Her Taste 36 raw

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by Break

El cap comienza con las hermanas en el restaurante, la rubia esta comiendo, se detiene un momento y le pregunta a la FMC si alguien viene, ya que ha estado muy atenta a la puerta, la fmc le dice que invito al mc a cenar ya que últimamente no se habían visto, la rubia le dice que tal vez el mc esta ocupado. 
Afuera del restaurante, el mc le esta agradeciendo a la profesora por la comida. La fmc escucha su voz y voltea para ver al mc junto a la profesora, la fmc sale del restaurante para saludarlos pero el mc la ignora. 
La fmc vuelve a entrar al restaurante, la rubia le pregunta por el mc, ella le dice que solo la ignoro, la rubia le dice que tal vez debió hablar algo, la fmc le dice que probablemente venga de cenar junto a la profesora. La rubia se molesta y dice que el mc ha cruzado la linea. 
Cambiamos de escena en el departamento de la profesora.
La profesora desnuda anda manoseando al mc, dice que deben bañarse juntos, el mc esta nervioso, preguntándose porque la profesora esta tan activa el día de hoy, ella le susurra que debe dejar ir toda su timidez. 
Ya en la ducha, el mc está sentado y la profesora atrás de el, ella le dice que hará todo por el el día de hoy, la profesora se echa jabón y comienza a tallar al mc con las tetas, después de una buena enjabonada la profesora le agarra el pene al mc. 
La profesora ahora se pone frente la mc, ve al mc con ojos de ninfómana y comienza a hacerle una rusa el mc esta gimiendo cuando repentinamente agarra la cabeza del mc y le mete la en la boca a la profesora.

by Break

The chapter begins with the sisters in the restaurant, the blonde is eating, she stops for a moment and asks the FMC if someone is coming, since she has been very attentive at the door, the fmc tells her that she invited the mc to dinner since they haven't seen each other lately, the blonde tells her that maybe the mc is busy.

Outside the restaurant, the mc is thanking the teacher for the meal. The fmc hears his voice and turns to see the mc next to the teacher, the fmc leaves the restaurant to greet them but the mc ignores her.

The fmc re-enters the restaurant, the blonde asks her about the mc, she tells her that he just ignored her, the blonde tells her that maybe she should have said something, the fmc tells her that he probably came from dinner with the teacher. The blonde gets upset and says the mc has crossed the line.

We change scenes in the teacher's apartment.

The naked teacher is groping the mc, she says they should take a shower together, the mc is nervous, wondering why the teacher is so active today, she whispers to him that he should let go of all his shyness.

Already in the shower, the mc is seated and the teacher is behind him, she tells him that she will do everything for him today, the teacher pours soap and starts to carve the mc with her tits, after a good lathering the teacher grabs the mc's penis.

The teacher now stands in front of the mc, looks at the mc with nymphomaniac eyes and starts to russianize him, the mc is moaning when she suddenly grabs the mc's head and puts it in the teacher's mouth.

(This post was last modified: 06-11-2022, 11:00 PM by UchihaKanon.)
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