Workplace Manager Privileges 21 raw

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[Image: IMG_0416.png?width=1025&height=364]

by Monkey D. Vainilla

EL capitulo empieza como termino el anterior donde Jin-ha le pide al MC hacerlo con el porque no aguanta las ganas. y el MC diciendole que "lo habia pedido muy bien".


Vemos como empieza la accion El MC besando y manoseando a Jin-ha
Este le baja el vestido mostrando los pechos de Jin-ha. Este le dice que esta usando ropa que le puede quitar facilmente y le pregunta como pudo usarlo todo el dia este comenta que con el ritmo que llevan puede tocarle los pechos muy facilmente y que no le importa si tuvo sexo antes ( no tiene mucho sentido porque le dice que algo como "inclusive aunque hayas tenido sexo antes", se entiende como que no le importa si tuvo sexo antes solo le interesa el hoy"), Jin-ha le responde que el fue quien le pidio usarlo todo el dia, el mc le pellizca los pesonas y ella reacciona en su mente pensando "¿Que es esto?", ella le dice al mc "deja de actuar como un niño", el mc en su mente dice "Linda" refiriendose a Jin-ha y ver como actua, ella le dice que se apresure el MC le dice que no sabe cuando ella lo espera, la toma de los hombros y la pone en posicion de una felacion, Jin-ha empieza a masturbar al mc y le pregunta si esta bien como lo esta haciendo, el mc le dice que porque lo hace tan gentil y que mejor le haga una felacion y le dice que si se lo ha hecho a Byungja ella excaltada le dice que si ya lo habia hecho antes y se tapa la boca, el mc píensa "¿Que?,¿no lo haz hecho antes?, entonces yo me llevare la primera vez de tu boca?".
El MC le dice que lo haga rapido y ella responde que si, que lo hara, empieza la mamada pero el mc piensa que es muy torpe y que no tiene experiencia pero que le hace cosquillas, seguidamente le dice que junte sus pechos, ella pregunta el porque mientras lo hace, el mc de sopresa pone su pene en medio de los pechos para un paizuri, Jin-ha se sorprende pero se mantiene, el mc dice que le gusta mucho la sensasion y comenta "Jin-ha!! Dejare todo en tus pechos!!" mientras sigue jugando con los pezones de jin-ha, jin-ha se empieza a sentir rara pero no le disgusta, el MC le dice que saque la lengua y ella lo hace, en eso la besa de golpe  Se empiezan a besar, mientras sigue el paizuri El mc piensa "Es tan linda verdad?, no puedo aguantar mas", Ohh me vengo.jpg, y le deja todo a jin-ha en el pecho, ella al sentirlo dice " Es mucho y esta caliente", ella se mira muy exitada y se empieza a tocar mientras dice "Ya no aguanto mas... Jefe... ¿Puedes meterla?",. el MC la empuja a la cama, la abre de piernas y se quita la camisa mientras le dice "De todas formas te la iba a meter", al metersela ella dice "Ahhh jefe el condoon", mientras gime y se le mira que empieza a disfrutar del folle, termina el cap con Jin-ha diciendo "Oh...  Dios...", con una mirada perdida.

by Monkey D. Vainilla

The chapter starts as the previous one ended where Jin-ha asks the MC to do it with him because he can't stand the urge. and the MC telling him that "he had asked for it very well".


We see how the action starts. The MC kissing and groping Jin-ha.
He pulls down her dress showing Jin-ha's breasts. He tells her that she is wearing clothes that he can easily take off and asks her how she could wear it all day long. He comments that with the pace they are going he can touch her breasts very easily and that he doesn't care if she had sex before (it doesn't make much sense because he says something like "even if you had sex before", it means that he doesn't care if he had sex before, he is only interested in today"), Jin-ha replies that he was the one who asked her to wear it all day, the mc pinches her breasts and she reacts in her mind thinking "What is this? "She tells the mc "stop acting like a child", the mc in his mind says "Linda" referring to Jin-ha and see how she acts, she tells him to hurry up the mc tells her that he doesn't know when she expects him, takes her by the shoulders and puts her in the position of a fellatio, Jin-ha starts to masturbate the mc and asks him if it is ok how she is doing it, the mc tells her why is she doing it so gentle and that she better do a fellatio and asks her if she has done it to Byungja, she is excited and tells him if she has done it before and covers her mouth, the mc asks "What? , You haven't done it before, so I'll take the first time from your mouth?
The mc tells her to do it quickly and she says yes, she will do it, she starts the blowjob but the mc thinks she is very clumsy and inexperienced but it tickles her, next he tells her to put her breasts together, she asks why while doing it, the mc surprisingly puts his penis in between her breasts for a paizuri, Jin-ha is surprised but holds on, the mc says he really likes the sensation and comments "Jin-ha!!!! I will leave everything on your breasts!!!" while he keeps playing with jin-ha's nipples, jin-ha starts to feel weird but she doesn't dislike it, the mc tells her to stick out her tongue and she does, at that he kisses her all at once They start kissing, while the paizuri continues The mc thinks "She is so cute isn't she?, I can't take it anymore", Ohh I'm coming.jpg, and leaves everything on jin-ha's chest, she feels it and says "It's so much and it's hot", she looks very excited and starts to touch herself while she says "I can't take it anymore.... Boss... Can you put it in?", the MC pushes her to the bed, spreads her legs and takes off his shirt while he says "I was going to put it in anyway", when he puts it in she says "Ahhh boss the condoon", while she moans and you can see her starting to enjoy the fuck, she ends the chapter with Jin-ha saying "Oh....  God...", with a blank stare.
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