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[Image: IMG_5816.png?width=1025&height=359]
by Break

Retomando el hermoso cap pasado, Hanna y Emily se andaban abrazando.

Emily dice que debe irse, mientras se va alejando le dice a Hanna que debería controlar su irá mucho mejor ya que si vuelve a hacer algo así ella la matará.


El mc saliendo de la habitación en la que andaban bebiendo todos, se sienta en el suelo y dice que apenas pudo salir de ahí. Emily se va acercando, el mc se da cuenta de que andaba llorando y ella se voltea para limpiarse la cara y le dice que hablo con Hanna.

Emily se sienta a un lado del mc, el mc le pregunta que hace y ella dice que quiere esperar un poco antes de entrar ya que le empezarían a preguntar porque está llorando. Ahí Emily empieza a contarle al mc que Hanna se disculpo con ella, ella le dice que debido al shock la trato bastante mal cuando escucho sus disculpas, el mc le pregunta si acaso no le gusto la disculpa a lo que ella responde que no se trata de eso, solo se pregunta porque lo hizo ahora y no antes.

El mc le pregunta si quiere perdonarla, ella le dice que esta en un 50/50.

El mc le dice que está pensando mal las cosas, ya que, aunque Hanna se disculpo y Emily dice que lo estaba haciendo bastante tarde, Emily se quedó ahí, escuchando sus disculpas e incluso esta pensando en las disculpas. El mc dice que si hubiera sido el, no hubiera querido ni ver la cara de la otra persona, Emily dice que aún después de todo lo que hizo, le gustaría que se llevarán bien otra vez.

El mc se levanta y le dice que vaya adentro y descanse, antes de irse Emily le pregunta al mc si cree que Hanna este igual de consternada que ella, el mc le responde que si. Emily entra a la habitación y le da las gracias al mc.

Cortamos y vamos afuera, Hanna sigue en el mismo lugar.

El mc a lo lejos le pregunta que está haciendo, Hanna se acerca al mc y lo abraza, el mc le pregunta cómo le fue, ella le dice que parecía una tonta, el mc le dice que vayan adentro, hace frío.

Adentro, en la habitación, Hanna esta acostada en la cama y el mc esta sentado en una silla.

Hanna le pregunta si tiene curiosidad por lo que paso entre ella y Emily, el mc le responde que si, Hanna le pregunta que quiere saber, pero el mc le dice que ya no tiene sentido ya que todo ha terminado, Hanna dice que no ha terminado aún, Emily aún tiene que decidir que hacer.

El mc le dice que entonces no quiere escuchar nada, se levanta de su asiento y le dice a Hanna que debería bañarse e irse a dormir, Hanna le pregunta dónde va y el mc dice que va a comer algo, Hanna le extiende la mano y le dice que quiere estar con el.

Al final aparece Hanna encima del mc, en la bañera.


By Break

Picking up from the beautiful last chapter, Hanna and Emily were hugging.

Emily says she has to leave, as she walks away she tells Hanna that she should control herself better because if she does something like that again she will kill her.


The mc walking out of the room they were all drinking in, sits down on the floor and says he barely made it out of there. Emily walks over, the mc realizes she was crying and she turns to wipe her face and tells him she talked to Hanna.

Emily sits down next to the mc, the mc asks her what she is doing and she says she wants to wait a little bit before going in because they would start asking her why she is crying. There Emily starts to tell the mc that Hanna apologized to her, she tells him that because of the shock she treated her pretty bad when she heard his apology, the mc asks her if she didn't like the apology to which she replies that it's not about that, she just wonders why she did it now and not before.

The mc asks her if she wants to forgive her, she tells him she is 50/50.

The mc tells her that she is thinking things wrong, since, even though Hanna apologized and Emily says she was doing it quite late, Emily stood there, listening to her apology and is even thinking about the apology. The mc says that if it had been him, he wouldn't have even wanted to see the other person's face, Emily says that even after everything he did, she'd like them to get along again.

The mc gets up and tells her to go inside and rest, before leaving Emily asks the mc if he thinks Hanna is just as distraught as she is, the mc says yes. Emily enters the room and thanks the mc.

We cut and go outside, Hanna is still in the same place.

The mc in the distance asks her what she is doing, Hanna approaches the mc and hugs him, the mc asks her how it went, she tells him she looked like a fool, the mc tells her to go inside, it's cold.

Inside, in the bedroom, Hanna is lying on the bed and the mc is sitting in a chair.

Hanna asks him if he is curious about what happened between her and Emily, the mc says yes, Hanna asks him what he wants to know, but the mc tells her there is no point anymore since it's all over, Hanna says it's not over yet, Emily has yet to decide what to do.

The mc tells her that he doesn't want to hear anything then, he gets up from his seat and tells Hanna that she should take a bath and go to sleep, Hanna asks him where he is going and the mc says he is going to get something to eat, Hanna holds out her hand and tells him that she wants to be with him.

At the end Hanna appears on top of the mc, in the bathtub.

TBC ...
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