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by Break

El cap empieza antes de como termino el anterior, todas las chichas juntas. Emily dice que ira a comprar algo, al abrir la puerta se encuentra con Hanna, esta le pregunta a dónde va, Emily solo le dice que va afuera y comienza a caminar, mientras se aleja Hanna le pregunta si pueden hablar por un segundo, Emily le dice que necesita ir a comprar algo, Hanna la arrincona y le dice que solo será un minuto, Emily le repite que necesita ir a comprar, así que Hanna le dice que vaya, la esperara afuera. 
Ahora si, estamos dónde acabo el cap pasado. 
Ambas están recargadas en unos postes y comienzan a hablar.
Hanna le pregunta cómo esta, qué tal le ha parecido el viaje.
Emily le responde que todo bien.
Hanna también le dice que lo hizo bastante bien cantando, después de un breve silencio Hanna dice "Lo siento", Emily voltea molesta a verla y le pregunta que está diciendo, le pregunta si está siendo forzada a disculparse, Hanna se burla y le pregunta si de verdad luce así.
Emily le dice que ella ya le había pedido disculpas, ella le dijo que si lograba actuar bien se las daría, la actuación fue buena, pero como para Hanna no era así, nunca se disculpo. 
Hanna le responde que no se trata de eso, trata de explicarle diciendo que estaba estresada pero al toque se arrepiente diciendo que eso solo es una excusa, le dice que se estaba presionando demasiado a ella misma, además de que estaba cegada por su ego, quería disculparse desde el primer momento, pero su orgullo no la dejaba.
Flashback de Emily después de la obra diciendo que esta muy feliz de estar ahí, Hanna escuchando por fuera de la habitación en la que estaba. 
Después del flashback Hanna corre a abrazarla, le empieza a decir en repetidas ocasiones que lo siente, Emily le pregunta por qué le hizo eso, Hanna se sigue disculpando, mientras piensa si podrá, o más bien, si merece volver a tener la relación que tenían antes.
Cortamos la bonita escena para irnos con el mc rodeado de su harem, diciendo que le gustaría irse a su habitación 
The cap begins before the previous one ended, all the girls together. Emily says that she is going to buy something, when she opens the door she meets Hanna, she asks where she is going, Emily just tells her that she is going outside and starts walking, as she walks away Hanna asks if they can talk for a second, Emily tells her that she needs to go buy something, Hanna corners her and tells her that it will only be a minute, Emily repeats that she needs to go buy something, so Hanna tells her to go, she will wait for her outside.
Now yes, we are where the last cap ended.
Both are leaning on poles and begin to talk.
Hanna asks him how he is, how was the trip.
Emily replies that everything is fine.
Hanna also tells her that she did pretty well singing, after a short silence Hanna says "I'm sorry", Emily turns annoyed and asks her what she's saying, she asks if she's being forced to apologize, Hanna scoffs and asks if it really looks like that.
Emily tells her that she had already apologized to him, she told her that if she managed to act well she would give it to her, the performance was good, but since it wasn't like that for Hanna, she never apologized.
Hanna replies that it's not about that, she tries to explain saying that she was stressed but at the touch she repents saying that that's just an excuse, she tells him that she was putting too much pressure on herself, besides that she was blinded by her ego, she wanted to apologize from the start, but her pride wouldn't let her.
Flashback of Emily after the play saying that she's so happy to be there, Hanna listening outside the room she was in.
Hanna bows her head and apologizes, telling her that she wants them both to feel comfortable, so if she tells him to leave her club she'll leave without a problem.
Emily wonders what she should do now that she told her that, she blamed her and hated her, but regardless of all that, she still wanted to work together with her.
Flashback of Emily writing a script while she was asking if she was well done all happy and excited
After the flashback Hanna runs to hug her, she begins to tell her repeatedly that she is sorry, Emily asks why she did that to her, Hanna continues apologizing, while she thinks if she can, or rather, if she deserves to have the relationship she has. they had before.
We cut the nice scene to leave with the mc surrounded by his harem, saying that he would like to go to his room
Hanna agacha la cabeza y se disculpa, le dice que quiere que ambas se sientan cómodas, así que si le dice que deje el club ella lo dejara sin problemas.
Emily se pregunta que debería hacer ahora que le dijo eso, ella la culpaba y la odiaba, pero sin importar todo eso, aún quería trabajar junto a ella.
Flashback de Emily escribiendo un guion mientras le preguntaba si estaba bien hecho toda feliz y emocionada.
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