL apareció con su coche al lado de MC. Ella le dijo que entrara, que le llevaría a su casa. Van a una casa (probablemente la de ella). Entran y comienzan a besarse sexualmente. El capítulo termina.



Chapter begin at the end of last chapter. TL and MC fallen sleep together, TL's daughter woke up seeing her mom and MC together with crossed hands. Panels change to the next day, TL is watching MC talking with glasses and a random character. She smiled seeing him getting well with them but right after she got jealous. Scene change to VP, Somi and cousin. Don't know what they're talking, cousin grappled Somi's butt, she got embarrassed and leave the room. VP and cousin talking for more some panels. At the corridor, Somi met Seo Rin, she said something to her.

Day swift to night, MC is leaving work, she is watching neighbor messages at the phone, she didn't answer him. Suddenly TL appeared with her car next to MC. She said him to come in, she'll give him a ride to home. They go to a house (probably her's). They come in and start to make out sexually.
Chapter ends.
Chapter begin at the end of last chapter. TL and MC fallen sleep together, TL's daughter woke up seeing her mom and MC together with crossed hands. Panels change to the next day, TL is watching MC talking with glasses and a random character. She smiled seeing him getting well with them but right after she got jealous. Scene change to VP, Somi and cousin. Don't know what they're talking, cousin grappled Somi's butt, she got embarrassed and leave the room. VP and cousin talking for more some panels. At the corridor, Somi met Seo Rin, she said something to her. Day swift to night, MC is leaving work, she is watching neighbor messages at the phone, she didn't answer him. Suddenly TL appeared with her car next to MC. She said him to come in, she'll give him a ride to home. They go to a house (probably her's). They come in and start to make out sexually. Chapter ends.
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