Dorm room sisters 55 Raw

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[Image: IMG_20220615_123033.jpg?width=192&height=472]
by Break

La pelirroja se encuentra encima del mc, ella dice que lo hará, que lo hará frente a su hermana, para verificar que esa es la única manera. 
Un mini flashback, la pelirroja dice que es una locura que los 3 estén juntos, dice que con solo ver a su hermana junto al mc se siente enojada. La pelinegra dice que no sabe si saldrá como ella piensa, pero deberían de comprobarlo. 
Regresando al presente, la pelirroja le anda lamiendo el cuello al mc, voltea a ver a su hermana y se pregunta que es lo que quiere que haga ya que se ve muy inquieta. La pelirroja se quita el bra y dice que se asegurará de que esto no vuelva a suceder, ahora se quiere quitar la parte de abajo pero se detiene, el mc le pregunta si algo esta mal, ella es su mente se pregunta lo mismo, piensa que es porque esta avergonzada, porque su hermana la esta viendo, o por qué esta asustada.
Agarra coraje del aire y dice que le mostrará a su hermana cuanto le importa el mc, la pelirroja le dice al mc que lo harán sin condón, le dice que es un día peligroso, así que todas las veces que se venga las tendrá que hacer dentro de ella, sin dejar caer una sola gota, ella comienza a frotarse sobre la pija del mc.
La pelirroja piensa que con eso podrá demostrarle su superioridad a su hermana, al voltear a verla su hermana se andaba masturbando, ella sabe que aunque su hermana diga que no le importa y sus expresiones no muestren nada su hermana está enojada, esta celosa de verla encima del mc. 
La pelirroja entonces dice que ya no le importa nada, así que como prometió se follara al mc frente a ella. 
Y comienzan a follar

by Break

The redhead is on top of the mc, she says she will do it, she will do it in front of her sister, to verify that's the only way.

A mini flashback, the redhead says it's crazy that the 3 of them are together, she says just seeing her sister next to the mc makes her feel angry. The redhead says she doesn't know if it will turn out like she thinks, but they should check it out.

Back to the present, the redhead is licking the mc's neck, she turns to see her sister and wonders what she wants her to do as she looks very anxious. The redhead takes off her bra and says she will make sure this doesn't happen again, now she wants to take off her bottom but stops, the mc asks her if something is wrong, she wonders in her mind the same thing, she thinks it's because she is embarrassed, because her sister is watching her, or because she is scared.

She grabs courage out of the air and says she will show her sister how much she cares about the mc, the redhead tells the mc that they will do it without a condom, she tells him that it is a dangerous day, so all the times he will come he will have to do it inside her, without dropping a single drop, she starts rubbing herself on the mc's dick.

The redhead thinks that with that she can prove her superiority to her sister, when she turns to see her sister masturbating, she knows that although her sister says she doesn't care and her expressions don't show anything, her sister is angry, she is jealous to see her on top of the mc.

The redhead then says that she doesn't care about anything, so as promised she will fuck the mc in front of her.

And they start fucking

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